@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: D31 Subject, D00 Partner, PRD Investigator, JDH Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|D31||male|School-2-7s||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|D00|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|PRD|||||Investigator|| @ID: fr|flloc|JDH|||||Investigator|| @Date: 01-MAR-1994 @Coder: LON converter RFM *PRD: [^ eng: task one Mark and Matthew Light] . *D00: [^ eng: which way do we start] ? *PRD: allez y . *D00: [^ eng: who starts] ? *PRD: [^ eng: you can go first] . *D00: comment t' appelles tu? *D31: je m' appelle Mark . *D00: quel âge as tu? *D31: douze ans . *D00: j' aime la date ton anniversaire # ? *D31: [^ eng: just thinking] en la novembre novembre . *D00: [^ eng: you' ve got to xxx date date] . *D31: xxx # j' aime la +... *D00: où où habi(tes) tu? *D31: où habites tu? *D00: où habites tu? *D31: um je@n Ashfield . *D00: qu' est que xxx? *D31: quel à Fulford près de Fulford [^ eng: pets] . *D00: oh ehm quel âge animals@s:d [^ eng: have you got any animals] ? *D31: je n' aime pas de animal . *D00: j' aime la [^ eng: no] euh +... *D31: [^ eng: don' t ask me any questions] . *D00: [^ eng: we' ve finished] . *JDH: qu' est ce qu' il y a là pour [^ eng: age um] ? *D00: [^ eng: do we do ourselves or do about them] ? *JDH: [^ eng: no you write information about Mark # have you asked all the questions and answers] ? *D00: [^ eng: yes we' ve done his but not mine] . *JDH: [^ eng: right ok yes write the information down as you get it back] # . *D00: [^ eng: is that your birthday the fifteenth] ? *D31: [^ eng: no how do you say] quatre? *D00: quatre [^ eng: four] xxx [^ eng: no pets] # [^ eng: it' s your turn to ask me the questions now] . *D31: [^ eng: right name] comment t' appelles tu? *D00: je m' appelle Matthieu Light # Matthew Light # . *D31: [^ eng: how do you say xxx] # quel âge as tu? *D00: j' ai douze ans # . *D31: j' ai # +... *D00: vingt+trois un@n janvier [^ eng: January] # . *D31: um # . *PRD: tu as fini vous avez fini? *D31: [^ eng: how do you say where your partner lives I have forgotten it] ? *PRD: euh est ce est ce qu' il t' a demandé la même posé la même question oui non? *D31: oui . *PRD: demande lui ou il faut lui demander où il habite . *D31: où habites tu? *D31: je m' appelle euh je m' appelle ehm . *PRD: mais où habites tu tu habites où? *D00: [^ eng: where do you live] ? *D31: [^ eng: I know but] je m' appelle +... *D00: [^ eng: that' s what' s your name] . *D31: [^ eng: yeah I know that' s why xxx how do you xxx] tu habites? *D00: Hindon xxx je Angleterre [^ eng: I think that is right anyway] # . *D31: as tu un animal? *D00: oui deux hamsters qui s' appellent Sammy un@n # s' appelle Sammy et un@n um et la euh euh xxx Samedi . *D31: [^ eng: Saturday] . *D00: samedi [^ eng: Saturday Saturday that' s the name] . *D31: [^ eng: Saturday] ? *D00: [^ eng: Saturday] oui # . *D31: [^ eng: funny name for a hamster] . *D00: [^ eng: what] ? *D31: [^ eng: what a funny name for a hamster] . *D00: oui euh j' aime la xx deux chiens . *D31: [^ eng: two dogs # two dogs] . *D00: [^ eng: that' s all] xxx j' aime la foot j' aime la hockey et la basket # la football . *JDH: [^ eng: ok right let' s take those off you] . *D00: [^ eng: do we do this now] ? *JDH: [^ eng: yeah we' re just talking about task one ok well was it easy for you very easy not so easy ok hard or very hard] . %com: participants fill in blue questionnaire @End