@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: R11 Subject, R16 Partner, JDH Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|R11||male|School-1-8s3||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|R16|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|JDH|||||Investigator|| @Date: 24-NOV-1994 @Coder: LON converter RFM *R11: Jonathan xx . %mor: n:prop|Jonathan undef|xx . *JDH: [^ eng: Jonathan xx and] +... *R16: Karla xx . %mor: n:prop|Karla undef|xx . *JDH: [^ eng: and Karla xx] bon . *R16: [^ eng: yet again] . *JDH: vous pouvez continuer . *R16: une petite . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|petite&FEM . *R11: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R16: une femme [*] . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|femme&_FEM . %err: femmie = femme *R11: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R16: une [/] # une petite # girl@s:d # . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|petite&FEM n:eng|girl . *R11: um xxx oui . %mor: co|um undef|xxx adv:yn|oui . *R16: [^ eng: oh no she' s got long hair how do you say long straight hair #um # how do you say long straight hair] ? *JDH: cheveux longs et raides . *R16: cheveux@g longs@g un@n rai(des)@g [^ eng: long straight hair] # . %mor: imit|cheveux imit|longs neo|un imit|raides . *R11: mmm oui . %mor: co|mmm adv:yn|oui . *R16: un@n bleu top@s:d . %mor: neo|un n|bleu&_MASC n:eng|top . *R11: ah ah # oui . %mor: co:act|ah co:act|ah adv:yn|oui . *R16: et # un@n [/] un@n [^ eng: yellow skirt] . %mor: conj|et neo|un . *R11: [^ eng: yellow skirt oh yes # yeah] oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *R16: un@n # um [^ eng: how do you say green eyes] ? %mor: neo|un co|um ? *JDH: comment dit on [^ eng: green eyes] on dit les yeux verts . *R11: [^ eng: that' s it] . *R16: les@g yeux@g verts@g . %mor: imit|les imit|yeux imit|verts . *JDH: voilà tu veux des couleurs voilà . *R11: [^ eng: oh right here you are you can have those ones] . *R16: [^ eng: oh ta] . *R11: xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *JDH: oui # . *R16: [^ eng: these were blond though] . *R11: [^ eng: oh well so am I oh oh] # . *R16: [^ eng: not as blond as mine look] # . *JDH: oui un autre problème non ? *R16: non # . %mor: adv:yn|non . *R11: oui # . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R16: [^ eng: um # orange hair] # . *R11: xxx # oui continue . %mor: undef|xxx n|oui&_MASC adj|continue&_FEM . *R16: un@n fini # . %mor: neo|un v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING . *R16: il y a une Michelle . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|une&FEM&SING n:prop|Michelle . *R11: Michelle # oui [^ eng: go on yeah then] . %mor: n:prop|Michelle adv:yn|oui . *R16: fini [^ eng: how many do we have to des(cribe) Miss how many ones do we have to describe one or three] ? %mor: v:pp|finir ? *JDH: um ? *R16: [^ eng: how many do we have to describe one or three] . *JDH: non juste une personne et puis changez maintenant c' est à toi de décrire . *R11: oh [^ eng: xx right] . %mor: co:act|oh . *R16: [^ eng: do I draw it on there] ? *JDH: oui c' est ça . *R16: [^ eng: you' ve got to be joking xxx] . *R11: [^ eng: which one shall I do big fat or large] # um # un@n grosse # femme [*] # une grosse femme [*] . %mor: co|um neo|un n|grosse&_FEM n|femme&_FEM det|une&FEM&SING n|grosse&_FEM n|femme&_FEM . %err: famille = femme *R16: un@n # un@n petite euh [^ eng: big] ? %mor: neo|un neo|un adj|petite&FEM co|euh ? *R11: grande # le +... %mor: n|grande&FEM det|le&MASC&SING +... *R16: le [/] # le tall@s:a ou le short@s:a ? %mor: det|le&MASC&SING adj:eng|tall conj|ou det|le&MASC&SING adj:eng|short ? *R11: le grande . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|grande&FEM . *R16: [^ eng: big and fat] ? *R11: [^ eng: right then] # . *R16: xxx # . %mor: undef|xxx . *R11: continue # . %mor: adj|continue&_FEM . *R16: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R11: eh les +... %mor: co:act|eh det|les&PL +... *R16: oui une [^ eng: yellow hair] ? %mor: adv:yn|oui pro|une&FEM&_SING ? *R11: est cheveux . %mor: v:exist|être&PRES&3SV n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R16: cheveux # une short@s:a ou long@s:a ? %mor: n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL det|une&FEM&SING adj:eng|short conj|ou adj:eng|long ? *R11: les +... %mor: det|les&PL +... *R16: cheveux +/. %mor: n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL +/. *R11: um . %mor: co|um . *R16: +, longs ? %mor: adj|long&_MASC-_PL ? *R11: les longs et [^ eng: how do you say curly] ? %mor: det|les&PL n|long&_MASC-_PL conj|et ? *R16: [^ eng: hold on a minute] . *JDH: bouclés . *R11: bouclés@g . %mor: imit|bouclés . *R16: [^ eng: I was talking about it ehm I don' t think we have done curly yet] . *JDH: [^ eng: curly] c' est bouclé . *R11: euh [^ eng: good] ? %mor: co|euh ? *R16: oui un@n garçon un@n fille ? %mor: adv:yn|oui neo|un n|garçon&_MASC neo|un n|fille&_FEM ? *R11: un@n fille # euh [^ eng: trousers] # euh jumper@s:d est +/. %mor: neo|un n|fille&_FEM co|euh co|euh n:eng|jumper v:exist|être&PRES&3SV +/. *R16: [^ eng: and what colour] un@n trousers@s:d ? %mor: neo|un n:eng|trousers ? *R11: +, bleu un@n rouge . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC neo|un n|rouge . *R16: [/] bleu trousers@s:d . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC n:eng|trousers . *R11: rouge . %mor: adj|rouge . *R16: bleu top@s:d ? %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC n:eng|top ? *R11: bleu [^ eng: and euh white] . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC . *R16: bleu top@s:d # . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC n:eng|top . *R11: [^ eng: blue white blue white] # . *R16: un@n trousers@s:d un@n rouge # un@n trousers@s:d +/. %mor: neo|un n:eng|trousers neo|un n|rouge neo|un n:eng|trousers +/. *R11: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R16: +, un@n rouge . %mor: neo|un adj|rouge . *R11: oui # . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R16: oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *R11: eh fini euh oui et +... %mor: co:act|eh v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING co|euh adv:yn|oui conj|et +... *R16: oui un@n je # eyes@s:d [^ eng: yeah] ? %mor: adv:yn|oui neo|un pro:subj|je&1S n:eng|eyes ? *R11: bleus # une fini . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC-_PL det|une&FEM&SING v:pp|finir . *R16: un@n je m' appelle ? %mor: neo|un pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV ? *R11: Louise . %mor: n:prop|Louise . *R16: [^ eng: I wouldn' t like to be Louise at this moment] un@n un@n fini . %mor: neo|un neo|un v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING . @End