@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: G40 Subject, G34 Partner, R00 Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|G40||female|School-2-9b1||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|G34|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|R00|||||Investigator|| @Date: 05-DEC-1995 @Coder: LON converter AWH *G40: bonjour Candis . %mor: co|bonjour n:prop|Candis . *R00: et . *G34: # Emily . %mor: n:prop|Emily . *R00: très bien ok allez y . *G40: bonjour Emily . %mor: co|bonjour n:prop|Emily . *G34: bonjour . %mor: co|bonjour . *G40: quel jour # vingt neuf lundi ? %mor: det:gen|quel&_MASC&_SING n|jour&_MASC num|vingt num|neuf n|lundi&_MASC ? *G34: # la visite chez grands_parents . %mor: pro:obj|la&FEM&SING v|visiter-PRES&_3SV prep|chez n|grands_parents&_MASC&_PL . *G40: les grands_parents # euh # la # quel jour # mercredi trente des un ? %mor: det|les&PL n|grands_parents&_MASC&_PL co|euh det|la&FEM&SING det:gen|quel&_MASC&_SING n|jour&_MASC n|mercredi&_MASC adj|trente det|des&PL pro|un&MASC&_SING ? *G34: # visite chez grands_parents . %mor: v|visiter-PRES&_3SV prep|chez n|grands_parents&_MASC&_PL . *G40: euh # le quel jour deux # mercredi jeudi # vendredi # deux vendredi ? %mor: co|euh det|le&MASC&SING det:gen|quel&_MASC&_SING n|jour&_MASC adj|deux&_PL n|mercredi&_MASC n|jeudi&_MASC n|vendredi&_MASC adj|deux&_PL n|vendredi&_MASC ? %com: whispers louder *G34: non . %mor: adv:yn|non . *G40: non non euh que la fast_food ? %mor: adv:yn|non adv:yn|non co|euh conj|que det|la&FEM&SING n:comp|fast_food ? *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # euh # que(lle) # à quelle hour@s:d euh # après la midi ? %mor: co|euh det:gen|quelle&_FEM&_SING prep|à det:gen|quelle&_FEM&_SING n:eng|hour co|euh adv:place|après det|la&FEM&SING n|midi&_MASC ? %com: s sounded *G34: euh # . %mor: co|euh . *G40: [^ eng: dinner time # dinner time dinner time] # ap(rès_midi) # après_midi oui ? %mor: n|après_midi n|après_midi adv:yn|oui ? %com: whispers louder *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # euh # j' ai le # activities@s:d # la matin # euh je le@n # un jogging ? %mor: co|euh pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV det|le&MASC&SING n:eng|activities det|la&FEM&SING adv|matin co|euh pro:subj|je&1S neo|le det|un&MASC&SING n|jogging&_MASC ? *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # [/] ah # le déjeuner # [/] # la tennis . %mor: co:act|ah det|le&MASC&SING v:inf|déjeuner&INTRANS det|la&FEM&SING n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL . %com: whispers *G34: le tennis . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL . *G40: ok # et le [/] le après_midi le fast_food # est dîner [^ eng: dinner time] # euh à # moi maison ou le # pizza . %mor: co|ok conj|et det|le&MASC&SING n|après_midi det|le&MASC&SING n:comp|fast_food v:exist|être&PRES&3SV v:inf|dîner&INTRANS co|euh prep|à pro|moi n|maison&_FEM conj|ou det|le&MASC&SING n|pizza&_FEM . %com: s sounded whispers louder *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # activité soir # [^ eng: table tennis table tennis] # table tennis ? %mor: n|activité&_FEM n|soir&_MASC n|table&_FEM n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL ? %com: whisper *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # euh # quelle heure # quelle hour@s:d ? %mor: co|euh det:gen|quelle&_FEM&_SING n|heure&_FEM det:gen|quelle&_FEM&_SING n:eng|hour ? *G34: # huit heures ? %mor: adj|huit n|heure&_FEM-_PL ? *G40: huit heures huit heures euh # où activities@s:d à Belleville # [^ eng: what activities are in Belleville # activities] à Belleville # le fast_food # fast_food . %mor: num|huit num|heures num|huit num|heures co|euh pro:int|où n:eng|activities prep|à n:prop|Belleville prep|à n:prop|Belleville det|le&MASC&SING n:comp|fast_food n:comp|fast_food . %com: whispers louder whispers *G34: fast_food ? %mor: n:comp|fast_food ? *G40: fast_food # oui . %mor: n:comp|fast_food adv:yn|oui . *G34: # nager . %mor: v:inf|nager . *G40: # oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G34: # tennis # le tennis de table . %mor: n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL det|le&MASC&SING n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL prep:art|de n|table&_FEM . *G40: # oui # des magasins # des magasins [^ eng: that means go to the shops] . %mor: adv:yn|oui det|des&PL n|magasin&_MASC-_PL det|des&PL n|magasin&_MASC-_PL . %com: whispers *G34: le magasin ? %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|magasin&_MASC ? *G40: # au revoir # au revoir . %mor: prep|au v:inf|revoir prep|au v:inf|revoir . *G34: au revoir . %mor: prep|au v:inf|revoir . *G40: fini Madame Woods . %mor: v:pp|fini n:prop|Madame n:prop|Woods . *R00: # ok . *G40: [^ eng: I think we done it right] . %mor: . %com: laughs *R00: [^ eng: that looks super ok alright the second part # now # it' s # well it' s both of you Emma you' re going to need to put this sheet on top ok] ? *G40: [^ eng: is this right Madame] ? %mor: ? *R00: [^ eng: that looks fine] . *G40: [^ eng: cause I put fast food cause we' re going to fast food] . %mor: . *R00: [^ eng: yeah that looks super ok # right on the second part then you Candis now that you' ve arranged a day Candis' s friend English friend who' s at the campsite has come along and said they' d like to go as well so you' re going to decide between you whether you think it would be a good idea for your friend to come along the way you' re going to do this is # you' re going to find out Emily what her friend is called how old she is and what things she likes and what things she dislikes ok] ? *G40: [^ eng: why don' t oh] . %mor: . *R00: [^ eng: so you' re going to tell her what your friend' s called how old she is you can use that can' t you and] # . *G40: dix huit dix neuf # un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quatorze . %mor: num|dix num|huit num|dix num|neuf det|un&MASC&SING adj|deux&_PL adj|trois&_SINGPL adj|quatre adj|cinq adj|six&_PL adj|sept adj|huit adj|neuf&MASC adj|dix&_PL adj|onze adj|douze adj|treize adj|quatorze n|quatorze&_MASC . %com: whispers *R00: [^ eng: ok and you' re also going to tell her what your friend likes and dislikes from using the] . *G40: [^ eng: what] le cinéma non . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|cinéma&_MASC adv:yn|non . %com: talks over *R00: [^ eng: that' s right ok] ? *G40: [^ eng: right] . %mor: . *R00: [^ eng: now when you' ve decided and you' ve got to write them all down Emily you can write English or French then you' re going to look back at your little programmme that you' ve decided and you' re going to look back at your little programmme and you' re going to compare what the friend likes and dislikes and what you' ve arranged to do and decide whether your friend would like to come as well # for example if your friend doesn' t like all the things you' ve decided then there' s no point] . *G40: [^ eng: me in the morning] . %mor: . %com: talks over first bit indistinct *R00: [^ eng: ok so you decide between you whether your friend would like to come or not ok but first of all you' re going to tell Emily and Emily' s going to find out as much as she can about your friend] . *G34: des magasins . %mor: det|des&PL n|magasin&_MASC-_PL . *R00: [^ eng: ok yeah that' s fine so ok off you go then you' re going to be finding out about the friend you' ve got a friend who' d like to come # friend the word for friend] ? *G40: copain . %mor: n|copain&_MASC . *R00: copain [^ eng: fine yeah] . *G40: j' ai copain Laura âge un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze # elle est # [^ eng: you' ve got to ask what she likes # cinema] # # j' ai non cinéma # j' ai # . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV n|copain&_MASC n:prop|Laura n|âge&_MASC det|un&MASC&SING adj|deux&_PL adj|trois&_PL adj|quatre adj|cinq adj|six&_PL adj|sept adj|huit adj|neuf&MASC adj|dix&_PL adj|onze adj|douze adj|treize n|quatorze&_MASC pro:subj|elle&FEM&_3S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:yn|non n|cinéma&_MASC pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV . %com: whispers *G34: oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *G40: j' ai le history@s:d l' histoire # j' ai oui le plage . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV det|le&MASC&SING n:eng|history det|le&SING n|histoire&_FEM pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:yn|oui det|le&MASC&SING n|plage&_FEM . *G34: # oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *G40: j' ai non le@n ou vélo une cyclisme # j' ai oui des magasins # j' ai oui oui des table de # tennis de table # j' ai oui la pizza # pizza # j' ai non de la fast_food la MacDonalds . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV n|non&_MASC neo|le conj|ou n|vélo&_MASC det|une&FEM&SING n|cyclisme&_MASC pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:yn|oui det|des&PL n|magasin&_MASC-_PL pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:yn|oui adv:yn|oui det|des&PL n|table&_FEM prep:art|de n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL prep:art|de n|table&_FEM pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:yn|oui det|la&FEM&SING n|pizza&_FEM n|pizza&_FEM pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV n|non&_MASC prep|de det|la&FEM&SING n:comp|fast_food det|la&FEM&SING n:prop|MacDonalds . *G34: non ? %mor: adv:yn|non ? *G40: non # j' ai les # oui à la # iceskating@s:d . %mor: adv:yn|non pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV det|les&PL adv:yn|oui prep|à det|la&FEM&SING n:eng|iceskating . *G34: oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *G40: comment dit on [^ eng: ice skating] # Madame comment dit on [^ eng: ice skating I can' t remember] . %mor: adv:int|comment v|dire&PRES&3SV pro:subj|on&3S n:prop|Madame n|comment&_MASC v|dire&PRES&3SV pro:subj|on&3S . *R00: # pardon ? *G40: comment dit on [^ eng: ice skating] ? %mor: adv:int|comment v|dire&PRES&3SV pro:subj|on&3S ? *R00: [^ eng: ice skating] le patinage . *G40: le pati(nage) oui le patinage [^ eng: I' ve] fini [^ eng: now # we' ve] fini [^ eng: now] Madame . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|patinage&_MASC adv:yn|oui det|le&MASC&SING n|patinage&_MASC adj|fini&_MASC v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING n:prop|Madame . *R00: oui vous avez fini ? *G40: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R00: un instant est ce que Laura va venir ? *G34: oh ok . %mor: co:act|oh co|ok . *R00: il faut comparer . *G40: [^ eng: right] oui [^ eng: yeah] . %mor: adv:yn|oui . %com: talks over *R00: d' accord ? *G40: à la [^ eng: shall we go jogging] euh # j' ai la wo@n # [^ eng: so so] j' ai la tennis la [^ eng: so so] la fast_food non # le moi le pizza oui # table tennis oui # oui une copain . %mor: prep|à det|la&FEM&SING co|euh pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV det|la&FEM&SING neo|wo pro:subj|je&1S v:poss|avoir&PRES&1SV det|la&FEM&SING n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL det|la&FEM&SING det|la&FEM&SING n:comp|fast_food adv:yn|non det|le&MASC&SING n|moi&_MASC det|le&MASC&SING n|pizza&_FEM adv:yn|oui n|table&_FEM n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL adv:yn|oui adv:yn|oui det|une&FEM&SING n|copain&_MASC . %com: talks over French accent French *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: # oui une copain le # une # table de tennis la fastfood@s:d et # non non la fast_food le pizza # and@s:con le jogging oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui det|une&FEM&SING n|copain&_MASC det|le&MASC&SING det|une&FEM&SING n|table&_FEM prep:art|de n|tennis&_MASC&_SINGPL det|la&FEM&SING n:eng|fastfood conj|et adv:yn|non adv:yn|non det|la&FEM&SING n:comp|fast_food det|le&MASC&SING n|pizza&_FEM co:eng|and det|le&MASC&SING n|jogging&_MASC adv:yn|oui ? *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: au revoir # Madame [^ eng: we' ve finished] # fini Madame . %mor: prep|au v:inf|revoir n:prop|Madame v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING n:prop|Madame . *R00: fini oui ? *G34: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *G40: [^ eng: we' ve] fini [^ eng: we' ve done that as well whether she can come or not] . %mor: v:pp|finir . *R00: elle vient oui ? *G40: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R00: non oui ? *G40: [^ eng: we' ve done it] # oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . %com: talks over *R00: oui ok c' est bien . @End