@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Ros Investigator, INVE Ros Investigator, LUCF Lucien Subject, LUCE Lucien Subject, HUGF Huguette Subject, HUGE Huguette Subject, LAUF Laurette Subject, LAUE Laurette Subject, CHIF Unknown Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|LUCF||male|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|LUCE||male|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|HUGF||female|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|HUGE||female|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|LAUF||female|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|LAUE||female|Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y3|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y3|MT|Subject||| @Media: MT_RP_RM_Y1_Lucien_Huguette_Laurette, audio @Transcriber: LCT @Situation: role-play *INVE: who am I working with ? 0_814 *INVF: tu t' appelles Huguette . 814_3259 *INVF: tu t' appelles Laurette . 3259_4555 *INVF: et tu t' appelles Lucien . 4555_6185 *INVE: right . 6185_7398 *CHIE: why've you got that ? 7398_8046 *INVE: ok . 8046_8579 *INVE: (be)cause I want to make a tape of what we say . 8579_10092 *INVE: [//] so we know what everyone says in french . 10092_13981 *INVE: ok ? 13981_17555 *INVE: ok . 17555_17821 *INVF: bonjour Huguette . 17821_18221 *INVF: bonjour Laurette . 18221_20481 *LAUF: bonjour . 20481_21713 *INVF: bonjour Lucien . 21713_22360 *HUGF: bonjour . 22360_22759 *INVF: Lucien quel âge as+tu ? 22759_24222 *INVF: que âge as+tu ? 24222_28777 *LUCF: sept . 28777_31703 *INVF: tu as sept ans ? 31703_32916 *LUCF: oui . 32916_33981 *INVF: oui ? 33981_35611 *INVF: ok . 35611_36092 *INVF: Laurette quel âge as+tu ? 36092_36740 *LAUF: Laurette . 36740_38287 *INVF: oui mais tu as six ans cinq ans ? 38287_41860 *INVF: quel âge ? 41860_44221 *LAUF: six . 44221_44620 *INVF: six ans . 44620_45120 *INVF: Huguette . 45120_45934 *INVF: quel âge as+tu ? 45934_46599 *HUGF: cinq . 46599_47879 *INVF: cinq ans . 47879_48610 *INVF: ok . 48610_49425 *LUCE: she's five years old . 49425_50256 *INVF: ok . 50256_50888 *INVE: can you ask Zazie here how old she is . 50888_51786 *INVE: can you think of the question ? 51786_56323 *CHIE: ehm what is it ? 56323_59665 *LUCF: [?] six ans ? 59665_60712 *CHIF: xxx . 60712_61444 *INVF: ehm non . 61444_62525 *INVF: je n' ai pas six ans . 62525_63721 *LUCF: tu as six ans ? 63721_65351 *INVF: six ans non . 65351_66333 *INVF: elle a sept ans . 66333_68443 *LUCF: elle@g a@g sept@g ans@g . 68443_70073 *INVF: [/] j' ai sept ans . 70073_71203 *INVE: she says . 71203_71767 *INVF: j' ai sept [/] sept ans . 71767_72234 *INVE: ok ? 72234_73580 *CHIE: she (i)s sept@s:fra$adj ans@s:fra$n . 73580_74693 *INVF: sept . 74693_75675 *CHIE: what (i)s sept@s:fra$adj ans@s:fra$n ? 75675_76156 *CHIE: what (i)s that ? 76156_76805 *INVF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept . 76805_77405 *CHIE: she (i)s seven . 77405_81045 *INVF: sept ans oui . 81045_81794 *INVF: elle a sept ans . 81794_83323 *CHIE: is she seven ? 83323_83721 *INVF: elle a sept ans . 83721_84535 *INVF: oui . 84535_85434 *INVF: c' est ça . 85434_86015 *CHIE: xxx something to do ? 86015_87128 *INVF: oui . 87128_88193 *INVF: elle a des chausettes roses . 88193_88941 *INVF: oui . 88941_92249 *INVF: elle est jolie . 92249_92616 *INVF: elle a la jupe rose aussi . 92616_93313 *INVF: ok . 93313_95508 *INVF: ehm Huguette ça va ? 95508_96406 *HUGF: ça va bien merci . 96406_99432 *INVF: excellent . 99432_100645 *INVF: et toi Laurette ? 100645_101359 *INVF: ça va ? 101359_102175 *LAUF: ça va bien merci . 102175_103869 *INVF: oui . 103869_104767 *INVF: et toi Lucien ? 104767_105151 *INVF: ça va ? 105151_105848 *LUCF: ça va bien merci . 105848_106878 *INVF: ok . 106878_108258 *INVE: do you want to ask her how she (i)s feeling ? 108258_109073 *CHIE: how are you feeling ? 109073_111119 *INVF: en français . 111119_111999 *INVF: en français . 111999_112647 *HUGF: ça va ? 112647_115507 *INVF: oui . 115507_116470 *INVF: ça va Huguette . 116470_116820 *INVF: ça va bien merci . 116820_117933 *INVF: ok . 117933_119830 *INVE: now she (i)s going to ask you something else . 119830_120578 *INVF: Lucien as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 120578_123304 *LUCF: ehm don't know what that means . 123304_128508 *INVF: ok . 128508_131100 *INVF: Huguette as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 131100_131748 *HUGE: I don't know what that means . 131748_135406 *INVF: ok . 135406_136304 *INVF: frères et soeurs . 136304_137036 *INVE: do you remember what it means ? 137036_138915 *CHIE: ah the Simpsons ! 138915_141257 *INVE: well why were we talking about the Simpsons ? 141257_142720 *INVE: (be)cause we were talking about ? 142720_145248 *INVE: the frère@s:fra$n is Bart and la@s:fra$prep soeur@s:fra$n is Lisa . 145248_146628 *CHIE: ah Lisa off the Simpsons ! 146628_152230 *INVE: yeah but Bart and Lisa are they cousins ? 152230_154757 *INVE: no they're not . 154757_158081 *INVE: they are ? 158081_158980 *INVE: brother and sister . 158980_161590 *INVE: ok . 161590_163285 *INVE: so when I ask you . 163285_164016 *INVF: as tu des frères ? 164016_165479 *INVF: as tu des soeurs ? 165479_166942 *INVE: she (i)s asking you have you got any ? 166942_169220 *INVE: brothers or sisters . 169220_172396 *INVE: ok . 172396_173128 *INVF: Laurette tu as des soeurs ou des frères ? 173128_174507 *LAUE: my sister (i)s Tania . 174507_178480 *INVE: ok . 178480_179211 *INVF: tu as une soeur Tania oui . 179211_180276 *INVF: et tu as un frère ? 180276_182720 *LAUE: my brother (i)s Robert . 182720_184331 *INVF: ton frère est Robert . 184331_185479 *INVF: ok . 185479_186526 *INVF: et toi Lucien ? 186526_187092 *LUCE: my brother (i)s Raoul . 187092_188589 *LUCE: and my sister (i)s Lou . 188589_190183 *INVF: ok . 190183_191498 *INVF: et toi ? 191498_192146 *INVF: as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 192146_192794 *HUGE: my sister (i)s Sonia . 192794_195554 *HUGE: and I've got another sister . 195554_197266 *INVF: ok . 197266_198812 *INVF: tu as deux soeurs . 198812_199692 *HUGE: Lily . 199692_201007 *INVF: deux soeurs Sonia et Lily . 201007_202220 *INVF: excellent . 202220_203933 *INVF: ok [/] ok [/] ok . 203933_204664 *LUCE: are we going to be working on the computers ? 204664_205896 *INVE: not today no . 205896_207442 *INVE: no not this time . 207442_208256 *INVE: another time but not today . 208256_209136 *INVE: just with the toys today . 209136_210682 *INVF: ok . 210682_212312 *INVF: et elle a +... 212312_214988 *INVF: regardez . 214988_218081 *INVE: ok just wait until they sit down . 218081_220358 *INVE: right they are doing the same as us . 220358_225080 *INVE: ok . 225080_225877 *INVF: regardez . 225877_227025 *INVF: elle a son drapeau . 227025_227673 *INVF: ok . 227673_228572 *INVE: so what country (i)s that ? 228572_229951 *INVF: c' est l' Angleterre ? 229951_232460 *INVF: ou non . 232460_233093 *INVF: c' est . 233093_233642 *CHIE: england . 233642_234339 *INVF: non . 234339_234905 *INVF: non ce n' est pas l' Angleterre . 234905_236052 *LUCE: I don't know . 236052_238164 *INVE: well she comes from France doesn't she ? 238164_239377 *INVE: so what flag do you think she would have ? 239377_240507 *CHIE: France . 240507_243217 *INVE: it (i)s the french flag . 243217_243766 *INVF: c' est le drapeau français . 243766_244580 *INVF: oui . 244580_245627 *INVF: mais est+ce+que tu sais les couleurs ? 245627_247024 *INVF: les couleurs . 247024_248237 *INVF: ça c' est quoi ? 248237_249284 *CHIF: bleu . 249284_249917 *INVF: bleu oui . 249917_250266 *INVF: et ça ? 250266_251330 *LUCF: blanc ! 251330_251845 *INVF: blanc . 251845_252293 *INVF: et ça . 252293_252860 *LAUF: rouge . 252860_253392 *HUGF: rouge . 253392_253923 *INVF: excellent . 253923_254488 *INVF: excellent . 254488_255088 *INVF: alors le drapeau français c' est bleu blanc rouge . 255088_256152 *INVE: so why do you think she's got a french flag ? 256152_259245 *INVE: she (i)s saying . 259245_260708 *INVF: j' aime le français . 260708_261356 *INVF: j' aime le français . 261356_263134 *CHIE: I think she (ha)s bought it . 263134_264366 *INVE: so she likes something . 264366_266476 *LUCE: she likes that country . 266476_267606 *INVE: she likes le@s:fra$prep français@s:fra$n . 267606_268338 *INVE: she likes french . 268338_270965 *CHIF: xxx the hand . 270965_272245 *INVF: oui bien sur . 272245_272976 *INVF: ok . 272976_273708 *INVE: so now she (i)s telling you what she likes . 273708_274689 *INVE: she (i)s saying . 274689_275735 *INVF: j' aime danser . 275735_277698 *INVF: j' aime danser . 277698_279560 *CHIF: she likes dancing . 279560_282004 *INVF: j' aime chanter . 282004_283615 *INVF: j' aime chanter . 283615_285661 *INVF: un deux trois quatre cinq six . 285661_287773 %com: singing *LUCE: she likes counting . 287773_289883 *INVE: she likes well not just counting is it ? 289883_291430 *CHIE: dancing and counting . 291430_294189 *INVE: she likes singing . 294189_295171 *INVE: yes she does . 295171_296051 *INVE: so now she (i)s going what you like . 296051_296865 *INVE: ok ? 296865_298411 *INVF: tu aimes danser Huguette ? 298411_299309 *INVF: tu aimes danser Huguette ? 299309_301902 *HUGE: I like dancing . 301902_303300 *INVF: oui ? 303300_303865 *INVF: tu aimes danser . 303865_304597 *INVF: ok . 304597_305560 *INVF: et toi Laurette ? 305560_306193 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 306193_307106 *LAUE: I say xxx I like both . 307106_311494 *INVF: tu aimes chanter . 311494_312409 *INVF: oui . 312409_313540 *INVF: et tu aimes danser . 313540_314337 *INVF: oui . 314337_315569 *INVF: ok . 315569_316333 *INVF: et toi Lucien ? 316333_316865 *INVF: tu aimes danser ? 316865_317696 *INVF: oui ou non ? 317696_318809 *LUCF: non . 318809_320206 *INVF: non . 320206_320655 *INVF: tu n' aimes pas danser . 320655_321086 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 321086_321686 *LUCE: xxx . 321686_323381 *INVF: oui ? 323381_324744 *INVF: ok . 324744_325177 *INVF: ok . 325177_325558 *LUCE: xxx . 325558_326938 *INVF: oui . 326938_327538 *INVF: excellent . 327538_328070 *INVF: ok . 328070_328568 *INVF: ok [/] ok . 328568_329216 *INVF: ok . 329216_330031 *INVE: now . 330031_331494 *INVF: voici son ami . 331494_332475 *CHIE: mister monkey it came out . 332475_334371 *CHIE: it came out of the bag . 334371_337030 *INVF: c' est son ami . 337030_340040 *INVF: c' est son ami . 340040_341253 *INVF: c' est l' ami de [/] de Zazie . 341253_341985 *INVF: ok . 341985_344262 *CHIE: is that her teddy or ? 344262_346123 *INVF: oui . 346123_346706 *INVF: c' est son ami . 346706_347105 *INVF: c' est son ami . 347105_348002 *INVF: c' est son nounours . 348002_348651 *INVF: ok . 348651_349781 *LUCE: yay ! 349781_350331 *INVF: ok . 350331_350762 *INVE: ok now can you ask me any questions about the monkey ? 350762_353539 *INVE: can you ask me his name or his age or something ? 353539_355817 *INVE: Lucien . 355817_357130 *LUCE: how come he's hairy all over ? 357130_358577 *LUCE: in his ears and +... 358577_360271 *INVE: well he's just a toy really isn't he ? 360271_364012 *INVE: [//] can we ask him anything about him in french ? 364012_366057 *INVE: Laurette ? 366057_367836 *LAUE: ehm what fur colour is it ? 367836_374585 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 374585_376048 *LAUE: yeah . 376048_376447 *INVF: quelel couleur ? 376447_377511 *INVF: ok . 377511_377993 *INVF: alors . 377993_378460 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 378460_378808 *HUGE: is it bleu@s:fra$adj ? 378808_379705 *INVF: non . 379705_380287 *INVF: il n' est pas bleu . 380287_380852 *INVF: ça c' est bleu . 380852_382798 *LUCF: marron . 382798_383530 *INVF: excellent Lucien . 383530_384111 *LUCE: that (i)s marron@s:fra$adj . 384111_385224 *INVF: il est marron . 385224_386039 *LUCE: ah chocolate . 386039_386937 *INVF: ça c' est marron . 386937_387502 *CHIE: brown . 387502_388150 *INVF: ça c' est marron . 388150_388799 *INVF: il est marron . 388799_389349 *INVF: il est marron . 389349_389863 *INVF: excellent . 389863_390928 *INVF: excellent . 390928_391725 *CHIF: et jaune . 391725_392956 *INVF: jaune . 392956_394650 *INVF: marron et jaune . 394650_395465 *INVF: c' est excellent . 395465_396796 *LUCE: that (i)s jaune@s:fra$adj and that (i)s ehm +... 396796_397659 *INVF: oui . 397659_398891 *INVF: [/] il est jaune et il est marron . 398891_400021 *INVF: excellent . 400021_401965 *LUCE: he (ha)s got some little jaune@s:fra$adj on him . 401965_403112 *INVE: [//] can you ask him his name ? 403112_405622 *INVF: comment . 405622_408881 *CHIF: comment t' appelles+tu ? 408881_410511 *INVF: il s' appelle Max . 410511_411724 *INVF: Max . 411724_412706 *CHIE: ooo I know Max . 412706_413752 *INVE: can you ask him his age ? 413752_415132 *CHIE: how old are you ? 415132_418223 *INVF: en français . 418223_419305 *LUCE: how old are you ? 419305_420752 *INVE: he doesn't understand you ! 420752_422381 *INVF: quel . 422381_423909 *CHIF: quel âge as+tu ? 423909_425224 *INVF: excellent . 425224_426770 *CHIF: quel âge as+tu ? 426770_427270 *INVF: quel âge as+tu ? 427270_428084 *INVF: j' ai trois ans . 428084_428964 *INVF: trois ans . 428964_430427 *LUCE: seven ? 430427_431659 *INVF: un deux trois . 431659_432306 *CHIE: I know ! 432306_434085 *CHIE: he's three years old ! 434085_434685 *INVF: il a trois ans . 434685_436362 *INVF: oui . 436362_437344 *CHIE: how old's the girl ? 437344_437825 *INVF: elle [/] elle [/] elle a +... 437825_438890 *CHIE: seven . 438890_441899 *CHIE: seventy eight ? 441899_443927 *INVF: elle a . 443927_444741 *LUCE: seven . 444741_445788 *INVF: alors en français . 445788_446603 *CHIE: seven . 446603_447501 *CHIE: why do they do sevens like that ? 447501_448964 *CHIE: it (i)s her birthday . 448964_451325 *CHIE: she (ha)s had her birthday . 451325_451890 *INVF: oui c' est son anniversaire . 451890_452622 *INVF: mais c' est quoi en français ? 452622_453686 *LUCE: I'm seven next year . 453686_455066 *INVF: mais c' est trois ? 455066_456843 *INVF: non . 456843_457658 *INVF: c' est cinq ? 457658_458092 *INVF: non . 458092_458656 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 458656_459138 *INVE: what is this number in french ? 459138_459686 *LUCF: c' est quoi ? 459686_461149 *HUGF: sept . 461149_462297 *INVF: excellent Huguette . 462297_462878 *INVF: très bien . 462878_463944 *INVF: ok . 463944_464675 *INVE: right [/] right . 464675_465538 *INVE: now ok . 465538_467417 *INVF: elle a ses affaires dans son sac . 467417_471008 *INVE: ok . 471008_472721 *INVE: so pick something out and see if you can say it +... 472721_473667 *INVE: no . 473667_475130 *INVF: attendez . 475130_475697 *INVE: Huguette pick something out and see if you can say anything about the colour or something . 475697_476229 *INVE: ok ? 476229_479288 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que tu as ? 479288_482445 *INVF: ah elle a un stylo . 482445_484556 *INVF: c' est quelle couleur ? 484556_485454 *LAUE: I've got that one . 485454_486602 *HUGF: jaune . 486602_488380 *INVF: excellent . 488380_488814 *INVF: fantastique . 488814_489677 *INVF: alors . 489677_490327 *INVF: Laurette à toi . 490327_491640 *INVF: choisis quelque chose . 491640_492537 *INVF: oh ! 492537_494000 *INVF: c' est sa carte . 494000_498306 *INVF: alors . 498306_499917 *INVF: qu' est+ce+qu' il y a sur la carte ? 499917_500367 *LAUF: ehm [/] ehm blanc . 500367_502528 *INVF: oui la carte est blanche . 502528_506917 *INVF: oui excellent . 506917_508778 *INVF: oui . 508778_509211 *INVF: mais le petit animal . 509211_510491 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 510491_512037 *LAUF: ehm . 512037_512685 *INVF: c' est un chien ? 512685_513500 *INVF: c' est un chat ? 513500_514231 *LAUF: un lapin . 514231_516426 *INVF: excellent . 516426_516991 *INVF: c' est un lapin . 516991_517723 *INVF: oui c' est un lapin . 517723_518787 *HUGE: can we dance around like one ? 518787_519536 *INVF: comment ? 519536_520899 *HUGE: can we dance around like one ? 520899_521315 *INVF: non [/] non . 521315_522862 *INVF: mais ouvre la carte . 522862_523259 *INVF: ouvre la carte . 523259_525139 *INVF: ouvre . 525139_526102 *INVF: ouvre la carte . 526102_527482 *INVF: et là qu' est qu' il y a ? 527482_529045 *CHIE: ah ! 529045_530408 *LAUE: it's in french though . 530408_532554 *INVF: mais les animaux . 532554_534000 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 534000_535130 *CHIE: ah ! 535130_535778 *INVE: what are they ? 535778_536760 *LAUE: bears . 536760_539686 *INVE: and in french ? 539686_540333 *LAUE: ehm bearies ? 540333_543093 *INVF: nounours . 543093_543741 *LUCF: nounours@g . 543741_544722 *INVF: nounours oui . 544722_545852 *INVF: et il y a combien de nounours ? 545852_546501 *INVF: il y a combien ? 546501_549028 *INVF: un deux trois quatre cinq . 549028_550009 *INVF: il y a combien de nounours ? 550009_551704 *INVF: Lucien ? 551704_553167 *INVF: il y a combien ? 553167_554398 *INVE: how many . 554398_555361 *INVF: combien de nounours ? 555361_556260 *INVF: un ? 556260_557424 *LUCF: trois . 557424_559102 *INVF: il y a trois nounours . 559102_560167 *CHIE: [?] . 560167_560999 *INVF: excellent . 560999_561563 *INVF: ok . 561563_562593 *INVF: à toi . 562593_562993 *INVF: choisis quelque chose . 562993_563657 *INVF: oh la gomme . 563657_565685 *LUCE: it (i)s my favourite dinosaur . 565685_567482 *INVF: alors . 567482_568445 *INVE: can you say something in french . 568445_570158 *INVF: quel couleur ? 570158_571055 *LUCE: it (i)s rouge@s:fra$adj . 571055_572352 *INVF: oui . 572352_573648 *LUCF: vert . 573648_574165 *LUCF: ehm orange . 574165_577638 *CHIF: jaune . 577638_579201 *INVF: excellent . 579201_579850 *LUCF: jaune [/] jaune . 579850_580880 *INVF: jaune aussi ? 580880_583009 *LUCF: jaune and@s:eng$conj noir . 583009_583889 *INVF: quatre couleurs . 583889_584953 *INVF: cinq couleurs . 584953_586416 *CHIE: what (i)s noir@s:fra$adj ? 586416_587315 *CHIF: noir . 587315_588278 *LUCE: eyes . 588278_588926 *LUCE: spikes . 588926_590158 *INVF: oui . 590158_591055 *CHIF: rouge . 591055_592916 *INVF: rouge . 592916_593398 *LUCE: and ehm his stripes . 593398_595842 *LUCF: ehm vert . 595842_598037 *LUCE: and his body (i)s orange@s:fra$adj . 598037_601861 *LUCE: and his belly is jaune@s:fra$adj . 601861_606564 *INVF: excellent . 606564_607131 *INVF: c' est fantastique . 607131_607944 *INVF: ok [/] ok . 607944_608842 *INVE: let (u)s do that once more . 608842_610472 *INVE: pick out something else . 610472_611370 *INVE: let (u)s see if you can say the colour or something . 611370_613398 *INVF: oh le xx . 613398_616324 *INVF: alors c' est quelle couleur ? 616324_618601 *CHIF: noir et bleu . 618601_619333 *INVF: oui . 619332_620462 *INVF: ok no . 620462_620829 *INVF: regarde ici Lucien . 620829_622657 *INVF: oui c' est bleu . 622657_623888 *INVF: excellent . 623888_624620 *INVF: encore une chose . 624620_625500 *INVE: oops . 625500_628859 *INVF: crayon et c' est quelle couleur ? 628859_630405 *CHIF: rouge . 630405_631403 *INVF: rouge . 631403_631785 *INVF: oh c' est facile . 631785_632401 *INVE: that one (i)s easy . 632401_633032 *INVF: et encore une chose . 633032_634312 *INVF: un crayon un crayon . 634312_638053 *CHIE: ooo you get the hardest . 638053_640563 *INVE: oh but he knows the colour . 640563_640963 *INVF: c' est ? 640963_641794 *LUCE: it (i)s noir@s:fra$adj right ? 641794_645201 *INVF: noir oui . 645201_645933 *LUCF: et gris . 645933_648775 *INVF: gris excellent . 648775_649423 *INVF: oui oui . 649423_650755 *LUCF: ehm . 650755_651386 *INVF: blanc . 651386_653081 *LUCF: blanc@g . 653081_653448 *INVF: oui . 653448_654229 *LUCE: and silver . 654229_656738 *INVE: silver . 656738_657205 *INVF: argent . 657205_657969 *INVF: argent . 657969_658368 *INVF: excellent . 658368_659182 *LUCE: and cream . 659182_659581 *INVE: yes . 659581_660164 *INVE: excellent . 660164_660645 *INVE: that (i)s super . 660645_661127 *INVE: ok now we put away the stuff . 661127_662025 *INVF: on range les affaires . 662025_664653 *INVF: merci Lucien . 664653_665516 *INVF: tu peux m' aider ? 665516_666414 *CHIE: and this . 666414_667710 *INVF: oui s' il+te+plait . 667710_668359 *INVF: et la carte . 668359_670155 *INVF: et l' autocollant . 670155_672748 *INVF: ok . 672748_673812 *CHIE: can we go back now ? 673812_674461 *INVE: no one more thing we're going to do . 674461_675108 *CHIE: yay ! 675108_676405 *INVE: because she (i)s [/] she (i)s +... 676405_677720 *INVE: she wants to play a game . 677720_681460 *CHIE: yeah ! 681460_683154 *INVE: and the game she wants to play is . 683154_684701 *INVF: Jaques_a_dit . 684701_686646 *INVF: ok ? 686646_687179 *CHIE: what (i)s Jaques_a_dit ? 687179_688625 *INVF: Jaques_a_dit . 688625_689340 *INVE: it (i)s like Simon_says . 689340_690969 *CHIE: ah ! 690969_692016 *INVE: you know that game in french ? 692016_692831 *CHIE: yeah . 692831_693729 *INVE: [?] . 693729_694775 *INVE: ok . 694775_695840 *INVE: so now . 695840_696405 *INVE: but we want to see if you can give her instructions . 696405_697701 *CHIE: yes we do . 697701_702340 *INVE: so can you tell her things to do ? 702340_703071 *INVE: in french . 703071_704284 *INVE: ok ? 704284_705099 *INVE: so you would say Jaques+a+dit and then you say . 705099_706812 *INVF: touchez le nez . 706812_708673 *INVF: silence . 708673_709905 *INVF: frappez les mains . 709905_710636 *INVF: levez vous . 710636_711400 *INVF: asseyez vous . 711400_712049 *INVE: or something . 712049_712863 *INVE: ok . 712863_713495 *INVE: so you go first Laurette . 713495_714126 *LAUF: Jaques a dit ehm noir . 714126_715839 *LAUF: ehm la tête . 715839_723636 *LAUF: les épaules . 723636_727774 *INVF: les épaules ? 727774_728856 *INVF: ok . 728856_729404 *LUCF: genou . 729404_729803 *INVF: touchez les genoux ? 729803_730950 *LUCE: oh yeah [?] ! 730950_731766 *INVE: ok but you didn't say it in french though . 731766_733229 *INVF: ok touchez les genoux . 733229_735523 *INVF: oui . 735523_736238 *INVE: she (i)s just touching her knees . 736238_736919 *LUCE: xx ! 736919_737701 *INVE: ok right . 737701_738365 *INVE: Huguette's turn . 738365_738996 *INVF: Jaques a dit . 738996_740126 *HUGE: xx . 740126_742238 *INVF: ok . 742238_748904 *INVE: Lucien . 748904_749886 *LUCF: derri(ère) . 749886_754357 *INVF: la derrière ? 754357_755820 *INVF: Jaques a dit touchez le derrière . 755820_756469 *INVF: ah ok . 756469_757932 *INVE: ok Laurette your turn . 757932_758580 *LAUF: ehm cochon d' inde . 758580_765330 *CHIE: xxx . 765330_766977 *LAUE: I said cochon@s:fra$n d'inde@s:fra$n . 766977_773543 *LAUE: ehm I can't remember . 773543_775006 *INVE: ok . 775006_780275 *INVE: well think of something you can say . 780275_780575 *INVE: well no she'll teach you . 780575_782070 *CHIE: I know ! 782070_782719 *INVE: she'll give you something . 782719_783366 *INVE: she'll [//] ok Laurette one you can do . 783366_785728 *INVF: Jaques a dit . 785728_787772 *LAUF: Jaques a dit tummy@s:eng$n . 787772_788921 *INVF: touchez le ventre . 788921_791247 *INVE: ok I'll [//] she's going to do some now . 791247_792710 *INVF: Jaques a dit levez vous . 792710_794589 *INVF: Jaques a dit dansez . 794589_796218 *INVF: Jaques a dit touchez le nez . 796218_805959 *CHIE: what does +... 805959_806958 *INVF: ok . 806958_807422 *INVF: Jaques a dit touchez la tête . 807422_808885 *INVF: touchez la tête . 808885_810116 *CHIF: la tête . 810116_810765 *INVF: Jaques a dit touchez les épaules . 810765_812459 *LUCF: les épaules . 812459_814422 *INVE: ah sit down . 814422_816533 *CHIE: is it +... 816533_817181 *INVE: your shoulders . 817181_817580 *INVE: yeah . 817580_818030 *INVE: right [/] right ok . 818030_818477 *INVE: right . 818477_819209 *INVF: Jaques a dit asseyez vous . 819209_820922 *INVE: right . 820922_821503 *INVF: ehm levez vous . 821503_824246 *INVE: I got them out . 824246_826523 *INVE: got them out . 826523_827255 *INVE: right so Lucien it (i)s your turn . 827255_827986 *INVE: now you have a little go . 827986_829217 *INVE: [/] sit down . 829217_831893 *INVE: right ok . 831893_833272 *INVE: give them a couple of instructions . 833272_834171 *INVF: Jaques a dit . 834171_835884 *LUCF: Jaques a dit genoux ! 835884_840671 *LUCF: Jaques a dit noir . 840671_843680 *INVE: she didn't understand that one . 843680_850346 *INVE: try another one . 850346_851809 *LUCF: Jaques a dit la tête . 851809_856929 *LUCF: Jaques a dit le derri(ère) . 856929_861900 *INVE: right . 861900_862881 *INVF: excellent . 862881_863911 *INVF: ok . 863911_864428 *INVE: right now . 864428_865026 *INVE: one more each from you and then we'll stop . 865026_865707 *INVE: ok . 865707_867902 *INVE: right Laurette . 867902_868300 *INVF: encore . 868300_869199 *LAUF: ehm tête . 869199_871559 *INVE: ah she [//] you didn't get her out . 871559_874069 *INVE: you have to say Jaques a dit first . 874069_877161 *LAUF: Jaques a dit tête . 877161_879689 *LAUF: Jaques a dit épaules . 879689_882115 *LAUE: I got you out (be)cause you've got your tummy . 882115_885641 *INVE: right ok . 885641_886837 *INVE: ok now Huguette one last one . 886837_887401 *HUGF: Jaques a dit +... 887401_888781 *HUGE: I don't know . 888781_898207 *INVE: well you can say . 898207_898939 *INVF: levez vous . 898939_900186 *HUGF: levez@g vous@g . 900186_901865 *INVE: now tell her to sit down . 901865_902929 *INVF: Jaques a dit . 902929_906985 *LAUE: or dancing ? 906985_908531 *HUGF: Jaques a dit . 908531_911624 *INVF: asseyez vous ? 911624_913568 *HUGF: asseyez@g vous@g . 913568_914800 *INVE: ooo . 914800_915531 *INVE: right there we go . 915531_916296 *INVE: right ok guys that was absolutely great . 916296_918689 *INVE: that was really good . 918689_921383 @End