@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra,eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, VIOE Violete Subject, VIOF Violette Subject, VIVE Vivien Subject, VIVF Vivien Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject, CHIF Unknown Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|VIOE||female|Y1|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|VIOF||female|Y1|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|VIVE||male|Y1|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|VIVF||male|Y1|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y1|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y1|FT|Subject||| @Media: FT_RP_FM_Y1_Violette_Vivien, audio @Transcriber: SC @Situation: role play. *INVE: ok . 0_1884 *INVE: so this is Vivien and Violette in year one . 1884_4842 *INVE: ok . 4842_5961 *INVF: bonjour ! 5961_7643 *VIOF: bonjour ! 7643_8327 *VIVF: bonjour . 8327_9743 *VIVF: ça va ? 9743_10881 *INVF: ça va bien merci . 10881_12997 *INVF: et toi ? 12997_13667 *CHIF: et@g toi@g ? 13667_14691 *INVF: et toi ? 14691_15565 *INVF: ça va bien ? 15565_16155 *INVF: comment ça va Vivien ? 16155_19486 *VIOE: how do you do ? 19486_21385 %com: whispering . *VIOE: how do you do ? 21385_23517 %com: whispering . *INVF: comment ça va Violette ? 23517_25042 *INVF: ça va bien ? 25042_27983 *VIOF: très bien . 27983_29712 *INVF: bravo . 29712_30878 *INVF: très bien . 30878_32326 *INVF: moi aussi . 32326_33057 *INVF: et comment t' appelles+tu ? 33057_35688 *VIOF: ehm . 35688_37696 *INVF: comment t' appelles+ [>] ? 37696_42069 *VIOF: [<] [= l] ans . 42069_42832 *INVF: ah quel âge as+tu ? 42832_44156 *INVF: tu as six [= l] ans . 44156_44917 *INVF: et toi Vivien ? 44917_45585 *VIVF: bonjour . 45585_48667 *INVF: comment t' appelles+tu ? 48667_49990 *INVF: comment t' appelles+tu ? 49990_53618 *VIOE: how old are you ? 53618_54520 %com: whispering . *INVF: quel âge as+tu ? 54520_56730 *VIVF: quel@g âge@g as@g tu@g ? 56730_59720 *INVE: yeah +... 59720_60356 *INVF: tu as sept ans ? 60356_62987 *INVF: tu as huit [>] ? 62987_65541 *VIVE: [<] . 65541_65991 *INVF: ah en français . 65991_66926 *INVE: [/] she can't understand english . 66926_68885 *INVF: [>] +... 69884_71659 *VIVE: [<] . 71659_72345 *VIVE: I've forgotten . 72345_72934 *INVF: six [= l] ans . 72934_73587 *INVF: et comment t' appelles+tu ? 73587_75035 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 75035_76794 *VIOF: je m' appelle Violette . 76794_80515 *INVF: bravo . 80515_81620 *VIVF: je m' appelle Vivien . 81620_82786 *INVF: bravo . 82786_83970 *INVF: très bien . 83970_84421 *INVE: ok . 84421_85369 *INVF: et Violette . 85369_87594 *INVF: tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 87594_89744 *INVF: tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 89744_92715 %com: pause . *INVF: Vivien tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 92715_100326 *INVE: can you remember ? 100326_101417 *INVE: frères@s:fra$n is brothers [=! whispering] . 101417_102955 *INVE: soeurs@s:fra$n is sisters . 102955_105572 *INVF: est+ce+que tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 105572_108420 *VIOF: non . 108420_108795 *INVF: non . 108795_109930 *INVF: et toi Vivien ? 109930_111020 *INVF: tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 111020_112609 *VIVF: [>] . 112609_113123 *VIOE: [<] have any sisters ? 113123_113838 *INVF: non . 113838_114523 *VIOE: do you have any sisters ? 114523_115005 %com: whispering . *INVE: you haven't got any brothers or sisters ? 115005_116345 *VIVE: oh ah ! 116345_117697 *VIVE: I've got a little cousin . 117697_119191 *INVF: oui . 119191_119830 *VIVE: I've got a little cousin . 119830_120719 *INVE: ok . 120719_121060 *INVE: ok . 121060_121714 *INVE: so oui@s:fra$adv . 121714_122601 *INVF: tu as +/. 122601_123364 *INVF: dis moi . 123364_125932 *INVF: tu as des frères ou des soeurs Violette ? 125932_128019 *VIVE: I have a little +... 128019_128781 *VIOE: I only have a brother . 128781_129872 *INVE: so how would you say that to her in French ? 129872_132345 *INVF: j' ai (.) un frère . 132345_137590 *INVF: et quel âge a t il ? 137590_139162 *INVF: il a six ans ? 139162_141124 *INVF: non . 141124_141887 *INVF: quel âge a t il ? 141887_143708 *INVF: il a +... 143708_149014 *VIVE: my [/] my little cousin (i)s four . 149014_151054 *INVF: il a +... 151054_152330 *INVE: what (i)s four in French ? 152330_154991 *VIOF: dix ! 154991_156969 *INVF: il a dix [= l] ans . 156969_157902 *INVF: bravo . 157902_159100 *INVF: très bien . 159100_159427 *INVE: ok . 159427_160345 *INVE: now . 160345_161047 *INVE: listen . 161047_164033 *INVE: you ask +/. 164033_164780 *VIOE: no [/] no . 164780_165404 *VIOE: my brother (i)s +... 165404_166524 %com: counting under breath . *VIOE: my brother (i)s douze@s:fra$num . 166524_172811 *INVF: il a douze ans . 172811_174196 *INVF: bravo Violette . 174196_175068 *INVF: très bien . 175068_175893 *VIOE: I just remembered xxx . 175893_177712 *INVE: now you have to ask her questions like that . 177712_181325 *INVE: find out all about her . 181325_182631 *INVE: what her name is . 182631_183564 *INVE: how old she is . 183564_184514 *INVE: all that . 184514_185355 *INVE: if she (ha)s got brothers and sisters . 185355_186990 *VIVE: how old are you ? 186990_187673 *INVE: she can't understand English . 187673_188965 *INVE: you have to ask her in French . 188965_190209 %com: laughter . *VIOF: quel âge as tu ? 190209_192015 *INVF: oh bonjour . 192015_193992 *INVF: [/] [/] [/] j' ai sept ans . 193992_200388 *VIOE: [/] she (i)s one more number older than us . 200388_204482 *INVF: j' ai sept ans . 204482_206676 *INVE: other questions Vivien . 206676_209587 *INVE: don't look elsewhere . 209587_214551 *INVE: just look at the game we're doing . 214551_216511 *INVE: other questions you're going to ask her . 216511_219515 *VIOF: ça va ? 219515_220341 *INVF: ça va très bien merci . 220341_223034 *INVE: go on . 223034_226738 *INVE: you're doing so well . 226738_227423 *INVE: but Vivien you're not really concentrating . 227423_228948 *INVE: you're looking at what other children are doing . 228948_230162 *INVE: can you think of a question ? 230162_233478 *INVE: how would you ask her her name ? 233478_235718 *CHIE: ehm [/] ehm . 235718_241572 *INVF: co(mment) +... 241572_242879 *INVF: comment +... 242879_244761 *VIVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 244761_245866 *INVF: je m' appelle Lucie . 245866_248701 *VIOE: ah that (i)s a nice name . 248701_250083 *INVF: mmm . 250083_251190 *INVE: now . 251190_252107 *INVE: can you remember how to ask her if she (ha)s got brothers and sisters ? 252107_254441 *INVE: no ? 254441_255795 *INVF: as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 255795_259827 *INVF: oui . 259827_260356 *INVF: j' ai deux frères et trois soeurs . 260356_264062 *INVE: what did she say Vivien ? 264062_265694 *INVF: j' ai deux frères et trois soeurs . 265694_269556 *VIVE: does she have two sisters and one brother ? 269556_273040 *VIVE: no . 273040_274691 *VIVE: one +/. 274691_275205 *INVE: two brothers and trois@s:fra$det:num soeurs@s:fra$n . 275205_278223 *VIVE: and three sisters . 278223_280636 *INVF: mmm . 280636_281351 *VIVE: so two brothers and three sisters . 281351_283873 *INVE: ok . 283873_285040 *VIVE: and then there (i)s a frère@s:fra$n . 285040_285820 *INVE: mmm . 285820_286877 *VIOE: that (i)s a nice bag . 286877_288403 *INVE: yeah . 288403_289758 *INVF: moi j' aime le français . 289758_292745 *INVF: et toi ? 292745_294114 *INVF: tu aimes le français ? 294114_295390 *INVF: mmm ? 295390_296855 *VIOF: oui . 296855_296995 *INVF: oui . 296995_297789 *INVF: [>] ? 297789_299207 *VIVE: [<] . 299207_299627 *INVF: tu aimes le français ? 299627_300623 *VIVF: oui . 300623_301323 *INVF: oui . 301323_301821 *INVF: et ok . 301821_303253 *INVF: et j' aime le rouge . 303253_305867 *INVF: j' aime le rouge . 305867_307999 *INVF: et toi ? 307999_308514 *CHIF: rouge . 308514_309168 *CHIF: rouge . 309168_309695 *INVF: tu aimes le rouge ? 309695_310815 *VIOF: rouge blanc et bleu . 310815_311858 %com: blanc pronounced with a c . *INVF: bravo Violette . 311858_312465 *INVF: bleu blanc et rouge . 312465_314630 *INVE: ok . 314630_315966 *INVE: now . 315966_316575 *INVE: xx . 316575_318830 *INVF: et +/. 318830_319874 *INVE: sh [/] sh [/] sh . 319874_321041 *INVF: +, qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 321041_322691 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes comme couleur Vivien ? 322691_325819 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes comme couleur ? 325819_329305 *INVE: what colours do you like ? 329305_333056 *VIVE: red . 333056_333616 *INVF: en français . 333616_336729 *VIVF: rouge . 336729_338068 *INVF: rouge . 338068_339252 *INVF: bravo . 339252_339935 *VIVE: and I like bleu@s:fra$adj . 339935_341539 *INVF: blanc ? 341539_342240 *INVF: très bien . 342240_344619 *INVE: sh [/] sh . 344619_345303 *INVE: can you be quiet . 345303_346751 %com: to children in the room, not the subjects . *INVE: ok . 346751_347811 *INVF: et moi j' aime chanter . 347811_350815 *INVE: la la la la la . 350815_352496 *CHIE: you like singing . 352496_353711 *INVF: et toi ? 353711_354256 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 354256_355112 *CHIF: oui . 355112_356262 *INVF: et qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire Vivien ? 356262_358240 *INVE: pay attention . 358240_359423 *INVE: don't look elsewhere . 359423_360636 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 360636_364121 *INVF: tu aimes +... 364121_365010 *INVF: elle aime . 365010_366845 *INVF: j' aime danser . 366845_367623 *INVF: j' aime chanter . 367623_369213 *INVF: et toi ? 369213_370067 *VIOF: oui . 370067_371249 *INVF: oui ? 371249_372309 *VIVF: oui . 372309_373368 *INVF: oui . 373368_374303 *VIVF: oui . 374303_375734 *INVF: oui . 375734_376541 *INVF: très bien . 376541_377086 *INVE: ok ehm . 377086_379466 *INVE: ok . 379466_380898 *INVF: maintenant +... 380898_382471 *CHIF: bonjour . 382471_383359 %com: whispered . *INVF: qu'est+ce+qu' il y a dans mon sac ? 383359_386097 *INVF: ah ! 386097_388557 *INVF: ok . 388557_390332 *INVE: so you've got to tell us everything you can about it . 390332_394330 *INVE: so you listen as well Vivien . 394330_396197 *VIOE: ehm . 396197_398470 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 398470_399513 *VIOE: it (i)s a chien@s:fra$n . 399513_401568 *INVF: bravo ! 401568_402018 *INVF: et quelle couleur ? 402018_406407 *VIOF: ehm blanc ? 406407_411917 *INVF: blanc . 411917_412321 *INVF: bravo Violette ! 412321_413536 *INVF: très bien . 413536_414002 *INVF: et puis son collier ? 414002_415637 *INVF: il est quelle couleur ? 415637_416773 *CHIE: colour . 416773_419232 *VIOF: bleu . 419232_419776 *INVF: bleu . 419776_421208 *INVF: très bien . 421208_421754 *INVE: sh . 421754_425614 *INVE: Vivien concentrate . 425614_427262 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 427262_428694 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 428694_429348 *VIOF: jaune . 429348_431511 *INVF: bravo . 431511_432866 *INVF: très bien . 432866_433442 *INVF: et là ? 433442_434484 *VIOF: noir . 434484_437456 *INVF: bravo . 437456_438500 *INVF: très bien ! 438500_439434 *INVF: et comment s' appelle t il ? 439434_440880 *VIOE: ehm . 440880_444196 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 444196_448648 *INVE: it doesn't say anywhere . 448648_449799 *INVE: you can make up a name . 449799_451200 *VIVE: mmm . 451200_452834 *VIVF: Xavier . 452834_455931 *INVF: Xavier . 455931_457318 *INVF: très bien ! 457318_458778 *INVE: ok . 458778_459245 *INVF: à toi Vivien . 459245_460491 *VIVE: are you allowed to look in ? 460491_461954 *INVE: yeah . 461954_462313 *INVE: and you pick one . 462313_462701 *VIVE: yeah . 462701_463776 *INVE: ok . 463776_464398 *INVE: and you have to say +/. 464398_465006 *INVE: no [/] no . 465006_465332 *INVE: you don't play with it . 465332_466501 *INVE: you tell us what it is . 466501_467448 *INVE: what colour it is . 467448_468740 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est Vivien ? 468740_470608 %com: pause . *INVE: sh [/] sh [/] sh . 470608_473332 %com: to children in the classroom, not the subjects . *INVF: c' est +... 473332_476242 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 476242_478093 *INVF: un ballon . 478093_480972 *INVF: quelle couleur Vivien ? 480972_484056 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 484056_485439 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 485439_486326 *VIOF: noir . 486326_490887 *VIOF: blanc . 490887_492194 *INVF: bravo Violette . 492194_493128 *INVE: ok . 493128_494125 *INVE: you pick another one Violette . 494125_495742 *VIOE: mmm . 495742_496894 *INVF: oh ! 496894_498420 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 498420_500162 *VIVE: ooh it (i)s a whale . 500162_502404 *INVE: and eh if you say it (i)s a fish ? 502404_506653 *INVE: can you remember that ? 506653_507323 *VIOF: poisson . 507323_508924 *INVF: bravo . 508924_509922 *VIVE: it looks like a fish . 509922_510605 *INVF: très bien . 510605_512037 *INVF: et quelle couleur il est ? 512037_514075 *VIOF: [>] . 514075_515803 *VIVE: [<] ? 515803_516178 *INVF: rose . 516178_516801 *INVE: [>] . 516801_518435 *VIVE: [<] ? 518435_518979 *INVE: wait your turn . 518979_520690 *INVE: ok . 520690_521671 *INVF: très bien . 521671_522122 *INVE: ok . 522122_523056 *INVE: you pick another one Vivien . 523056_523928 *VIVF: rose and@s:eng$conj noir . 523928_526372 *INVF: noir . 526372_527415 *INVF: les yeux noirs . 527415_528225 *INVF: oui . 528225_528923 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ça ? 528923_529391 *INVF: c' est les +... 529391_529966 *INVF: et ça ? 529966_531120 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 531120_531898 *VIVF: noir . 531898_533548 *INVE: yeah . 533548_534312 *INVF: mais qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 534312_535120 *INVE: sh sh sh sh sh . 535120_537830 %com: to other children in the room . *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ça ? 537830_538637 *INVF: la b(ouche) +... 538637_541828 *VIOF: la bouche . 541828_542421 *INVE: oh you're so good . 542421_543775 *INVE: you remember all your words . 543775_544758 *INVE: I'm so impressed . 544758_546063 *INVE: ok . 546063_546671 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est Vivien ? 546671_547838 *VIVF: rouge ! 547838_549783 *INVF: c' est rouge . 549783_550545 *VIVF: vert ! 550545_551714 *INVF: et vert . 551714_552118 *INVF: bravo . 552118_552648 *INVF: et c' est quoi ? 552648_553736 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 553736_554903 *INVF: c' est une pomme ? 554903_555901 *INVF: non . 555901_557860 *VIOF: une fraise ! 557860_558638 *INVF: bravo Violette . 558638_560366 *INVF: c' est une fraise ! 560366_561735 *INVE: ok . 561735_562858 *VIVE: next please Violette . 562858_564553 *INVF: non . 564553_565346 *INVF: c' est fini pour ça . 565346_566546 *INVF: c' est fini . 566546_567418 *INVE: ok . 567418_567899 *VIVE: two animals [?] . 567899_570032 *INVE: eh now we're going to play a game . 570032_572538 *INVE: we're going to play a game that you like . 572538_576057 *INVE: we're going to play Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n . 576057_578219 *CHIE: ah ! 578219_579183 *INVE: do you remember [>] ? 579183_580647 *VIVE: [<] . 580647_581379 *INVE: Vivien [/] Vivien [/] Vivien . 581379_582359 *INVE: [>] +/. 582359_583169 *VIOE: [<] remember Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n ? 583169_583790 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit . 583790_584663 *INVE: ok . 584663_585129 *INVF: she (i)s going to s(ay) [//] play it first . 585129_587479 *CHIE: ah . 587479_587914 *INVE: and then you're going to be asking us what to do . 587914_590715 *INVE: you ready ? 590715_592038 *INVF: Jacques a dit [= r] . 592038_595495 *INVF: bravo . 595495_597736 *INVE: well done . 597736_598761 *INVF: Jacques a dit [= r] . 598761_601750 *INVF: Jacques a dit [= r] . 601750_607385 *INVE: oh you're so quick Violette ! 607385_609127 *INVE: you're brilliant . 609127_610716 *INVF: Jacques a dit [= r] . 610716_614108 *INVF: bravo . 614108_617376 *INVF: touchez le nez . 617376_619134 *INVE: I didn't say Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n . 619134_623197 %com: laughter . *VIVE: yay I win ! 623197_625718 *INVE: except that Violette was much faster than you . 625718_629533 *INVE: ok . 629533_630263 *INVE: your turn Violette because you did really well . 630263_631975 *INVE: do you want the doll or do you just want to do it ? 631975_634652 *INVE: tell us what to do . 634652_635759 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit . 635759_636847 *INVE: and then we have to do it . 636847_637517 *VIOF: Jacques a dit [= r] . 637517_643040 *INVF: touchez la tête . 643040_644177 *INVE: another one . 644177_649128 *VIOF: Jacques a dit (.) [= r] . 649128_656300 *INVE: go on . 656300_660830 *INVE: you do another one . 660830_661640 *INVE: you're doing so well . 661640_662326 *VIOF: touche la tête . 662326_663459 *INVE: ah not the same one again . 663459_665359 *INVF: oh ah ! 665359_666075 *INVF: Lucy ! 666075_667225 %com: laughter . *INVF: Lucy . 667225_668876 *INVF: elle a perdu . 668876_670169 *INVE: your go Vivien . 670169_671741 *VIVE: ah . 671741_672937 *VIVF: Jacques a dit [= r] ! 672937_676097 *INVE: eh tête@s:fra$n what ? 676097_677622 *INVF: touche la tête ? 677622_679694 *VIVE: oh . 679694_680610 *INVE: ok . 680610_681123 *VIVF: bouche . 681123_686478 *INVF: bouche . 686478_690696 *INVE: but he didn't say Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n . 690696_693590 %com: Vivien laughing . *INVE: another one Vivien . 693590_696563 *VIVF: Jacques_a_dit [= r] . 696563_700813 %com: pause . *VIVF: Jacques_ a_dit (.) [= r] . 700813_716547 *INVE: what tête@s:fra$n ? 716547_718445 *INVF: Jacques +/. 718445_719644 *INVE: Simon said [= r] ? 719644_720935 *INVE: but we don't know what to do with the head ? 720935_722677 *VIVE: I don't know how to do that . 722677_725697 *INVE: [>] . 725697_726349 *VIOF: [<] la tête . 726349_727161 *INVF: touche la tête . 727161_727891 *INVF: bravo Violette . 727891_728748 *INVE: ok . 728748_729559 *INVE: that was very good . 729559_731082 *INVE: very good . 731082_732561 *VIVE: it (i)s like she (i)s putting her hand up to say something . 732561_734506 *INVE: yeah . 734506_735379 *INVE: ok . 735379_736406 *INVF: on a fini . 736406_737728 *INVF: au revoir . 737728_739099 *VIOF: au revoir . 739099_740294 *INVF: au revoir . 740294_741184 *VIVF: au revoir . 741184_741933 *INVF: bravo . 741933_742463 *INVE: oh that was very good . 742463_743178 *INVE: you did +/. 743178_743786 @End