@Font: Win95::-13:0 @UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, DAMF Damien Subject, DAME Damien Subject, JEAF Jeanette Subject, JEAE Jeanette Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|DAMF||male|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|DAME||male|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|JEAF||female|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|JEAE||female|Y1|PT|Subject||| @Media: PT_RP_FM_Y1_Damien_Jeanette, audio @Transcriber: HC @Situation: role-play *INVE: so this is a roleplay with Damien and Jeanette . 0_3441 *INVF: bonjour . 3441_4920 *DAMF: bonjour ! 4920_5963 *JEAF: bonjour ! 5963_6803 *INVF: comment ça va ? 6803_7970 *DAMF: comment@g ça@g va@g . 7970_9263 *INVF: ça va ? 9263_11520 *INVF: ça va +... 11520_12298 *JEAF: ça va bien . 12298_13105 *DAMF: ça va ça xx . 13105_15411 *INVF: comme ci comme ça ? 15411_16484 *DAMF: comme@g ci@g comme@g ça@g . 16484_17605 *INVF: ça va bien merci . 17605_19224 *INVE: no behave behave . 19224_20970 %com: whispered . *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 20970_25466 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 25466_27988 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 27988_31021 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 31021_34322 *JEAE: I'm not xx . 34322_38680 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 38680_40174 *INVE: what does that mean ? 40174_41778 *DAME: xx . 41778_43644 *INVE: Damien sit down and listen and pay attention . 43644_46726 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 46726_50866 *INVE: what does that mean ? 50866_51440 *DAME: er hello . 51440_53838 *INVE: what (i)s your [>] ? 53838_55426 *JEAE: name [<] . 55426_56312 *INVE: and you say ? 56312_57217 *INVF: je +... 57217_58071 *JEAF: je Jeanette . 58070_58896 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 58896_60188 *JEAF: Jeanette . 60188_61091 *INVF: Jeanette . 61091_61230 *INVF: comment [<] ? 61230_63021 *DAMF: [>] Damien . 63021_63456 *INVF: très bien . 63456_64046 *INVF: quel âge as tu Damien ? 64046_65400 *INVF: quel âge as tu ? 65400_66960 *DAMF: quel@g âge@g as@g tu@g . 66960_68518 *INVF: quel âge as tu Jeanette ? 68518_70479 *JEAF: (.) j' ai +... 70479_74447 *INVF: j' ai +... 74447_81760 *INVE: that (i)s it . 81760_83551 *INVE: very good start . 83551_84190 *INVF: quel âge as tu Damien ? 84190_87678 *INVE: it means how old are you . 87678_91551 *INVE: so@s:eng$conj [>] . 91551_92329 *DAME: [<] six ! 92329_92967 *INVF: en français ! 92967_94275 *INVE: in french . 94275_95674 *INVF: j' ai +... 95674_97295 *DAME: I don't know how to do it in french . 97295_98662 *INVE: you do . 98662_99613 *DAME: don't . 99613_100936 *INVE: yes you learned it last year . 100936_102711 *DAME: I can't remember . 102711_103846 *INVF: j' ai six ans . 103846_107364 *INVF: et toi Jeanette quel âge as tu ? 107364_109916 *JEAF: j' ai six ans . 109916_113637 *INVF: très bien . 113637_114462 *INVF: et assieds+toi . 114462_117744 *INVF: et as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 117744_121403 *INVF: as tu des frères ou des soeurs ? 121403_124530 *INVE: can you remember what frères@s:fra$n means Damien ? 124530_127955 *INVE: can you remember what frères@s:fra$n means ? 127955_131254 *INVE: or soeurs@s:fra$n ? 131254_132017 *INVE: have you got any brothers or sisters ? 132017_134150 *INVF: j' ai +... 134150_136935 *JEAF: j' ai deux . 136935_140358 *INVF: deux . 140358_141044 *INVF: frères ou soeurs ? 141044_144576 *INVF: deux +... 144576_146912 *INVF: soeurs ? 146912_150226 *INVF: deux frères ? 150226_151736 *INVF: soeur is@s:eng$v sister@s:eng$n . 151736_153852 *DAME: xx ! 153852_155174 *INVE: what have you got ? 155174_159954 *INVE: brothers or sisters ? 159954_160685 *JEAE: brothers . 160685_161493 *INVF: deux frères . 161493_162333 *INVF: ok et toi Damien ? 162333_164217 *INVE: you (a)re not paying any attention . 164217_167749 *INVE: you didn't listen to what Jeanette said . 167749_169197 *INVE: she gave you a model +/. 169197_171330 *DAME: brother . 171330_171767 *INVE: +, so it was easy for you ! 171767_173243 *INVE: ok so what (i)s brother ? 173243_175828 *INVE: we've just done it . 175828_177166 *INVF: frère . 177166_178084 *DAMF: frère@g ! 178084_179392 *INVF: combien ? 179392_179780 *INVF: un deux trois quatre ? 179780_181492 *DAMF: cinq six sept huit neuf dix . 181492_184886 *INVF: dix frères ! 184886_186425 *INVE: you've got ten brothers ? 186425_188603 *INVE: that (i)s what you've just told me ! 188603_190425 *INVE: you've got ten brothers ! 190425_192590 *DAME: one (i)s six and one (i)s ten . 192590_200775 *JEAE: one (i)s eight and [//] one (i)s zero . 200775_204448 *DAME: what (i)s xx ? 204448_206316 *INVE: you (a)re being silly Damien . 206316_209227 *INVE: I think we'll have +... 209227_211171 *INVE: ok so now you ask the dolly what her name is and how old she is and all that . 211171_218535 *INVE: how would you say that ? 218535_222877 *JEAE: I can't remember xx wanted to ask . 222877_233537 *DAME: xx . 233537_235201 *INVF: mmm ? 235201_235825 *DAME: I can't remember anything [* nothing] . 235825_237411 *INVE: well you (a)re not really trying are you . 237411_239450 *INVE: you (a)re being a bit silly . 239450_240664 *INVE: fidgeting around and looking at the back . 240664_244228 *DAME: because I'm not comfy enough . 244228_247201 *INVE: oh . 247201_247854 *INVF: comment +... 247854_249442 *JEAF: comment t' appelles tu ? 249442_251170 *INVF: bravo Jeanette ! 251170_252337 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 252337_253722 *DAMF: comment@g t(e)@g appelles@g tu@g ? 253722_255666 *INVF: très bien Damien . 255666_257069 *INVF: je m' appelle Gigi . 257069_258408 *INVE: how would you say +... 258408_260728 *JEAF: Gigi ? 260728_261163 *INVF: Gigi . 261163_261707 *INVE: can you remember how to ask how old she is ? 261707_267419 *INVF: quel +... 267419_268773 *JEAF: quel âge as tu ? 268773_270314 *INVF: très bien ! 270314_271482 *DAMF: quel@g âge@g as@g tu@g ? 271482_272758 *INVF: j' ai sept ans . 272758_274221 *INVF: sept . 274221_276944 *INVF: très bien . 276944_279434 *INVF: sept ans . 279434_280585 *INVE: ok . 280585_282112 *INVE: ehm ok . 282112_284150 *DAME: xx flag xx . 284150_287699 *INVF: j' aime le français ! 287699_289240 *INVF: j' aime le bleu . 289240_290904 *INVF: j' aime le blanc . 290904_291697 *INVF: j' aime le rouge . 291697_292927 *INVF: et toi quelle couleur tu aimes ? 292927_297347 *JEAF: bleu . 297347_298702 *INVF: bleu . 298702_299946 *INVF: tu aimes le bleu . 299946_300959 *INVF: et toi Damien quelle couleur tu aimes ? 300959_303481 *DAME: I can't remember both of them . 303481_306997 *DAME: red ! 306997_308319 *INVF: pardon ? 308319_310157 *INVE: I didn't hear . 310157_311666 *DAME: the red . 311666_312429 *INVE: so what (i)s red in french ? 312429_314982 *JEAF: rouge . 314982_316318 *DAMF: rouge@g ! 316318_317409 *INVF: très bien . 317409_318593 *INVF: rouge . 318593_319337 *DAME: and the next one is +... 319337_320413 *INVE: what (i)s that one ? 320413_325861 *INVE: what (i)s that one ? 325861_326499 *INVE: what about ? 326499_331228 *JEAF: vert . 331228_332116 *INVF: vert bravo . 332116_333439 *INVF: très bien ok . 333439_336208 *INVF: et Gigi elle dit moi j' aime danser ! 336208_341626 *INVF: la la la la [=! singing] ! 341625_343570 *INVF: toi tu aimes danser Damien ? 343570_345829 *INVF: tu aimes danser ? 345829_347508 *INVF: oui . 347508_349111 *INVF: et toi Jeanette tu aimes danser ? 349111_350964 *JEAF: oui . 350964_351619 *INVF: oui . 351619_352069 *INVF: et qu' est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 352069_354449 *INVE: what do you like ? 354449_355446 *INVE: what do you like doing Damien ? 355446_359865 *INVE: in french . 359865_360924 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que tu aimes ? 360924_362884 *INVF: non ? 362884_364191 *INVF: le football ? 364191_364721 *INVF: le foot ? 364721_366090 *INVF: non ? 366090_367305 *INVF: le sport ? 367305_368209 *DAME: what ? 368209_369468 *INVE: you like sport ? 369468_370790 *JEAE: I like dancing . 370790_373498 *INVE: so how would you say that ? 373498_375148 *INVE: you say j(e)@s:fra$pro aime@s:fra$v (.) danser@s:fra$v . 375148_378277 *INVF: j' aime danser . 378277_380130 *INVE: what else ? 380130_380845 *INVF: quoi d' autre ? 380845_381825 *DAME: I like something but I've forgotten it . 381825_386169 *INVE: ok . 386169_386883 *INVF: et qu' est+ce que tu aimes manger ? 386883_392160 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que tu aimes manger ? 392160_394960 *INVE: what do you like to eat Damien ? 394960_397809 *INVE: in [>] . 397809_398633 *DAME: chocolate [<] . 398633_399023 *INVF: le cho(colat) (cho)colat +... 399023_401468 *INVF: le chocolat ? 401468_402868 *INVF: oui ? 402868_403909 *INVF: et toi Jeanette ? 403909_405278 *JEAF: hotdog . 405278_408626 *INVF: le hotdog . 408626_409747 *INVF: toi Damien ? 409747_411085 *DAME: apple . 411085_412221 *INVE: can you remember in french ? 412221_414759 *INVF: la pomme . 414759_418711 *DAME: what ? 418711_420173 *INVF: pomme . 420173_420608 *INVF: la pomme . 420608_422181 *DAMF: pomme@g . 422181_422758 *INVF: bon . 422758_423471 *JEAE: banana . 423471_425745 *INVF: la banane . 425745_426429 *DAMF: banane@g . 426429_428344 *INVF: très bien . 428344_429371 *INVE: ok ok . 429371_431986 *INVE: so maintenant@s:fra$adv you pick one thing each . 431986_435892 *INVF: prenez quelque chose . 435892_438398 *INVE: ok . 438398_441418 *INVE: it (i)s not to play with . 441418_442180 *INVE: it (i)s to tell us what it is . 442180_444048 *INVE: and say as much as you can about it . 444048_445868 *INVF: so qu' est+ce+que c' est Jeanette ? 445868_448435 *INVF: c' est un +... 448435_450025 *JEAE: it (i)s a fluffy bear . 450025_450708 *INVF: en français . 450708_451844 *INVF: un nounours . 451844_455034 *INVF: un nounours . 455034_456965 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 456965_457931 *JEAF: xx . 457931_466131 *INVF: un nouours . 466131_467563 *INVF: quelle couleur il est le nounours ? 467563_468980 *JEAF: jaune . 468980_474427 *INVF: jaune . 474427_475158 *INVF: quelle couleur est son nez ? 475158_477073 *INVF: le nez ? 477073_480263 *INVF: le nounours quelle couleur ? 480263_484264 *DAME: teddies . 484264_484996 *JEAE: I forgot the word in french . 484996_489507 *INVF: marron . 489507_490908 *INVF: marron . 490908_492060 *JEAF: marron@g . 492060_493195 *INVF: ok et toi Damien . 493195_495469 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 495469_496124 *DAME: dog . 496124_497881 *INVF: en français ? 497881_498426 *INVF: un +... 498426_499889 *DAMF: un@g . 499889_500776 *INVF: ch(ien) +... 500776_501881 *DAMF: chat ! 501881_502813 *INVF: chat is@s:eng$v cat@s:eng$n . 502813_504759 *JEAE: I've [<] +... 504759_506378 *DAMF: [>] ! 506378_507031 *INVF: chien . 507031_507577 *DAMF: chien@g . 507577_508200 *INVF: quelle couleur est le chien ? 508200_511485 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 511485_515234 *DAME: don't know . 515233_518097 *JEAE: I know ! 518097_521007 *INVE: you tell him then . 521007_523871 *JEAF: jaune . 523871_524962 *INVF: jaune . 524962_525539 *JEAF: and a little bit +/. 525539_527265 *DAMF: jaune@g ! 527265_527949 *INVF: et quelle couleur ? 527949_528962 *JEAE: +, a little bit white . 528962_529538 *INVF: quelle couleur est son collier ? 529538_531218 *INVF: quelle couleur est son collier ? 531218_532961 *JEAE: I know ! 532961_533427 *INVF: couleur ? 533427_538002 *JEAF: bleu . 538002_538517 *DAMF: bleu@g ! 538517_539948 *INVE: yes . 539948_541427 *INVF: très bien . 541427_542173 *INVF: quelle couleur est son nez ? 542173_544167 *DAME: black ! 544167_546750 *INVF: en français ? 546750_548057 *JEAE: oh I think I know it . 548057_552353 *INVE: go on . 552353_555325 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 555325_556149 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 556149_557256 *JEAE: I think it is +... 557256_559558 *INVF: noir . 559558_561814 *INVF: noir . 561814_562826 *JEAF: noir@g . 562826_563916 *DAME: black . 563916_565192 *INVE: ok . 565192_566079 *INVF: on les remets . 566079_566609 *INVF: non non non non . 566609_568834 *INVE: in +... 568834_569738 *INVF: et on va jouer à Jacques_a_dit . 569738_572864 *INVE: ok ? 572864_574733 *INVE: let (u)s see if you remember how we play that . 574733_577331 *INVE: and then you can xx . 577331_579028 *INVF: Jacques a dit levez+vous ! 579028_581128 *INVF: Jacques a dit asseyez+vous ! 581128_585192 *INVF: Jacques a dit touchez la tête ! 585192_588940 *DAME: you (a)re trying to get us out ! 588940_592536 *INVF: touchez le [>] ! 592536_594483 *DAME: [>] know if somebody doesn't do it right they (a)re out . 594483_597159 *INVE: you (a)re out then because I didn't say Jacques a dit . 597159_602233 *INVE: it (i)s fine . 602233_604583 *INVE: carry on . 604583_605627 *INVF: on continue . 605627_606748 *INVF: Jacques a dit touchez les genoux . 606748_610281 *INVE: you have a go as well . 610281_612039 *DAME: do you get two choices ? 612039_614170 *INVF: Jacques a dit dansez ! 614170_617626 *DAME: xxx . 617626_621160 *INVF: Jacques a dit chantez ! 621160_622979 *JEAE: both of us out . 622979_626762 *JEAE: just to do it now . 626762_631041 *INVF: xx chantez ? 631041_631882 *INVF: Jacques a dit chantez ! 631882_633549 *JEAF: chantez@g . 633549_636333 *INVE: chantez@s:fra$v you know what that means . 636333_637859 *JEAE: singing . 637859_639975 *DAME: la la la la . 639975_642200 *INVE: who wants to have a go then ? 642200_643057 *INVE: ok Jeanette you have a go first . 643057_645766 *INVE: Damien you +... 645766_647570 *DAME: I'll wave the flag ! 647570_648179 *INVE: no no no no you just listen to what Jeanette says . 648179_650731 *JEAF: Jacques a dit xx touch@s:eng$v le [* la] nez . 650731_656646 *JEAF: Jacques a dit touch@s:eng$v la bouche . 656646_662001 *JEAF: touch@s:eng$v le [* la] nez . 662001_667603 *INVE: she didn't say Jacques a dit . 667603_672208 *JEAF: Jacques a dit touch@s:eng$n l' épaule . 672208_678934 *JEAF: touch@s:eng$v le pied . 678934_682000 *JEAF: Jacques a dit touch@s:eng$v la [* le] tête . 682000_689796 *JEAF: Jacques a dit touch@s:eng$v le cou . 689796_697204 *INVF: touche la ? 697204_700660 *JEAE: le@s:fra$det cou@s:fra$n or something . 700660_702215 *INVE: what were you trying to say ? 702215_704986 *JEAF: le [* la] cou . 704986_706231 *INVE: [//] what are you trying to say ? 706231_709126 *INVE: I didn't hear properly . 709126_710729 *JEAE: I couldn't remember what that is . 710729_716425 *INVE: oh no you were right ! 716425_717733 *INVE: that was very very good ! 717733_718962 *INVF: touche le cou . 718962_721298 *INVE: that was very good . 721298_726030 *JEAF: Jacques a dit touche@s:eng$v le xx le nez . 726030_733514 *JEAF: les yeux . 733514_738728 *INVE: ok Damien's turn now . 738728_742120 *DAME: yay ! 742120_743056 *DAMF: Jacques a dit touchez xx ! 743056_747988 %com: touchez pronouced first syllable English *DAMF: Jacques a dit la tête . 747988_753157 *DAME: knee . 753157_759832 *DAMF: Jacques a dit touchez your@s:eng$n feet@s:eng$n . 759832_766258 %com: touchez pronouced first syllable English *DAMF: touchez l' épaule . 766258_771706 %com: touchez pronouced first syllable English *DAME: what (i)s sing ? 771706_775754 *INVE: what (i)s ? 775754_776796 *DAME: what (i)s sing ? 776796_777730 *INVE: see ? 777730_779550 *DAME: sing ! 779550_780656 *INVE: sing . 780656_781700 *INVF: chanter . 781700_782041 *DAMF: chanter@g . 782041_783223 *DAMF: Jacques a dit le chanter .783223_789511 *INVF: la la la la la la [=! singing] ! 789511_791907 *JEAF: la la la la la la [=! singing] ! 791907_793371 *DAMF: Jacques a dit levez+vous . 793371_802334 %com: sounds like lavez+vous . *DAMF: silence ! 802334_806630 *DAMF: Jacques a dit silence . 806630_808934 *DAMF: Jacques a dit +/. 808934_812294 *DAME: what (i)s dance ? 812294_814242 *INVF: dansez . 814242_815548 *DAMF: +, dansez@g . 815548_817587 *DAMF: Jacques a dit dansez . 817587_821385 *DAMF: [>] +... 821385_826599 *INVF: [<]! 826599_827220 *INVF: un dernier . 827220_827797 *INVE: yes last one . 827797_828327 *DAMF: Jacques a dit crawl xx +... 828327_834986 *DAME: what (i)s crawl ? 834986_836590 *INVF: mmm ? 836590_837945 *DAME: I don't know what crawl is . 837945_838505 *INVE: what ? 838505_839501 *DAME: I don't know what walk about is . 839501_841866 *INVF: what what is ? 841866_844091 *DAME: I want to say walk about but I don't know . 844091_847547 *INVE: what about ? 847547_848308 *DAME: walk ! 848308_849180 *INVE: walk . 849180_850301 *INVF: marcher . 850301_851159 *DAMF: marcher@g . 851159_851904 *DAME: xx life . 851904_855608 *INVF: très bien bravo !855608_858394 @End