@Font: Win95::-13:0 @UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra,eng @Participants: CHIF Unknown Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject, INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, ANNF Annette Subject, ANNE Annette Subject, PIERRF Pierrette Subject, PIERRE Pierrette Subject @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y1|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y1|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|ANNF||female|Y1|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|ANNE||female|Y1|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|PIERRF||female|Y1|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|PIERRE||female|Y1|MT|Subject||| @Media: PT_RP_FM_Y1_Pierrette_Annette, audio @Transcriber: HH @Situation: role-play. *INVE: so this is Pierrette and Annette and it is role play . 0_4748 *INVE: so you remember this is my little friend and she is french . 4748_8778 *CHIE: yes . 8778_9634 *INVE: and she does not understand any english . 9634_12125 *CHIE: wow . 12125_13276 *INVE: so she only speaks french and she only understands french . 13276_17883 *INVE: so first of all she is going to ask you some questions [/] and so on . 17883_23937 *INVE: and then you have got to ask her questions as well . 23937_27065 *INVE: ok are you ready to start ? 27065_29462 *CHIE: yes . 29462_30147 *INVF: bonjour . 30147_31766 *CHIF: [>] . 31766_32528 *CHIF: [<] . 32528_32934 *INVF: comment ça va ? 32934_34879 *INVF: comment ça va ? 34879_36855 *INVF: ça va bien ? 36855_39051 *CHIF: ça va bien merci . 39051_41353 *CHIF: ça va bien merci . 41353_42660 *INVF: très bien . 42660_44154 *INVF: et comment t' appelles tu ? 44154_46925 *INVF: comment t' appelles +/. 46925_48840 *PIERRF: je m' appelle Pierrette . 48840_50941 *INVF: très bien . 50941_52295 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 52295_54179 *ANNF: je m' appelle Annette . 54179_55846 *INVF: bravo très bien . 55846_57946 *INVF: et quel âge as tu Annette ? 57946_60405 *INVF: quel âge as tu ? 60405_61851 *INVF: quel âge as tu ? 61851_65043 *CHIF: un deux trois quatre [?] . 65043_66677 *CHIF: un deux trois quatre cinq six . 66677_71237 *ANNF: six . 71237_72389 *INVF: ok quel âge as tu Pierrette ? 72389_74755 *PIERRF: sept . 74755_79440 *INVF: sept ans très bien . 79440_82132 *INVF: et tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 82132_85870 *INVF: est+ce+que tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 85870_88374 *CHIE: I know what you mean but I can not remember which one is which . 88374_92779 *INVE: what do you think ? 92779_95129 *INVE: why are you hesitating between +... 95129_96964 *CHIE: brother [?] +... 96964_99252 *INVE: uh ? 99252_99829 *CHIE: brother ? 99829_100529 *INVE: frère@s:fra$n is brother . 100529_103688 *PIERRF: frère . 103688_104638 *INVF: tu as des frères ? 104638_106336 *INVF: combien un frère deux frères ? 106336_108685 *PIERRF: un . 108685_109526 *INVF: un frère . 109526_110570 *INVF: et toi Annette tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 110570_112889 *ANNF: non . 112889_113807 *INVF: non . 113807_114399 *ANNE: I used to have one . 114399_115441 *ANNE: but I do not now . 115441_116203 *ANNE: (be)cause she was cheeky . 116203_117978 *INVE: pardon ? 117978_118523 *ANNE: she was cheeky she said that I would bring her a surprise in the morning and then she never (.) she had to go . 118522_126663 *INVE: ok . 126663_127646 *INVF: et moi j' ai les cheveux blonds j' ai les cheveux blonds et toi Annette ? 127646_136997 *INVF: quel couleur sont tes cheveux ? 136997_138851 *ANNF: bleus . 138851_141513 *INVF: et toi Pierrette quel couleur sont tes cheveux ? 141513_144686 *PIERRF: bruns . 144686_145775 *INVF: très bien et j' ai les yeux bleus . 145775_149464 *INVF: et toi Pierrette quel couleur sont tes yeux ? 149464_152718 *PIERRF: marrons . 152718_153667 *INVF: très bien . 153667_155070 *INVF: et toi Annette quel couleur sont tes yeux ? 155070_157326 *ANNF: bleus . 157326_158056 *INVF: très bien . 158056_159364 *PIERRE: I used the other word for brown the second time . 159364_162960 *INVE: yes yes very good . 162960_165449 *PIERRE: the second time [>] .165449_166710 *INVE: [<] . 166710_166929 *PIERRF: marron . 166929_167705 *INVF: marron . 167705_168360 *INVF: très bien . 168360_169262 *PIERRE: and the first time is +/. 169262_170383 *INVE: ok now it is your turn to find out about +/. 170383_173372 *CHIE: her ! 173372_174523 *INVE: her . 174523_175287 *INVE: so you have got to ask her questions . 175287_176608 *CHIE: what is her name anyway ? 176608_177417 *CHIE: oh right that is what you have got to ask her . 177417_180406 *INVE: yes . 180406_181030 *CHIE: um I have forgotten how to say that . 181030_185869 *PIERRE: comment@s:fra$adv tu@s:fra$n appelles@s:fra$v tu@s:fra$n is what is your name . 185869_191596 *INVE: [>] . 191596_192670 *PIERRF: [<] ? 192670_193122 *INVF: je m' appelle Lou . 193122_196529 *CHIE: Lou . 196529_198630 *INVF: et toi Annette . 198630_201946 *INVE: your turn to ask a question . 201946_203456 *INVE: you are whispering to her go on say it aloud . 203456_217433 *ANNF: ça va ? 217433_218569 *INVF: ça va très bien merci . 218569_221136 *INVE: other questions what else can you +/. 221136_224405 *CHIE: I have forgotten how to say how old are you xx . 224405_228127 *INVE: do you have any other questions ? 228127_229915 *INVE: how would you ask her how old she is ? 229915_232158 *CHIE: I was going to say that ! 232158_233962 *INVE: go on then ! 233962_235206 *INVE: in french . 235206_235955 *INVE: go on then say that . 235955_237620 *CHIE: I think she has forgotten . 237620_239814 *CHIE: I forgot what the word is to say . 239814_243253 *INVF: quel +... 243253_244187 *CHIF: quel <âge as tu> [>] ? 244187_244856 *CHIF: <âge as tu> [<] ? 244856_245556 *INVF: bravo j' ai sept ans . 245556_248919 *CHIF: j' ai xx . 248919_250663 *CHIE: seven . 250663_251409 *CHIE: oh same age as me . 251409_253479 *INVF: comme toi comme toi . 253479_255129 *INVE: any other questions you want to ask her . 255129_257090 *ANNE: it is not as big as Pierrette though . 257090_258896 *PIERRE: no she is not as big as me she is tiny . 258896_260374 *PIERRE: way smaller than me . 260374_262165 *INVF: elle est très grande . 262165_263224 *CHIE: now she is taller about me . 263224_265092 *INVF: très grande . 265092_266525 *CHIE: I will probably [>] . 266525_269046 *INVF: [<] . 269046_269576 *CHIE: if I stood up . 269576_270713 *INVE: ok have you got any more questions for her ? 270713_272891 *CHIE: no . 272891_273856 *INVE: ok . 273856_274433 *CHIE: yes ! 274433_275351 *INVE: go on ! 275351_275880 *CHIE: [/] if she has any brothers or sisters . 275880_279025 *INVE: ah how would you ask that ? 279025_280535 *CHIF: frères or@s:eng$conj or@s:eng$conj um . 280535_287974 *INVF: &s . 287974_289516 *INVF: soeurs . 289516_291027 *CHIF: soeurs@g . 291027_291835 *INVF: est+ce+que tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? 291835_293110 *INVF: j' ai trois frères et quatre soeurs . 293110_298683 *CHIE: so she has got five sisters +/. 298683_302372 *INVF: trois ! 302372_302900 *CHIE: three sisters and +/. 302900_307632 *INVF: quatre frères . 307632_309111 *CHIE: four brothers . 309111_310902 *INVE: yes . 310902_311664 *INVF: grande [>] . 311664_313298 *CHIE: [<] . 313298_313827 *INVE: ok . 313827_315696 *INVF: moi j' aime le français . 315696_320099 *CHIE: eight children .320099_322278 *INVF: j' aime le français et toi tu aimes le français ? 322278_326434 *CHIF: non . 326434_327757 *INVF: non tu aimes pas le français ? 327757_329701 *INVE: do you like french ? 329701_331304 *CHIF: oui ! 331304_332611 *INVF: oui ! 332611_333220 *CHIF: oui . 333220_333595 *INVF: xx en français . 333595_335011 *INVF: et j' aime le rouge . 335011_338528 *INVF: et toi quel couleur tu aimes ? 338528_341781 *CHIE: do you like red does that mean ? 341781_345049 *INVE: yes she likes red . 345049_346668 *CHIF: oui . 346668_347149 *INVF: oui et toi quel couleur tu aimes ? 347149_349842 *INVE: which colour you like ? 349842_351602 *CHIF: bleu . 351602_353812 *CHIE: I like bleu@s:fra$adj . 353812_356006 *CHIF: blanc . 356006_357033 *CHIF: bleu . 357033_358824 *CHIF: bruns . 358824_361235 *INVE: [>] . 361235_362713 *CHIF: [<] . 362713_363196 *INVF: très bien . 363196_365047 *CHIF: bleu . 365047_366230 *CHIE: all the colours of the rainbow all the colours in the world . 366230_369499 *INVF: toutes les couleurs dans le [* la] grand ciel . 369499_372674 *INVE: that means all the colours in the rainbow . 372674_375179 *CHIE: yes . 375179_376020 *INVF: toutes les couleurs dans le [* la] [>] . 376020_377591 *CHIF: [<] . 377591_378324 *CHIF: tu as le . 378324_378946 *CHIF: gris ! 378946_379709 *CHIF: [>] . 379709_380908 *CHIF: [<] . 380908_382124 *CHIF: [>] . 382124_382728 *CHIE: [<] in the world . 382728_383663 *INVF: gris et bleu . 383663_384535 *INVF: c' est ta couleur préférée . 384535_385718 *CHIE: every one in the world . 385718_387633 *INVE: ok . 387633_388023 *CHIE: I will give you [?] . 388023_388754 *INVF: et moi . 388754_390204 *CHIE: so do I [?] . 390204_390919 *INVF: j' aime chanter . 390919_393254 *INVF: la la la la la la la . 393254_395947 *INVF: et toi tu aimes chanter ? 395947_397660 *CHIE: [/] she likes dancing . 397660_399387 *CHIE: she likes singing . 399387_400569 *INVF: oui oui tu aimes chanter ? 400569_403744 *INVF: oui tu connais les chansons en français ? 403744_406560 *INVF: tu connais les chansons [>] . 406560_409784 *CHIF: [<] . 409784_410560 *INVF: [>] . 410560_410997 *CHIF: [<] . 410997_411417 *CHIE: (be)cause we can sing in french . 411417_413174 *INVE: go on then . 413174_413767 *CHIE: I have forgotten all the songs . 413767_419899 *INVF: non ? 419899_420508 *INVF: tu connais les chansons en français Annette ? 420508_423839 *INVE: can you sing a french song ? 423839_425690 *INVE: can you remember one ? 425690_426562 *CHIE: yes . 426562_427293 *CHIF: [>] . 427293_427714 *INVE: [<] . 427714_428461 *CHIF: oui oui . 428461_428913 *INVE: go on then . 428913_429425 *CHIE: that levez@s:fra$v vous@s:fra$n one . 429425_432353 *INVE: go on then have a go . 432353_433755 *INVE: together both of you . 433755_437772 *INVF: toutes les deux . 437772_439326 *INVE: you do not have to it is fine if you do not want to . 439326_442440 *INVF: et j' aime danser . 442440_447686 *INVF: et toi tu aimes danser ? 447686_449692 *CHIF: oui . 449692_450781 *INVF: oui . 450781_451560 *CHIF: oui . 451560_452120 *CHIE: I have got three dance classes a week . 452120_454858 *INVF: trois cours de danse chaque semaine oh . 454858_458719 *CHIE: I love dancing . 458719_459515 *INVF: toi aussi . 459515_460229 *CHIE: <(be)cause I can> [>] . 460229_460650 *INVF: [<] . 460650_461677 *INVE: she can not understand english . 461677_463186 *INVE: well how would you say I love dancing . 463186_466034 *INVE: you know that . 466034_467872 *INVF: j 'aime . 467872_469490 *CHIF: j 'aime@g . 469490_471263 *INVF: danser . 471263_474376 *CHIF: [>] . 474376_475638 *CHIF: [<] . 475638_475855 *INVF: très bien . 475855_477054 *INVF: et moi je peux grimper . 477054_479793 *INVF: toi tu peux grimper ? 479793_481662 *CHIF: une grimpe [>] . 481662_483421 *INVF: [>] ouais . 483421_484322 *INVF: tu peux grimper ? 484322_485443 *CHIE: I love grimping . 485443_486657 *CHIF: oui . 486657_487358 *INVF: j' aime grimper . 487358_488495 *CHIF: [>] grimper . 488495_489724 *INVF: [<] . 489724_490455 *INVF: très bien . 490455_491046 *INVF: euh et qu'est+ce+que tu aimes manger ? 491046_494672 *CHIF: do I like eating ? 494672_497024 *INVE: yes . 497024_497723 *CHIE: oi [>] . 497723_498922 *INVE: [<] what . 498922_499420 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes manger ? 499420_501520 *CHIF: um chocolat@n . 501520_505428 *INVF: hm escargot [?] . 505428_506299 *CHIF: chocolat . 506299_506891 *INVF: le chocolat [>] . 506891_508478 *PIERRF: [>] . 508478_508853 *INVF: le chou Pierrette ? 508853_510223 *INVF: tu aimes le chou ? 510223_511219 *CHIF: because I get dark chocolat . 511219_512745 *INVE: ah . 512745_513942 *CHIE: I love do you know those kinds of dark chocolat +/. 513942_515763 *INVF: pardon pardon en français ? 515763_519016 *INVE: she does not know what you are saying . 519016_521054 *INVE: you have to tell her in french . 521054_523295 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes manger ?523295_525460 *CHIE: what is tea again ? 525460_527388 *INVE: tea ? 527388_528681 *CHIE: mm mm . 528681_529352 *INVF: thé . 529352_530409 *INVF: le thé . 530409_531296 *CHIF: le thé . 531296_532619 *CHIF: le thé . 532619_533025 *INVE: mmm mmm . 533025_534175 *CHIE: I love tea . 534175_534938 *CHIE: I love tea .534938_535779 *INVF: j' adore le thé . 535779_538456 *CHIF: j' adore le thé@g . 538456_538939 *INVF: j' adore .538939_539732 *CHIF: j' adore le thé .539732_540946 *INVF: quoi d' autre . 540946_541849 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes manger ?541849_542846 *CHIE: how do you say hot ? 542846_546427 *INVF: chaud . 546427_547686 *CHIF: chaud@g . 547686_549321 *INVF: le thé chaud . 549321_550036 *CHIF: [>] . 550036_551546 *INVF: [<] . 551546_552073 *INVE: hot tea . 552073_553290 *INVF: très bien ok . 553290_555731 *CHIF: le thé chocolat@n . 555731_558190 *INVF: le thé au chocolat ?558190_559436 *INVE: chocolate tea ? 559436_561492 *CHIE: no hot chocolate . 561492_564434 *CHIE: I love it . 564434_564855 *INVF: le chocolat chaud . 564855_566783 *INVF: le chocolat [>] .566783_568340 *CHIF: [<] . 568340_568840 *INVF: très bien .568840_569355 *CHIF: le chocolat . 569355_570148 *INVF: le chocolat chaud très bien . 570148_571953 *INVF: ok et qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire d' autre ? 571953_576342 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ?576342_577323 *INVE: what do you like to do in your spare time ? 577323_578755 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 578755_579812 *CHIF: danser@n . 579812_581572 *INVF: danser .581572_582350 *CHIF: danser@n . 582350_583594 *INVF: oui . 583594_584452 *INVF: quoi d' autre ? 584452_585322 *CHIE: how do you say singing ? 585322_587595 *CHIF: chanter . 587595_588761 *INVF: bravo . 588761_589742 *CHIF: I love singing as well . 589742_591610 *INVF: j' adore chanter . 591610_593229 *INVF: très bien . 593229_593866 *CHIE: how do you say eat ? 593866_595345 *CHIE: [/] I do eat in my spare time . 595345_598567 *PIERRF: manger . 598567_600467 *CHIE: I [>] . 600467_601557 *INVF: [<] Pierrette . 601557_602538 *INVF: très bien ok . 602538_604126 *CHIE: honestly I do eat [>] . 604126_606538 *INVF: [<] . 606538_606787 *INVF: regardez .606787_608544 *INVF: qu'est+ce+qu' il y a dans mon sac ? 608544_611223 *CHIE: oh ! 611223_612297 *INVE: oh . 612297_613588 *INVE: so you each pick something and then you have to tell us everything you can about it . 613588_620529 *CHIE: [>] . 620529_621574 *INVE: [<] . 621574_621915 *CHIE: xxx . 621915_622461 *INVE: [//] you can have a good look and pick what you want . 623113_624919 *CHIE: oh a good look great . 624919_627284 *CHIE: because if I close my eyes I will pull out something that I do not want . 627284_631160 *INVE: yes . 631160_631643 *CHIE: xxx . 631643_634120 *INVE: quick . 634120_638818 *INVF: très bien ok . 638818_641232 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 641232_642228 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est Annette ? 642228_643582 *ANNF: chien@n . 643582_644453 *INVF: [>] is not yours yet . 644453_647316 *ANNF: [<] . 647316_647628 *CHIF: chien . 647628_649122 *INVF: un chien .649122_649541 *INVF: quel couleur ? 649541_650818 *CHIE: what is the colour ? 650818_652997 *INVF: quel couleur ?652997_654569 *INVE: colour . 654569_655799 *CHIE: xxx . 655799_661979 *CHIF: blanc . 661979_662989 *INVF: oui et ses yeux . 662989_665106 *INVF: quel couleur sont ses yeux ? 665106_666274 *CHIF: noirs . 666274_669121 *CHIF: noirs . 669121_671036 *INVF: très bien et son nez ? 671036_672889 *CHIF: noir . 672889_676390 *INVF: très bien et son collier ? 676390_678398 *CHIF: bleu . 678398_680047 *INVF: très bien et [/] sur son collier là ça c' est quel couleur ? 680047_685309 *CHIE: xxx . 685309_690307 *CHIE: I can not remember . 690307_692516 *INVE: can you [>] ? 692516_696235 *CHIE: [<] remember it now . 696235_697775 *INVE: ah well I [<] to xx . 697775_698774 *CHIF: [<] . 698774_699301 *INVE: pardon ? 699301_699754 *INVE: yes I think you said it say it again . 699754_702493 *CHIF: xx . 702493_703255 *INVE: nearly . 703255_703862 *CHIF: jaune@n . 703862_705684 *INVF: jaune . 705684_706662 *INVF: jaune . 706662_707456 *INVF: très bien . 707456_708249 *INVF: à toi à toi Pierrette . 708249_710071 *CHIE: yes . 710071_710709 *INVE: pick something quick . 710709_712701 *PIERRE: spotty dog [?] . 712701_720872 *CHIE: um . 720872_723067 *INVE: ok . 723067_729557 *CHIE: 0[=! laughing] . 729557_731130 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 731130_733543 *CHIE: xxx . 733543_735053 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 735053_737137 *CHIE: you are eight . 737137_738039 *CHIE: ah eight . 738039_739160 *CHIF: sept .739160_740158 *CHIE: um . 740158_742102 *CHIE: I can not think . 742102_746895 *INVE: well say everything you can about it . 746895_749338 *INVE: the colour what is written on it . 749338_751144 *CHIE: um . 751144_751907 *CHIF: jaune@n . 751907_752483 *INVF: jaune oui . 752483_754086 *CHIE: um . 754086_756201 *INVE: shall you pick another one . 756201_761322 *CHIF: huit@n . 761322_761962 *INVF: très bien . 761962_763252 *CHIE: um I have forgotten how to say (.) stars . 763252_767595 *CHIE: xxx . 767595_768449 *CHIE: stars . 768449_769244 *INVF: étoiles . 769244_769975 *CHIF: étoiles@g . 769975_770723 *INVF: ok . 770723_772450 *CHIE: xxx . 772450_773182 *CHIE: silver . 773182_774023 *INVF: argent . 774023_775096 *CHIF: argent@g . 775096_775938 *INVF: très bien ok . 775938_777573 *CHIE: that is all that is +/. 777573_778679 *INVE: you pick another one for after Annette . 778679_780829 *INVE: Annette ok you tell us about your second . 780829_783365 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 783365_785293 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est Annette ? 785293_788594 *ANNE: um I want to know how to say white . 788594_792642 *INVE: well xx tell us what it is first . 792642_795223 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 795223_796175 *INVF: un +... 796175_796406 *ANNE: dog . 796406_797107 *ANNF: un . 797107_798041 *INVF: &sh . 798041_800423 *ANNF: chien . 800423_800858 *INVF: chien . 800858_801528 *INVE: can you [?] . 801528_802553 *INVF: euh quel couleur il est ? 802553_806275 *INVF: blanc ? 806275_810041 *INVF: blanc ? 810041_811615 *INVF: ok .811615_812547 *CHIF: blanc . 812547_812969 *INVF: mm mm quel couleur est son nez ? 812969_815366 *ANNE: um . 815366_819038 *INVF: son nez ? 819038_819706 *ANNE: mm mm I do not know what it is called [?] . 819706_826447 *INVF: quoi ? 826447_828439 *INVE: what are you trying to say ? 828439_829683 *ANNE: black in french . 829683_832406 *INVF: noir . 832406_834462 *ANNF: noir@g . 834462_835207 *INVF: ok à toi Pierrette . 835207_838243 *PIERRF: um blanc . 838243_842709 *INVF: blanc . 842709_844127 *PIERRF: um rouge . 844127_847427 *INVF: mm . 847427_848342 *PIERRF: noir . 848342_849948 *INVF: très bien . 849948_850864 *PIERRF: bonne fête maman@n . 850864_857511 *INVF: bonne fête maman it@s:eng$n saysit@s:eng$v yesit@s:eng$n [?] très bien . 857511_860657 *PIERRF: um rose . 860657_865060 *INVF: rose oui . 865060_867269 *INVF: et qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 867269_868126 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c'est ? 868126_869808 *CHIE: I do not know how to say butterfly in french . 869808_873371 *INVF: &papill (on) . 873371_875580 *CHIF: &pa@g . 875580_876312 %com: showing how to say papillon . *ANNF: &llon . 876312_877077 %com: learning how to say papillon . *INVF: très bien Annette ! 877077_878463 *CHIF: &llon . 878463_879039 %com: learning how to say papillon . *INVF: papillon . 879039_879694 *CHIF: [>] . 879676_880190 *INVF: [<] . 880190_880533 *INVF: et ça euh . 880533_882058 *CHIF: papillon . 882058_883740 *INVE: ok I do not know what those are . 883740_885062 *INVF: ok très bien . 885062_887724 *INVE: now you know what [>] . 887724_890915 *CHIE: [<] . 890915_891739 *CHIE: I looked in the other cards and it had some names inside of it . 891739_894868 *INVE: ah . 894868_895568 *INVE: now we are going to play Jacques_a_dit . 895568_897841 *CHIE: oh yes . 897841_899866 *CHIE: yes ! 899866_900518 *INVE: you like that don't you . 900518_901374 *CHIE: should we put those [>] . 901374_902262 *INVE: [<] . 902262_902946 *INVE: all back in. 902946_903756 *INVE: so she is going to do +/. 903756_905825 *CHIE: I am a frog [?] . 905825_906573 *INVE: so maybe you stand up now so that you can do the things she says . 906573_910433 *CHIE: xx open up that [?] . 910433_912148 *INVE: remember . 912148_912772 *INVE: um move the chairs a bit further yes ok . 912772_915930 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit asseyez vous . 915930_920226 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit levez vous . 920226_924212 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez la tête .924212_928133 *INVF: touchez le nez . 928133_931791 *CHIE: oh . 931791_934420 *INVE: 0[=! laughing] . 934420_936195 *INVE: ok so it is your turn . 936195_937752 *INVE: you want to do it ? 937752_939091 *INVE: you tell us what to do with Jacques_a_dit and then missing Jacques_a_dit . 939091_942778 *ANNF: Jacques_a_dit (..) pieds . 942778_952180 *ANNF: le nez ! 952180_959914 *CHIE: 0[=! laughing] . 959914_962249 *INVE: 0[=! laughing] .962249_963526 *ANNF: Jacques_a_dit (.) tête . 963526_969735 *ANNF: les yeux ! 969735_985221 *INVE: one more . 985221_988520 *CHIE: and it will be my turn . 988520_991026 *INVE: think of some hard ones . 991026_994340 *ANNF: asseyez vous . 994340_995057 *INVE: you did not say Jacques_a_dit . 995057_998575 *INVE: ok Pierrette à toi . 998575_1000426 *PIERRF: um . 1000426_1004177 *INVE: let us go close to the microphone so that we can hear you . 1004177_1007042 *INVF: là . 1007042_1007446 *PIERRF: les yeux . 1007446_1009859 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit asseyez vous . 1009859_1014123 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit les yeux . 1014123_1019554 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit tête . 1019554_1025220 *PIERRF: le nez . 1025220_1030916 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit levez vous . 1030916_1037017 *PIERRF: asseyez vous . 1037017_1042169 *INVE: ask us to sing or dance . 1042169_1045126 *PIERRE: oh right . 1045126_1046527 *PIERRF: dansez . 1046527_1051181 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit (...) chantez . 1051181_1061359 *INVE: [>] . 1061359_1063132 *ANNE: [<] . 1063132_1064595 *PIERRF: Jacques_a_dit pieds . 1064595_1068953 *INVE: one more . 1068953_1072893 *PIERRE: I have forgotten how to say something . 1072893_1080627 *INVE: what have you forgotten how to say ? 1080627_1082043 *INVF: cheveux . 1082043_1086822 *PIERRF: cheveux . 1086822_1087769 *INVF: cheveux . 1087769_1088689 *INVF: cheveux . 1088689_1089358 *PIERRF: cheveux . 1089358_1091006 *CHIE: 0[=! laughing] . 1091006_1093481 *CHIE: oh ! 1093481_1093964 *INVE: ok . 1093964_1094944 *CHIE: there you go . 1094944_1096251 *INVF: très bien merci . 1096251_1098400 *CHIF: jeudi hi hi xx xx xx . 1098400_1100813 *INVF: bon c' est fini . 1100813_1102914 *INVF: [>] . 1102914_1104051 *CHIE: [<] . 1104051_1104658 *INVF: we have finished . 1104658_1105824 *INVE: ok [/] we do another game now so euh . 1105824_1109265 @End