@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng, fra @Participants: INVF Ros Investigator, INVE Ros Investigator, ROME Romain Subject, ROMF Romain Subject, LISE Lisette Subject, LISF Lisette Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject, CHIF Unknown Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|ROME||male|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|ROMF||male|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|LISE||female|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|LISF||female|Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y1|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y1|PT|Subject||| @Media: PT_RP_RM_Y1_Romain_Lisette, audio @Transcriber: JM @Situation: role-play *INVE: right ok . 0_1314 *INVE: so we're telling it that we're Romain and Lisette . 1314_4772 *INVE: and we'll have to start again . 4772_7698 *INVE: so we get all that good french you started saying . 7698_11255 *INVE: right ok . 11255_12387 *INVF: bonjour . 12387_13250 *CHIF: bonjour . 13250_14281 *INVF: bonjour . 14281_15295 *CHIF: bonjour . 15295_16011 *INVE: so [>] . 16011_17207 *CHIF: [<] ? 17207_17738 *INVF: je m' appelle Zazie . 17738_19850 *INVF: et toi comment t' appelles tu ? 19850_21596 *ROMF: je m' appelle Romain . 21596_23059 *INVF: et ça va Romain ? 23059_24722 *INVF: ça va bien ? 24722_25836 *ROMF: ça va bien [>] . 25836_27831 *INVF: [<] . 27831_28048 *INVF: et comment t' appelles tu ? 28048_29694 *LISF: ça va bien . 29694_33500 *INVF: excellent . 33500_34963 *INVF: ok . 34963_35694 *INVF: ok . 35694_36277 *INVF: moi j' ai six ans . 36277_39451 *INVF: j' ai six ans . 39451_40914 *INVF: et toi quel âge as tu ? 40914_42660 *LISF: six ans . 42660_46518 *INVF: six ans aussi oui . 46518_48229 *INVF: et toi quel âge as tu ? 48229_49792 *ROMF: j' ai six ans . 49792_51238 *INVF: ok six ans six ans six ans . 51238_53832 *INVF: les trois . 53832_54712 *INVF: vous avez six ans . 54712_55744 *INVF: excellent ok . 55744_56758 *INVF: moi j' ai les cheveux noirs . 56758_60564 *INVF: j' ai les cheveux noirs . 60564_62310 *INVF: et toi est+ce+que tu as les cheveux noirs ? 62310_65236 *INVE: have you got black hair ? 65236_67530 *INVF: non . 67530_69093 *INVF: alors tu as les cheveux blonds marrons ? 69093_74562 *INVF: quoi ? 74562_75877 *INVE: what have you got ? 75877_77140 *INVF: blonds . 77140_79883 *INVE: I think haven't you . 79883_80880 *INVE: right ok . 80880_82891 *INVE: and ehm ok so that's Lisette . 82891_85186 *INVF: les cheveux blonds . 85186_86266 *INVF: et Romain . 86266_87180 *INVF: tu as les cheveux noirs ? 87180_88743 *INVF: non . 88743_90206 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu as ? 90206_91752 *INVF: marrons ? 91752_96058 *INVF: blonds ? 96058_97172 *ROMF: marrons . 97172_98984 *INVF: marrons excellent . 98984_100547 *INVF: ok . 100547_101278 *INVF: et les [= l] yeux . 101278_102493 *INVF: les [= l] yeux . 102493_103373 *INVF: moi j' ai les [= l] yeux marrons . 103373_105418 *INVF: ok . 105418_106481 *INVF: et toi ? 106481_107496 *INVF: les [= l] yeux c'est quelle couleur ? 107496_110039 *INVF: c' est marron non . 110039_113548 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 113548_114279 *CHIF: marron . 114279_115359 *INVF: non les [= l] yeux . 115359_116639 *INVE: you haven't got brown eyes my love . 116639_118916 *INVF: c' est quelle couleur les [= l] yeux ? 118916_121311 *INVF: et toi les [= l] yeux c' est quelle couleur ? 121311_123937 *CHIF: marron . 123937_124968 *INVF: oui toi tu as les [= l] yeux marron . 124968_126331 *INVF: et toi tu as les [= l] yeux bleus gris ? 126331_129357 *INVE: I think yours are more bluey grey than brown don't you ? 129357_133114 *INVE: ok fine great . 133114_135392 *INVE: ok . 135392_136289 *INVE: now she (i)s going to tell you something about herself . 136289_138966 *INVF: moi je n' ai pas de frères . 138966_142872 *INVF: je n' ai pas de soeurs . 142872_144435 *INVE: she hasn't got any . 144435_147827 *LISE: brothers or sisters . 147827_149638 *INVE: ok so now she (i)s going to ask you . 149638_152964 *INVF: toi tu as des soeurs ? 152964_155159 *INVF: tu as des frères ? 155159_156039 *INVF: non . 156039_157153 *INVF: pas de soeurs . 157153_158185 *INVF: pas de frères . 158185_158965 *INVE: ok so that (i)s Lisette . 158965_160527 *INVF: et toi . 160527_161642 *INVF: tu as des frères ? 161642_162373 *INVF: tu as des soeurs ? 162373_163222 *ROME: a little brother . 163222_164568 *INVF: tu as un frère . 164568_166131 *INVF: un frère oui . 166131_167577 *INVF: et il est petit . 167577_168757 *INVF: petit . 168757_169937 *INVF: ok . 169937_170537 *INVF: il [//] comment [/] comment il s' appelle ? 170537_173446 *INVF: il s' appelle comment ? 173446_174808 *INVF: il s' appelle Jo ? 174808_177834 *INVF: il s' appelle Jo ? 177834_179729 *ROME: Jo . 179729_181840 *INVE: Jo . 181840_182655 *INVF: ton frère s' appelle Jo . 182655_183935 *INVF: ok et quel [/] quel âge a+t+il ? 183935_186761 *INVF: quel âge a Jo ? 186761_187592 *ROME: four . 187592_192264 *INVE: can we say that ? 192264_194558 *INVF: il a un deux trois . 194558_198116 *LISF: [>] . 198116_199196 *ROMF: [<] . 199196_199529 *INVF: il a quatre ans . 199529_200493 *INVF: [//] Jo a quatre ans . 200493_201873 *INVF: excellent . 201873_202853 *INVE: ok . 202853_203684 *INVF: mais tu n' as pas de soeurs ? 203684_205613 *INVE: no sisters . 205613_206893 *INVF: pas de soeurs . 206893_207625 *INVE: ok ok . 207625_208905 *INVE: right . 208905_209819 *INVE: ok now she (i)s going to tell you some of the things she likes . 209819_212545 *INVF: moi j' aime le français . 212545_215954 *INVF: ok . 215954_216751 *INVF: et les couleurs . 216751_218214 *INVF: j' aime le bleu . 218214_220243 *INVF: j' aime le blanc . 220243_222071 *INVF: j' aime le rouge . 222071_223817 *INVE: so she (ha)s told you the colours she likes . 223817_226460 *INVE: ok . 226460_227192 *INVF: et toi . 227192_228023 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes comme couleur ? 228023_230749 *CHIF: bleu . 230749_235321 *INVF: toi aussi tu aimes le bleu . 235321_236784 *INVF: comme Zazie . 236784_238530 *INVF: et toi . 238530_239261 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes comme couleur ? 239261_240824 *CHIE: red . 240824_242753 *INVF: tu aimes le rouge . 242753_244282 *INVF: tu aimes le rouge . 244281_245130 *INVF: ok ok . 245130_246010 *INVF: tu aimes le rose ? 246010_247673 *INVF: oui tu aimes le rose aussi . 247673_250250 *INVF: tu aimes ehm le [/] le violet ? 250250_254439 *INVF: oui oui . 254439_256734 *INVE: ok ok . 256734_257797 *INVE: and some other things she likes . 257797_260822 *INVF: moi j' aime danser . 260822_264297 *INVF: ok . 264297_265860 *INVF: oh son badge elle a perdu son badge . 265860_269700 *INVF: merci . 269700_270532 *INVF: et moi j' aime le football . 270532_273640 *INVF: j' aime le football . 273640_275269 *INVF: ok . 275269_275935 *INVF: et moi j' aime regarder la télévision . 275935_281221 *INVF: et moi j' aime chanter [=! singing] ! 281221_285510 *INVF: chanter [=! singing] . 285510_286707 *INVE: ok . 286707_287538 *INVE: now you tell her what you like . 287538_289633 *INVF: [/] tu aimes danser ? 289633_291361 *INVF: oui ? 291361_293656 *INVE: Lisette (i)s nodding away there . 293656_295102 *INVF: tu aimes la télévision ? 295102_297596 *INVF: oui ou non ? 297596_298610 *INVF: oui oui . 298610_299990 *INVE: nodding again . 299990_301253 *INVF: tu aimes le football Lisette ? 301253_303448 *INVF: non . 303448_304745 *INVE: shaking her head . 304745_305825 *INVE: ok . 305825_306657 *INVF: et toi qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 306657_308420 *INVF: tu aimes le football ? 308420_318560 *INVF: tu aimes x box ? 318560_319540 *INVF: tu aimes la télévision ? 319540_321286 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 321286_322500 *ROMF: football . 322500_324063 *INVF: le football . 324063_324943 *INVF: toi tu aimes le football . 324943_326058 *INVF: ok ok . 326058_326872 *INVF: est+ce+que tu aimes chanter ? 326872_328884 *INVF: un deux trois quatre cinq six . 328884_332641 %com: singing *INVF: chanter . 332641_333573 *CHIF: dix dix dix . 333573_335667 *INVF: mais tu aimes chanter ? 335667_338193 *INVE: do you like singing ? 338193_339124 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 339124_340056 *INVE: both [/] both people nodding this time . 340056_342150 *INVE: ok . 342150_342882 *INVE: and finally she (i)s going to tell you some of the things that she likes to eat . 342882_346639 *INVF: moi j' aime manger la [* le] pizza . 346639_349996 *INVF: moi j' aime manger le chocolat . 349996_353571 *INVF: moi j' aime manger les bananes . 353571_357328 *INVF: ok . 357328_358143 *INVF: et toi qu'est+ce+que tu aimes manger ? 358143_360986 *INVF: tu aimes la [* le] pizza ? 360986_364926 *INVF: tu aimes le chocolat ? 364926_366289 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 366289_367752 *LISF: chocolat . 367752_368335 *INVF: chocolat . 368335_368933 *INVF: toi tu aimes le chocolat . 368933_370046 *INVF: et toi qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 370046_371409 *ROME: fish and chips and pizza . 371409_374087 *INVF: la [* le] pizza oui . 374087_375881 *INVF: le poisson . 375881_376813 *INVF: les frites . 376813_378093 *INVF: ok poisson et frites . 378093_379539 *INVE: fish and chips ok . 379539_380653 *INVF: ok . 380653_381933 *INVF: [/] tu aimes les glaces ? 381933_384027 *INVE: icecreams . 384027_385690 *INVE: nodding at that one . 385690_387070 *INVE: ok . 387070_387685 *INVF: tu aimes les bananes ? 387685_389248 *INVF: oui aussi . 389248_391259 *INVF: ehm Lisette aime les bananes . 391259_393537 *INVF: excellent . 393537_394285 *INVE: ok ok . 394285_395200 *INVE: now . 395200_396114 *INVF: on va regarder ses affaires . 396114_398308 *INVE: right I want you to pick out one thing . 398308_400951 *INVE: and then see if you can say anything about it in french . 400951_404426 *INVE: right . 404426_405440 *INVE: and I want you to pick out something . 405440_407718 *INVE: and see can you say anything about it in french . 407718_411027 *INVE: ok . 411027_412390 *INVF: oh les [= l] animaux . 412390_414036 *INVE: animals you've got . 414036_415050 *INVE: ok . 415050_415699 *INVF: alors qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 415699_417776 *INVF: c' est [= l] un chat . 417776_419156 *INVF: c' est [= l] un chien . 419156_420719 *INVF: c' est [= l] cheval . 420719_422034 *INVE: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 422034_422997 *CHIF: chien . 422997_425091 *INVF: oui c' est un chien . 425091_426854 *INVF: et quelle couleur est le chien ? 426854_429397 *CHIE: cream . 429397_432606 *INVE: mm ? 432606_433537 *CHIE: cream . 433537_434517 *INVF: il est . 434517_435632 *INVE: well let (u)s say . 435632_436712 *INVF: il est blanc . 436712_437378 *INVE: he (i)s white . 437378_438093 *INVE: (be)cause he (i)s near white . 438093_439189 *INVF: il est blanc . 439189_440304 *INVF: et son nez ? 440304_441832 *INVF: c' est quelle couleur ? 441832_443578 *CHIE: black . 443578_446404 *INVF: oui c' est noir . 446404_447335 *INVF: n' est ce pas . 447335_447967 *ROME: miss I can still remember the [/] [//] the actions from the ehm nose [?] . 447967_454019 *INVE: can you love ok . 454019_454999 *INVE: right . 454999_456013 *INVE: [//] ca(n) [//] [//] tell us a few colours off that bird . 456013_460850 *INVE: and see can you show us the actions . 460850_462496 *ROME: yellow . 462496_470925 *INVE: mm . 470925_476860 *INVE: mm . 476860_478971 *INVE: [//] you can remember some of the actions right ? 478971_492338 *INVE: but can you remember the french words ? 492338_493801 *INVE: what (i)s the french for blue ? 493801_495015 *CHIF: bleu . 495015_496095 *INVE: mm and what (i)s the french for ehm [/] what was the one that you had ? 496095_500667 *INVE: black was it ? 500667_501298 *INVE: can you remember any of the other colours in french ? 501298_506519 *INVE: what (i)s the beak ? 506519_508630 *INVE: the yellow beak ? 508630_509445 *INVF: j(aune) . 509445_513302 *ROMF: jaune . 513302_514948 *INVF: jaune . 514948_515696 *INVF: jaune . 515696_516311 *INVF: jaune . 516311_517159 *INVE: ye(s) ok ok . 517159_518954 *INVE: right so now [/] now [/] now I'll have those ones back . 518954_522163 *INVF: merci . 522163_524174 *INVF: petit oiseaux . 524174_525737 *INVF: et tu choisis encore . 525737_527183 *INVE: pick something else . 527183_528363 *INVF: et toi tu choisis encore . 528363_534132 *INVE: ok . 534132_538620 *INVE: now do you know any of the colours or the names of any of the things ? 538620_543492 *CHIF: bleu . 543492_544572 *INVF: bleu oui . 544572_545570 *INVF: il porte . 545570_546418 *INVF: c' est [= l] un nournours . 546418_547532 *INVE: it (i)s a . 547532_548181 *CHIF: blanc . 548181_548995 *INVF: blanc oui . 548995_549627 *INVE: and what colour is his fur ? 549627_556310 *CHIE: it (i)s a ginger . 556310_559336 *INVF: comme blond n' est ce pas . 559336_561147 *INVE: he (i)s blondy col(oured) [/] kind of colour . 561147_562893 *INVE: right excellent ok . 562893_564007 *INVE: can you say anything about your one ? 564007_565487 *INVE: you've got the little card . 565487_566367 *CHIE: it (i)s zebra on . 566367_572119 *INVE: mm . 572119_572851 *CHIE: it (ha)s got a zebra on . 572851_575228 *INVE: it has yes but can you say any of the colours ? 575228_577239 *CHIE: black . 577239_580548 *INVE: mm . 580548_581628 *CHIF: blanc . 581628_583674 *INVE: mm . 583674_584406 *INVF: orange . 584406_589526 *CHIE: red . 589526_593515 *INVF: rouge . 593515_594146 *INVE: ye(s) . 594146_594795 *INVE: what was the o(ther) . 594795_598835 *INVF: rose . 598835_599667 *INVE: ye(s) . 599667_600198 *INVF: rose . 600198_600847 *INVE: ok that (i)s great . 600847_601413 *INVE: thanks guys . 601413_601961 *CHIE: he (i)s like a footballer . 601961_603175 *INVE: he is a bit isn't he . 603175_605370 *INVE: yes right . 605370_606633 *INVE: right ok . 606633_608479 *INVE: now ehm the next thing we're going to see is whether you guys remember how to play the game . 608479_615594 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit . 615594_616874 *INVE: ok . 616874_617888 *CHIE: Simon_says . 617888_619285 *INVE: mm . 619285_619801 *CHIE: [>] . 619801_620765 *INVE: [<] ye(s) ok . 620765_620947 *INVE: but we're playing it in french . 620947_622843 *INVE: ok so she (i)s going to start you off . 622843_625403 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit levez vous . 625403_627397 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez la tête . 627397_630806 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez les épaules . 630806_634015 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez les genoux . 634015_636841 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit tournez vous . 636841_640498 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit danser . 640498_644090 *INVF: asseyez vous . 644090_647265 *INVF: ok Jacques_a_dit asseyez vous . 647265_652485 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez les pieds . 652485_657057 *INVF: les genoux . 657057_659900 *INVF: la tête . 659900_662909 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit touchez le derière . 662909_666566 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit levez vous . 666566_669775 *INVF: dansez . 669775_673333 *INVE: oh you're too good for me . 673333_675627 *INVE: right you have a go . 675627_676742 *INVE: you give me instructions . 676742_678553 *ROMF: Jacques_a_dit . 678553_680399 *ROME: touch your tête@s:fra$n . 680399_685419 *ROMF: Jacques_a_dit . 685419_688345 *ROME: touch your knee . 688345_691188 *INVE: mm . 691188_692168 *ROMF: la nez . 692168_693365 *INVF: le nez . 693365_694645 *ROME: touch la@s:fra$pro tête@s:fra$n . 694645_700780 *INVE: oh alright give her a go . 700780_705334 *LISF: Jacques_a_dit . 705334_710106 *LISE: jump up and down . 710106_715675 *INVE: well . 715675_717221 *INVF: sauter . 717221_717870 *INVF: ok sauter . 717870_719232 *LISF: Jacques_a_dit (...) levez vous . 719232_734328 *LISE: touch la@s:fra$pro tête@s:fra$n . 734328_746132 *INVE: give him a go . 746132_749406 *ROMF: Jacques_a_dit xx la nez . 749406_755075 *INVE: mm le nez . 755075_756738 *ROMF: Jacques_a_dit . 756738_760761 *ROME: jump up and down . 760761_762572 *ROMF: Jacques_a_dit levez vous . 762572_770802 *ROME: touch la@s:fra$pro nez@s:fra$n . 770802_774825 *INVE: right ok . 774825_777833 *INVE: right I think we've done enough . 777833_779779 *INVE: you t(wo) [//] guys are too good for me. 779779_781591 *INVE: but you remember your french . 781591_783602 *CHIE: her hair fell off . 783602_785065 *INVE: oh well never mind . 785065_786280 *INVE: never mind . 786280_787011 *INVE: that was great guys . 787011_788074 *INVE: so we'll [/] we'll finish that one now . 788074_789920 @End