@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, MATF Mathis Subject, MATE Mathis Subject, GABF Gabriel Subject, GABE Gabriel Subject, CHIF Unknown Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject, CHISF Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|MATF||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|MATE||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|GABF||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|GABE||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHISF|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @Media: FT_RP_FM_Y3_Mathis_Gabriel, audio @Transcriber: HC @Situation: role-play *INVE: this is Mathis and Gabriel . 0_3519 *INVE: so you remember this game . 3519_5867 *INVE: this is my friend . 5867_7768 *INVE: she (ha)s just arrived from france . 7768_9402 *INVE: and she does not speak any english at all . 9402_13091 *INVE: so you can't say anything in english . 13091_15486 *INVE: ok ? 15486_16436 *INVE: and she (i)s going to ask you questions in french . 16436_19096 *INVE: and you've got to answer . 19096_21058 *INVE: and then you've got to ask her questions as well to find out about what her name is how old she [>] ? 21058_27719 *GABF: [<] t' appelles tu ? 27719_28218 *INVF: bravo Gabriel ! 28218_29962 *INVF: je [>] . 29962_31488 *MATF: [<] ! 31488_31893 *GABE: she (i)s called Lucie . 31893_34368 *INVF: et toi ? 34368_34942 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 34942_35798 *INVF: et toi ? 35798_38024 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 38024_39534 *MATF: j' ai huit ans [=! whispered] . 39534_40047 *GABF: j' ai huit ans . 40047_41526 *INVE: no that (i)s not what I asked . 41526_43487 *INVF: comment +... 43487_44375 *INVE: what did she ask ? 44375_45105 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 45105_46147 *MATE: what (doe)s that mean ? 46147_48933 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 48933_50724 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 50724_52622 *INVE: you asked her that so you must know what it [>] . 52622_54988 *GABF: je m' appelle er +... 54988_56872 *MATF: je m' appelle Mathis . 56872_57804 *INVF: ok . 57804_58957 *INVF: et toi ? 58957_60496 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 60496_61959 *GABF: je m 'appelle Gabriel . 61959_63797 *INVF: tu t' appelles Gabriel . 63797_64979 *INVF: très bien . 64979_65928 *INVF: et quel âge as tu Mathis ? 65928_67001 *GABF: ça va . 67001_68280 *MATF: j' ai huit ans . 68280_69322 *INVF: bravo très bien ! 69322_70845 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 70845_72153 *INVF: quel âge as tu ? 72153_72793 *MATF: j' ai [>] [=! whispered] . 72793_75235 *GABF: [<] huit ans . 75235_75780 *INVF: ok . 75780_76497 *INVF: et Mathis est+ce+que tu as des frères et des soeurs ? 76497_80325 *MATF: ehm +/. 80325_81803 *INVF: [>] +... 81803_84044 *MATF: +, un frère . 84044_84995 *INVF: un frère . 84995_85882 *MATE: xx . 85882_87472 *GABE: you haven't . 87472_88389 *GABE: you've got two brothers . 88389_89276 *MATE: one brother . 89276_90039 *GABF: deux . 90039_90786 *INVF: [>] . 90786_91672 *MATF: [<] . 91672_92062 *INVF: une soeur ? 92062_99905 *MATF: une [* un] soeur@g . 99905_100434 *INVF: très bien . 100434_101959 *MATE: and she (i)s annoying . 102068_103470 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 103470_104683 *GABF: deux [/] deux frères et une [* un] soeur . 104683_110472 *INVF: deux frères et une soeur aussi . 110472_112465 *INVF: ok . 112465_112918 *INVF: et quel âge ont t ils ? 112918_114628 *INVF: quel âge ont t ils ? 114628_115656 *MATE: what does that mean ? 115656_116887 *MATE: oh how old are they ? 116887_118362 *INVF: mmm . 118362_119189 *INVF: Mathis ? 119189_120340 *INVF: ta soeur ? 120340_122924 *INVF: elle a quel âge ? 122924_124402 *MATF: deux . 124402_127826 *INVF: elle a deux ans . 127826_128479 *INVF: ok . 128479_129973 *INVF: et tes frères ? 129973_130673 *MATE: I don't know how old [//] fourteen [//] [>] . 130673_133911 *INVE: [<] [//] fifteen . 133911_134550 *INVF: quinze ans . 134550_135950 *MATF: quinze@g ans@g . 135950_137288 *INVF: mmm . 137288_138019 *MATF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix [=! whispered] . 138019_143623 *MATF: dix@g . 143623_145070 *INVF: et dix ans . 145070_145739 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 145739_147188 *GABF: ehm they (a)re all in [?] their [?] teens [?] . 147188_152030 *GABE: there (i)s one fifteen . 152030_154784 *INVF: quinze ans . 154784_155343 *INVF: quinze ans . 155343_156962 *INVF: oui . 156962_157258 *GABE: and one nineteen . 157258_159811 *INVF: dix+neuf ans . 159811_161243 *MATF: dix@g neuf@g [>] .161243_161850 *GABF: [>] ans . 161850_163687 *INVF: mmm . 163687_164449 *GABE: and one (.) seventeen . 164449_170472 *INVF: dix+sept ans . 170471_171172 *GABF: dix@g sept@g ans@g . 171172_172915 *MATE: miss ? 172915_173365 *INVE: they (a)re all numbers we haven't done . 173365_175156 *MATE: his dad [?] xx xx . 175156_176806 *INVE: sh ok . 176806_178129 *INVF: et moi j' ai les cheveux noirs . 178129_181648 *INVF: et toi ? 181648_183033 *INVF: quelle couleur sont tes cheveux ? 183033_185103 *MATF: blonds ! 185103_186564 *INVF: blancs ? 186564_187438 *INVF: tu as des cheveux blancs ? 187438_188448 *INVE: you've got white hair ? 188448_190470 *MATE: no ehm brun [* brune] . 190470_194766 *INVF: bleu ? 194766_195951 *MATF: bleu@g . 195951_196665 *INVE: blue ? 196665_197536 *GABE: no you +... 197536_198285 *MATF: brun [* brune] ! 198285_199839 *GABF: brun . 199839_200681 *INVF: brun ! 200681_201209 *INVF: brun . 201209_201630 *INVF: ok . 201630_202875 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 202875_204246 *GABF: blonds [>] +/. 204246_206456 *INVF: [<] . 206456_206829 *GABF: +, marron . 206829_207637 *INVF: blonds et marron . 207637_208588 *INVF: très bien . 208588_209054 *INVF: et moi Lucie j' ai les yeux marron . 209054_211917 *INVF: toi [>] yeux ? 211917_214502 *GABE: [<] ? 214502_215153 *INVF: quelle couleur sont tes yeux ? 215153_216554 *GABF: marron . 216554_217848 *MATE: miss they (a)re not brown . 217848_218703 *MATE: they (a)re green ! 218703_218952 *GABE: no they (a)re not . 218952_220197 *GABE: they (a)re brown . 220197_220804 *INVF: marron . 220804_221801 *INVF: ok verts . 221801_222424 *INVF: et toi Mathis ? 222424_223294 *MATF: ehm bleus . 223294_224616 *INVF: bleus . 224616_225225 *INVF: très bien . 225225_225753 *INVE: ok now can you ask her all these questions ? 225753_229005 *INVE: you've asked what her name is . 229005_229924 *INVE: but can you ask her +... 229924_231449 *MATF: j' ai huit ans . 231449_233162 *GABF: ça va? 233162_233643 *MATF: ça va [>] . 233643_235543 *INVF: <ça va> [<] bien merci . 235543_236335 *MATE: have you got any brothers and sisters ? 236335_238577 *INVF: oui j' ai trois frères et cinq soeurs . 238577_244040 *CHIF: un deux trois [=! whispered] +... 244040_248367 *MATE: four sisters ? 248367_249175 *INVF: trois frères et cinq soeurs . 249175_252242 *GABE: five [/] five sisters and three brothers . 252242_255931 *INVF: oui ! 255931_256568 *INVE: and have you asked her what her name is ? 256568_262202 *MATE: yes . 262202_263868 *INVE: what (i)s her name ? 263868_264552 *INVE: no I don't think [>] . 264552_266669 *MATE: [<] . 266669_267197 *INVF: non . 267197_267728 *MATF: ehm j' ai che(veux) +... 267728_269548 *GABE: it was something like +/. 269548_271369 *MATF: comment t' appelles tu ? 271369_272536 *GABE: +, Lucie . 272536_273798 *INVF: je m 'appelle Lucie . 273798_274824 *INVF: ok très bien . 274824_276022 *INVE: you already asked ok . 276022_277470 *INVE: now +... 277470_278902 *INVE: no [/] no Mathis ! 278902_280989 *INVF: assis [/] assis . 280989_283823 *INVF: après . 283823_284865 *INVF: moi j' aime le français . 284865_287697 *INVF: et toi ? 287697_288508 *INVF: tu aimes le français ? 288508_289425 *MATE: yes . 289425_290187 *INVF: oui . 290187_290686 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 290686_291245 *GABE: am I going to france ? 291245_292911 *INVE: do you like french ? 292911_294438 *INVF: tu aimes le français ? 294438_295402 *GABF: oui . 295402_296586 *INVF: ok . 296586_297159 *INVF: et ma couleur préférée c' est le rouge . 297159_301424 *MATF: rouge blanc bleu ! 301424_303900 *INVF: très bien . 303900_305346 *INVF: bleu blanc rouge . 305346_306342 *INVF: et toi ? 306342_307415 *INVF: quelle est ta couleur préfèrée Gabriel ? 307415_309206 *GABF: rouge blanc bleu . 309206_312505 *INVF: yes but what (i)s your favourite colour ? 312505_314295 *GABF: bleu . 314295_315383 *INVF: bleu ok . 315383_316349 *INVF: et toi [>] ? 316349_317143 *GABE: [<] . 317143_317827 *INVE: f(our) [//] quatre ? 317827_318809 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 318809_319259 *MATF: rose . 319259_320707 *INVF: le rose ? 320707_321982 *MATE: I've got three . 321982_323695 *INVF: [/] en français . 323695_325764 *INVF: tu as quatre couleurs préférées . 325764_327539 *INVF: c' est quoi ? 327539_328255 *GABF: rouge blanc bleu and@s:eng$conj noir . 328255_333222 *INVF: noir ok . 333222_333935 *INVF: et toi Mathis ? 333935_334606 *MATF: rouge vert and@s:eng$conj bleu . 334606_337719 *INVF: très bien . 337719_338994 *INVF: très bien . 338994_339805 *INVF: et moi j' aime danser . 339805_342047 *GABE: oh she likes [>] ? 342047_344146 *INVF: [<] ? 344146_344536 *INVE: yes . 344536_345236 *MATE: I [>] ! 345236_345625 *INVF: [<] ? 345625_347649 *INVF: tu aimes danser ? 347649_347975 *INVF: Mathis ? 347975_348521 *MATE: yes . 348521_349453 *INVF: attention ! 349453_350045 *INVF: sois sage ! 350045_350606 *MATF: oui . 350606_351790 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 351790_352566 *INVF: tu aimes danser ? 352566_353329 *GABF: oui . 353329_354030 *INVF: et qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 354030_357252 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire Mathis ? 357252_359632 *INVE: what do you like doing ? 359632_360846 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 360846_363058 *INVF: et toi Gabriel ? 363058_365453 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 365453_367102 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 367102_368768 *INVF: chanter [>] ? 368768_371273 *GABE: [<] . 371273_371694 *INVF: tu aimes le foot . 371694_373079 *MATF: tu@g aimes@g le@g foot@g ! 373079_374853 *INVF: toi Mathis ? 374853_376363 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 376363_377950 *MATF: tu aimes le foot . 377950_379398 *INVF: tu aimes le foot . 379398_380238 *INVF: ok . 380238_380969 *INVF: et est+ce+que tu aimes chanter ? 380969_382450 *INVF: la la la la la [=! singing] . 382450_386277 *MATE: yes . 386277_387086 *MATF: oui . 387086_387631 *INVF: oui . 387631_388224 *INVF: et tu aimes regarder la télé ? 388224_390355 *MATF: oui . 390355_390806 *GABF: oui . 390806_391304 *INVF: oui . 391304_391942 *INVF: et tu aimes les jeux vidéos ? 391942_394587 *GABF: oui . 394587_396052 *MATF: oui . 396052_396937 *INVF: oui . 396937_397280 *INVE: video games . 397280_397996 *GABE: yes . 397996_398588 *MATF: oui . 398588_399568 *INVE: ok now +... 399568_401482 *INVE: you can pick one thing . 401482_406633 *INVE: and you've got to tell me everything you can about it . 406633_409731 *INVE: or tell Lucie in french . 409731_411584 *INVF: attention Mathis ! 411584_413963 *INVF: assieds toi . 413963_414975 *MATE: I know what I'm getting . 414975_415926 *INVE: ok . 415926_417389 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 417389_418134 *INVF: après [/] après [/] après . 418134_419193 *GABE: it is noir@s:fra$adj and blanc@s:fra$adj . 419193_422883 *INVF: noir et blanc . 422883_423954 *INVF: et c'est un ? 423954_424951 *INVF: ballon (.) de foot . 424951_428265 *INVF: ok . 428265_429790 *INVF: toi Mathis ? 429790_430461 *INVE: one thing . 430461_434335 *MATE: I'm looking what there is . 434335_435908 *INVE: one thing . 435908_437449 *MATE: xx get there xx . 437449_441837 *INVF: ok . 441837_442351 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est Mathis ? 442351_443239 *MATF: blanc [* blond] . 443239_445576 *INVF: c' est blanc . 445576_446803 *INVF: mais qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 446803_447661 *INVE: what is it ? 447661_449653 *MATF: un chat . 449653_451597 *INVF: un chat ? 451597_453341 *INVF: non . 453341_454461 *INVF: un ch(ien) +... 454461_455549 *MATF: chien ! 455549_455846 *INVF: chien . 455846_456951 *INVE: er Gabriel [/] Gabriel . 456951_458213 *MATE: he (i)s called Bobo . 458213_459226 *INVF: il s' appelle ? 459226_460438 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 460438_461545 *MATE: what ? 461545_462603 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 462603_463162 *GABE: what (i)s his name ? 463162_464749 *MATF: (.) Xavier . 464749_468391 *INVF: Xavier ! 468391_468967 *INVE: ok . 468967_470492 *INVF: très bien . 470492_471955 *INVF: er prend une autre chose . 471955_474492 *GABE: put them back in . 474492_476111 *INVE: yes . 476111_477218 *INVF: take one more thing . 477218_477932 *MATE: can we keep this one still ? 477932_481730 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est Gabriel ? 481730_487317 *GABF: un chat . 487317_488810 *INVF: un chat . 488810_489573 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 489573_490866 *GABF: noir +/. 490866_493527 *MATE: football . 493527_494227 *GABF: +, et blanc . 494227_494960 *INVF: bravo . 494960_495518 *INVF: noir et blanc . 495518_496967 *INVF: et est+ce+que tu aimes les chats ? 496967_498586 *GABE: what ? 498586_499456 *INVF: tu aimes les chats ? 499456_500749 *MATF: oui . 500749_501308 *INVE: do you like cats ? 501308_502694 *GABF: ehm oui . 502694_504079 *INVF: oui . 504079_504764 *INVF: et tu as un chat à la maison ? 504764_506445 *INVE: er Mathis no ! 506445_509900 *INVF: merci . 509900_511159 *INVF: tu as un chat à la maison ? 511159_514133 *INVF: assieds toi Mathis . 514133_517712 *INVE: do you have a cat at home ? 517712_519299 *INVF: oui ? 519299_521167 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 521167_522660 *MATE: what (i)s his name ? 522660_524668 *GABE: ehm it (i)s called Gigi . 524668_528778 *INVF: Gigi d' accord . 528778_530162 *INVF: très bien . 530162_530847 *INVF: et toi Mathis ? 530847_532886 *INVF: tu as un chat ou un chien à la maison ? 532886_535065 *MATE: a cat at home ? 535065_536589 *INVE: yes or a dog . 536589_537896 *MATE: yes I've got a dog [>] +/. 537896_540107 *INVF: [<] .540107_540372 *MATE: +, my cat got ran over . 540372_541384 *INVF: en français . 541384_542194 *INVF: tu as un [>] +... 542194_544076 *MATF: [<] . 544076_544917 *MATF: un chien . 544917_545446 *MATE: and deux@s:fra$num ch(ats) [/] chats . 545446_551750 *INVF: deux chats . 551750_552700 *MATE: but one got ran over and one had to go [//] get put down because it kept biting [//] scratching people . 552700_561618 *MATE: and this next door neighbour was +... 561618_564683 *INVF: [/] en français . 564683_565834 *INVE: one more thing and then +... 565834_567485 *GABE: I had loads because my Gigi kept on having babies but she's going for an operation . 567485_574192 *INVE: to stop her having babies . 574192_576261 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est Mathis ? 576261_578548 *MATE: rabbit . 578548_580061 *INVF: un la(pin) +... 580061_580806 *MATF: (la)pin ! 580806_581461 *INVF: un lapin . 581461_581880 *INVF: bravo . 581880_582878 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 582878_583702 *MATF: vert . 583702_585958 *INVF: vert ? 585958_587080 *INVE: green ? 587080_588154 *MATF: blanc . 588154_589024 *INVF: blanc . 589024_589522 *MATF: brun [* brune] . 589522_590984 *INVF: [>] . 590984_591731 *MATF: [<] . 591731_592152 *INVF: bleu ok . 592152_593241 *MATF: blanc . 593241_593879 *INVF: ok très bien . 593879_595466 *INVF: tu aimes les lapins ? 595466_597025 *MATE: I've got a rabbit . 597025_597833 *INVF: oui ? 597833_599094 *INVF: comment il s' appelle ? 599094_599683 *MATE: three [?] . 599683_600931 *INVF: comment il s' appelle ? 600931_601583 *GABF: trois . 601583_602331 *INVF: trois ? 602331_603638 *MATF: trois . 603638_604587 *INVF: comment ils s' appellent ? 604587_605708 *MATE: what (i)s it called ? 605708_607263 *MATE: Lolo Gigi and Nono. 607263_614036 *INVE: ok . 614036_614330 *INVF: très bien . 614330_615559 *INVF: ok maintenant on va jouer un jeu . 615559_619123 *INVF: on va jouer Jacques_a_dit . 619123_620555 *MATE: I'm getting a dog . 620555_621879 *MATE: I'm getting a dog +/. 621879_622952 *GABF: Jacques_a_dit . 622952_624243 *MATE: +, called Riri . 624243_624524 *MATE: a rottweiler . 624524_625676 *INVE: speak in french not english . 625676_627123 *INVF: Jacques a dit . 627123_628522 *INVE: you know Jacques_a_dit ? 628522_629084 *MATE: yes . 629084_630127 *MATE: [//] can I be it ? 630127_630873 *INVE: well Lucie (i)s going to be it first . 630873_633115 *INVE: and then you can each have a go . 633115_635170 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit levez+vous . 635170_638094 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit chantez ! 638094_641907 *INVF: chantez . 641907_644024 *MATF: chantez [=! singing] ! 644024_647029 *INVF: bravo . 647029_647837 *INVF: Jacques_a_ dit dansez ! 647837_650577 *INVF: Jacques_a _dit touchez l' épaule . 650577_655168 *INVF: touchez l' épaule . 655168_658624 *INVF: l' épaule ? 658624_660802 *INVF: touchez la tête . 660802_665393 *INVF: [//] I didn't say Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n . 665393_670186 *INVE: ok who (i)s going to have a go first ? 670186_672598 *INVE: ok Mathis go on then . 672598_674048 *MATE: can I hold her ? 674048_675495 *INVE: if you want . 675495_676210 *INVE: but be careful . 676210_677081 *INVE: nicely . 677081_677999 *MATF: Jacques_a_dit au+revoir . 677999_683478 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit ? 683478_684940 *GABF: au+revoir . 684940_685845 *MATF: au+revoir . 685845_686574 *INVF: au+revoir ok . 686574_687850 *MATF: Jacques_a_dit dansez ! 687850_689998 *INVE: ok carry on carry on . 689998_695150 *MATF: Jacques_a_dit levez+vous ! 695150_698091 *MATF: xx . 698091_701080 *MATF: tête .701080_702698 *INVE: one last one . 702698_707880 *MATF: Jacques_a_dit je m' appelle . 707880_713281 *INVE: how can you mime je@s:fra$pro m(e)@s:fra$pro appelle@s:fra$v ? 713281_717126 *INVE: my name is . 717126_718325 *MATE: you've got to say what your name is . 718325_719895 *INVF: Florence ! 719895_721124 *GABE: and Gabriel . 721124_722867 *INVE: ok your go Gabriel . 722867_725749 *MATE: careful with the doll though . 725749_728377 *GABF: Jacques_a_dit asseyez+vous . 728377_735287 *INVF: asseyez+vous ! 735287_739023 *MATE: he said asseyez@s:fra$v vous@s:fra$pro and he didn't +... 739023_740486 *INVE: he did say Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n . 740486_741030 *INVE: he did . 741030_742168 *MATE: he didn't ! 742168_742618 *INVE: yes . 742618_743320 *INVE: [//] there was a little pause between the two . 743320_745216 *INVE: ok . 745216_746710 *GABF: touchez la tête . 746710_749169 *GABF: Jacques_a_dit (..) dansez ! 749169_763255 %com: long pause and can hear another teacher working with another group *INVE: one last one ? 763255_780718 *GABF: asseyez+vous . 780718_785262 *INVE: I didn't hear that one . 785262_788622 *INVE: so even if you said Jacques_a_dit@s:fra$n I couldn't have done it . 788622_791377 %com: long pause and can hear another teacher working with another group *INVE: you know some more touchez@s:fra$v don't you ? 791377_806100 *MATF: touchez ! 806100_806958 *INVF: touchez le nez . 806958_807690 *INVF: touchez la bouche . 807690_809278 *INVF: touchez la derrière . 809278_811178 *INVF: touchez le pied . 811178_812266 *INVF: touchez le genou . 812266_813340 *GABF: derrière . 813340_815193 *MATE: can we hold them while we (a)re working [?] them ? 815193_816998 *INVE: ok . 816998_817962 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit au+revoir ! 817962_823084 *GABF: au+revoir . 823084_824297 *INVF: au+revoir . 824297_826008 *INVE: I think we've finished . 826008_826508 *INVE: finished . 826508_827487 @End