@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, LUCF Lucas Subject, LUCE Lucas Subject, ALBF Albertine Subject, ALBE Albertine Subject, ROSF Roseline Subject, ROSE Roseline Subject, CHIF Unknown Subject, CHIE Unknown Subject, CHISF Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|LUCF||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|LUCE||male|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|ALBF||female|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|ALBE||female|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|ROSF||female|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|ROSE||female|Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHISF|||Y3|FT|Subject||| @Media: FT_RP_FM_Y3_Lucas_Albertine_Roseline, audio @Transcriber: HC @Situation: role-play *INVE: ok so this is the role play with Lucas Albertine and Roseline . 0_5620 *INVE: ok . 5620_6926 *INVF: bonjour ! 6926_8887 *CHISF: bonjour . 8887_9867 *INVF: comment tu t' appelles ? 10381_12031 *LUCF: [>] . 12031_15034 *ALBF: [>] .15034_16078 *ROSF: je m' appelle Roseline . 16078_19176 *INVF: très bien . 19176_19860 *INVE: and can you ask her questions as well ? 19860_21556 *LUCF: je m' appelle +/. 21556_23098 *INVF: je m' appelle Lucie . 23098_26460 *INVF: et quel âge as tu ? 26460_28778 *ROSF: j' ai huit [= l] ans . 28778_31065 *INVF: très bien Roseline . 31065_32202 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 32202_34242 *ALBF: j' ai huit ans . 34242_35081 *INVF: très [>] . 35081_35859 *LUCF: [<] âge as tu ? 35859_36669 *INVF: j' ai cinq [>] ? 36669_39331 *ALBE: [<] does j(e)@s:fra$pro huit@s:fra$num [= l] ans@s:fra$n mean ? 39331_40793 *LUCE: it means [/] you (a)re eight years old . 40793_43766 *INVF: et toi Lucas quel âge as tu ? 43766_46582 *INVF: Lucas ? 46582_49322 *INVF: quel âge as tu ? 49322_51018 *LUCF: ehm quel âge +... 51018_53152 *LUCF: je m 'appelle Lucas ! 53152_55206 *INVF: oui et quel âge as tu ? 55206_56434 *ROSF: [>] +... 56434_58394 *INVF: [<] +... 58394_58816 *LUCF: j' ai huit [= l] ans . 58816_59841 *INVF: huit ans . 59841_60636 *INVF: très bien . 60636_61133 *INVF: et Albertine tu as des frères et des soeurs ? 61133_65694 *ROSE: do you have a brother or a sister ? 65694_69211 *ALBE: I have half [//] I mean I have two sisters one half brother . 69211_76650 *INVF: en français ? 76650_78720 *INVF: j' ai +... 78720_80013 *ALBF: j(e)@g ai@g +... 80013_81553 *ROSF: j' ai tr(ois) [//] [>] +/. 81553_83343 *INVF: [<] +/. 83343_84029 *ALBF: deux@g [>]. 84029_84572 *ROSF: +, [<] soeurs . 84572_85646 %com: soeurs mispronounced . *INVF: +, soeurs. 85646_86143 *INVF: et ? 86143_87576 *CHISF: un . 87576_89646 *LUCF: un frère . 89646_91452 *INVF: un demi+frère . 91452_92276 *ALBE: I don't have any brothers or sisters but I have half . 92276_95311 *INVE: yes . 95311_96123 *INVF: demi+frère . 96123_98394 *ROSE: how do you say [>] ? 98394_98690 *INVF: [<] . 98690_99389 *INVF: demi . 99389_100385 *INVF: so@s:eng$conj un demi [>] . 100385_102891 *ROSF: [<] . 102891_103607 *INVF: très bien . 103607_105583 *INVF: et toi Lucas ? 105583_106548 *INVF: et toi Lucas ? 106548_109396 *INVF: tu as des frère ou des soeurs ? 109396_110813 *LUCF: non . 110813_112105 *INVF: non . 112105_112635 *INVF: et toi Roseline ? 112635_113912 *ROSF: er deux frères +/. 113912_118503 *INVF: mmm . 118503_119780 *ROSF: +, une [* un] soeur . 119780_121599 *INVF: très bien . 121599_122426 *INVF: et quel âge ont ils ? 122426_123825 *INVF: [//] quel âge ont tes frères et soeurs ? 123825_129663 *ROSE: how old are they ? 129663_132510 *ROSE: ehm one of them (i)s (.) six@s:fra$num month . 132510_142781 *INVF: six mois . 142781_143561 *INVF: six mois . 143561_144384 *ROSE: and the other one +/. 144384_148477 *ROSF: un deux trois six sept huit neuf dix [=! whispered] . 148477_155140 *ROSF: +, onze ! 155140_155638 *INVF: onze ans . 155638_156726 *INVF: ok et l' autre ? 156726_158906 *ROSE: and my sister (i)s +/. 158906_161537 *INVF: ma soeur . 161537_162206 *ROSE: neuf . 162206_166361 *ROSF: neuf . 166361_172182 *INVF: neuf ans . 172182_173178 *INVF: très bien . 173178_174360 *ALBE: so Zaza is nine ? 174360_175995 *LUCE: is that Zaza ? 175995_177832 *INVF: et moi ? 177832_178999 *INVF: moi j' ai les cheveux noirs . 178999_181879 *INVF: et toi ? 181879_183807 *INVF: quelle [>] ? 183807_187030 *ROSE: [<] . 187030_187420 *INVF: bravo Roseline tu as des cheveux [>] . 187420_189286 *LUCF: [<] blonds . 189286_189799 *INVF: et toi tu as des cheveux blonds Lucas . 189799_193037 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 193037_194266 *LUCF: blonds . 194266_195185 *ALBF: blonds@g . 195185_195589 *ROSE: you don't have blond hair Lucas ! 195589_196945 *LUCE: oh marron [* man(xxx)] [//] bruns . 196945_201208 *INVF: bruns très bien Lucas . 201208_203124 *INVF: j' ai les cheveux bruns . 203124_204523 *INVF: et j' ai les yeux marron . 204523_207464 *INVF: j' ai les yeux marron . 207464_209706 *ALBF: [>] .209706_210514 *ROSE: [<] . 210514_211043 *INVF: les yeux marron . 211043_212335 *ROSE: I'm [>] . 212335_213566 *INVF: [<] Roseline +... 213566_214592 *INVF: tu as les yeux bleus . 214592_216476 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 216476_217176 *INVF: toi Albertine ? 217176_218514 *INVF: tes ch(eveux) [//] tes yeux ? 218514_220397 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 220397_221425 *LUCE: skin [?] [>] . 221425_222702 *ALBF: [<] .222702_223370 *INVF: tes yeux ? 223370_223479 *INVF: toi ? 223479_225456 *ALBF: marron . 225456_227136 *INVF: oui elle a les [>] marron . 227136_228927 *ROSF: [<] . 228927_229674 *INVF: mais toi ? 229674_230124 *ALBF: marron@g toi@g . 230124_231868 *INVE: mmm ? 231868_232523 *LUCE: how do you say hazel in french ? 232523_235199 *INVF: noisette . 235199_236119 *LUCF: noisette@g . 236119_237689 *INVF: oui et toi ? 237689_238422 *INVF: quelle couleur sont tes yeux ? 238422_239667 *INVE: she (i)s asking you the colour of your eyes . 239667_242715 *LUCE: noisette . 242715_244101 *INVF: noisette et toi ? 244101_245550 *ALBF: bleus . 245550_246249 *INVF: bleus très bien . 246249_247697 *ALBF: bleus et green@s:eng$adj . 247697_248521 *ALBF: [/] bleus verts ! 248521_249300 *INVF: bleus verts . 249300_251556 *INVF: très bien . 251556_252427 *INVF: et Lucie elle aime le français ! 252427_257128 *INVF: et toi [>] le français ? 257128_258669 *ROSE: france [<] ? 258669_259323 *LUCE: she likes france . 259323_260054 *INVE: french . 260054_261486 *INVF: et toi tu aimes le français ? 261486_264536 *ALBE: I thought it was +... 264536_266543 *ROSF: non ! 266543_267790 *INVF: non Roseline tu n' aimes pas le français . 267790_270202 *INVF: c' est dommage parce que tu parles bien français . 270202_273034 *INVE: it (i)s a shame you don't like it because you (a)re very good at it ! 273034_276303 *LUCF: oui . 276303_278139 *INVF: toi tu aimes le français Lucas ? 278139_280644 *INVF: oui . 280644_281360 *LUCF: oui . 281360_282060 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 282060_283370 *INVF: tu aimes le français ? 283370_284955 *ROSF: oui . 284955_286216 *INVE: do you like [>] ? 286216_286932 *ALBF: [<] . 286932_287600 *INVF: oui ok . 287600_288832 *ALBE: I like xx . 288832_289500 *INVF: et qu'est+ce que tu [>] ? 289500_292488 *ALBE: [<] french . 292488_293874 *INVE: what do you like ? 293874_295677 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 295677_296627 *LUCE: how do you say [>] ? 296627_297514 *INVF: tu aimes [<] ? 297514_298681 *INVF: la la la [=! singing] ! 298681_299412 *INVF: danser ? 299412_300144 *INVF: da da . 300144_301638 *LUCF: non . 301638_302478 *INVF: non . 302478_302868 *INVF: toi Lucas tu aimes ? 302868_303771 *INVF: le foot ? 303771_304658 *LUCE: football . 304658_306200 *INVF: le foot . 306200_306557 *LUCF: foot@g . 306557_308395 *INVF: et toi Roseline tu aimes quoi ? 308395_310325 *ROSE: ehm looking after les [* le] chiens@s:fra$n . 310325_314402 *INVF: tu aimes les chiens ? 314402_315895 *ROSE: looking after them . 315895_317826 *INVF: m' occuper des chiens . 317826_319832 *INVF: [>] . 319832_320611 *ROSE: [<] sitter ! 320611_320923 *INVF: oh . 320923_321966 *ROSE: I always babysit dogs . 321966_324752 *INVF: [//] tu as un chien à la maison ? 324752_327600 *ROSE: how do you say Sasa in french ? 327600_332316 *INVE: Sasa ? 332316_333328 *ROSF: je m' appelle Sasa . 333328_335117 *INVF: je m' appelle Sasa . 335117_336347 *INVF: c' est [>] ? 336347_337016 *ALBE: [<] [>] .337016_338371 *LUCE: [<] Sasa mean ? 338371_339180 *ROSE: there (i)s a dog called Lala as well . 339180_340549 *ROSE: [>] .340549_342261 *INVF: [<] ? 342261_342573 *INVF: tu as un chien Albertine ? 342573_344239 *INVF: <à la maison> [>] ? 344239_345250 *ROSE: [<] to me . 345250_345905 *INVE: ok . 345905_346838 *INVF: tu as un chien . 346838_348036 *LUCE: do you have a dog ? 348036_351195 *ALBE: oh yes it (i)s called [>] . 351195_353686 *INVF: [<] . 353686_354029 *ALBE: and it (i)s a staffy . 354029_355974 *ROSE: I do ! 355974_356221 *ROSE: can I tell you what [>] +... 356221_357467 *INVF: [<] . 357467_358277 *ROSE: mine (i)s a bull [>] ! 358277_359459 *INVF: [<] ! 359459_360114 *ALBE: he shouldn't have been swinging on his chair ! 360114_368129 *INVE: are you ok ? 368129_369404 *INVE: have you hurt your arm ? 369404_375164 *ALBE: xx . 375164_377280 *LUCE: xx . 377280_378462 *INVE: [//] you haven't broken it . 378462_379613 *LUCE: xx crying by now . 379613_382588 *INVE: ok sit properly . 382588_387007 *INVE: and ask me +... 387007_388424 *ROSE: can I tell you what kind of +... 388424_389543 *INVF: en français ? 389543_390618 *ROSE: how do you say bull terrier ? 390618_392032 *INVF: un terrier . 392032_392967 *ROSE: I have a terrier@s:fra$n [* derrier] +... 392967_395971 *ALBE: how do you spell staffy in french ? 395971_398727 *ALBE: how do you say spell staffy in french ? 398727_400047 *INVE: ok [/] ok let (u)s +... 400047_402679 *ROSE: I never told you his name ! 402679_405730 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 405730_407583 *INVE: you have to tell me in [//] the whole sentence in french though . 407583_410290 *INVF: comment t' appelle +... 410290_412503 *LUCF: comment s' appelle t il ? 412503_412998 *LUCF: je m' appelle Mimi . 412998_413807 *INVF: Mimi ? 413807_415877 *INVF: ton chien ? 415877_416702 *INVF: c' est ton chien ? 416702_418289 *ROSF: ton@g chien@g je m' appelle Tata . 418289_421744 *INVF: Tata d' accord . 421744_423256 *ALBF: je m' appelle Tata . 423256_424017 *ALBE: and [/] how do you say staffy in french ? 424017_428640 *INVF: un terrier . 428640_431130 *ALBF: terrier@g . 431130_432033 *ROSE: how do you say staffordshire bull terrier ? 432033_433512 *INVF: et toi tu as un chien à la maison ? 433512_435209 *ROSE: how do you say staffordshire bull terrier ? 435209_437682 *ALBE: oh I've got a staffordshire bull terrier . 437682_439737 *ROSE: no you don't Albertine . 439737_440982 *ALBE: yes I do ! 440982_441341 *ROSE: it (i)s just a staffy . 441341_442679 *ALBE: no ! 442679_443381 *ALBE: it is ! 443381_443459 *ALBE: I've got a staffordshire bull terrier . 443459_445249 *ROSE: no it isn't . 445249_446216 *ROSE: [>] ! 446216_447118 *INVF: [<] vous avez d' autres animaux à la maison ? 447118_448347 *ALBE: if you want me to I'll bring a photo . 448347_449872 *INVF: vous avez d' autres animaux ? 449872_451988 *INVF: vous avez un chat ? 451988_453531 *INVF: non ? 453531_455195 *INVF: Lucas tu as un chat à la maison ? 455195_456736 *LUCE: [>] ? 456736_457889 *ROSE: [<] ? 457889_458121 *INVF: un chat ? 458121_458916 *INVE: miaow ! 458916_459443 *LUCF: non . 459443_461031 *INVF: non . 461031_461715 *INVF: [>] ? 461715_462898 *ROSE: [<] rip it to pieces . 462898_463614 *INVF: un [>] .463614_465467 *ROSE: [<] . 465467_466214 *ALBE: guess what Coco did yesterday . 466214_469017 *INVE: ok . 469017_469904 *ALBE: Coco gave us the thing and Dodo to my mum . 469904_473453 *INVF: très bien . 473453_474479 *INVF: et qu'est+ce+que tu aimes ? 474479_475072 *INVF: toi tu aimes le foot . 475072_475723 *INVF: et tu aimes danser ? 475723_476986 *INVF: tu aimes chanter ? 476986_477716 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 477716_478743 *ROSE: what does that mean ? 478743_482665 *INVE: what do you like to do ? 482665_483538 *ROSE: am I always first ? 483538_485592 *LUCF: foot [/] foot [/] foot . 485592_486805 *INVF: toi tu aimes le foot . 486805_489078 *INVF: Roseline qu'est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 489078_490354 *INVF: tu aimes t' occuper des chiens . 490354_491894 *ROSF: emh looking after chiens@s:fra$n . 491894_495863 *INVF: ok t' occuper des chiens . 495863_497467 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 497467_498432 *INVF: tu aimes ? 498432_498945 *ROSE: [//] you know when we played Simon_says ? 498945_503007 *ALBE: are we onto the number thing or something . 503007_505591 *INVE: no ok . 505591_507754 *INVE: let (u)s move on . 507754_509777 *INVE: now you (a)re each going to pick something out of there . 509777_513139 *INVE: but then you have to tell Lucie [>] +/. 513139_514900 *ROSE: [<] ? 514900_515101 *INVE: +, as much as you can about that thing . 515101_518618 *INVE: whether it (i)s big small the colour what is is +... 518618_523395 *INVE: you take one each . 523395_529465 *INVE: one each . 529465_530198 *INVF: un chacun . 530198_531706 *INVF: voilà . 531706_533263 *INVE: ok . 533263_533887 *ROSE: where (i)s a dog ? 533887_535255 *INVF: Roseline tu choisis quelque chose ? 535255_540563 *LUCE: xx dog here . 540563_543831 *INVE: there [>] . 543831_545309 *ROSE: [<] . 545309_545823 *ALBE: there isn't any . 545823_547084 *INVE: ok . 547084_548391 *INVE: choose something else . 548391_550865 *INVE: ok [/] ok . 550865_553435 *INVF: alors Roseline . 553435_556608 *INVF: Roseline qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 556608_559362 *ROSF: un chien . 559362_560655 *INVF: oui . 560655_561356 *INVF: quelle couleur il est ? 561356_563238 *ROSE: what colour collar ? 563238_565199 *INVE: what colour ? 565199_566522 *ROSF: bleu . 566522_566990 *INVF: son collier est bleu oui . 566990_568968 *INVF: et le chien il est quelle [//] de quelle couleur ? 568968_572766 *ROSF: er blanc . 572766_574618 *INVF: blanc oui . 574618_576282 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 576282_577824 *INVF: comment s' appelle t il ? 577824_580126 *INVF: il s' appelle ? 580126_582228 *ROSF: blanc . 582228_583629 *INVF: blanc . 583629_584594 *INVE: ok . 584594_585747 *INVF: et il est grand ? 585747_587784 *INVF: il est petit ? 587784_588204 *LUCE: hey you said comment@s:fra$adv t(e)@s:fra$pro appelle@s:fra$v tu@s:fra$pro so she has to make a name up . 588204_590383 *INVE: yes . 590383_591254 *ROSE: Coco . 591254_594056 *INVE: Coco ok . 594056_595583 *INVF: et il est petit ? 595583_597122 *INVF: il est grand ? 597122_597713 *ROSF: petit . 597713_599396 *INVF: il est petit . 599396_600001 *INVF: très bien Roseline . 600001_601076 *INVF: et toi Albertine ? 601076_602383 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 602383_603364 *ALBF: le chat . 603364_604127 *INVF: très bien . 604127_605915 *ROSE: I want to change . 605915_608545 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 608545_609465 *INVE: you (a)re going to have another go . 609465_610786 *INVF: quelle couleur il est ? 610786_612763 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 612763_614600 *ROSE: what colour ? 614600_616575 *ALBE: black and white . 616575_619517 *ALBF: ehm [>] and@s:eng$conj bleu [//] I@s:eng$pro means:eng$v er noir [/] noir and@s:eng$conj blanc . 619517_625573 *LUCF: [<] . 625573_625727 *INVF: très bien . 625727_626536 *INVF: et les yeux ? 626536_627594 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 627594_628700 *INVF: les yeux ? 628700_631191 *ALBE: les [= l] yeux . 631191_633166 *INVF: quelle couleur les [>] ? 633166_633648 *ROSF: [<] . 633648_634520 *ALBE: er gr(een) [//] er +... 634520_637539 *CHIF: vert . 637539_639190 *ALBF: vert@g ! 639190_639875 *INVF: très bien . 639875_640980 *ROSE: what do you say ? 640980_641788 *CHIE: Tata . 641788_642458 *INVF: et comment s' appelle t t il ? 642458_642955 *INVF: le chat ? 642955_645616 *ROSF: le chien [?] . 645616_647796 *ALBE: the name or something ? 647796_649026 *ALBE: Tata .649026_650301 *INVF: ok [>] . 650301_652685 *ALBF: [<] . 652685_653180 *INVF: et toi Lucas ? 653180_654379 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 654379_654691 *ALBE: my name is Tata ! 654691_655764 *LUCE: un@s:fra$n [?] football . 655764_657043 *INVF: un ballon de foot . 657043_658256 *INVE: sh . 658256_659421 *LUCE: ehm how do you say round in french ? 659421_662425 *INVF: il est rond . 662425_663530 *LUCF: il@g est@g rond@g . 663530_664961 *INVF: et quelle couleur ? 664961_666346 *LUCF: ehm +/. 666346_667918 *INVE: pick another one . 667918_669009 *LUCF: +, blanc and +... 669009_670254 *LUCE: how do you say black again ? 670254_673287 *INVF: noir . 673287_674878 *LUCF: noir@g . 674878_675545 *INVF: et blanc . 675545_676651 *INVF: ok très bien . 676651_678378 *INVF: ok . 678378_679124 *INVE: have you picked another one each ? 679124_681707 *ROSE: no I don't want to pick another one . 681707_684151 *INVE: oh you have to because you have to tell me [>] . 684151_686843 *ALBE: [<] back in and [<] choose something else ? 686843_688511 *INVE: yes [/] yes . 688511_689302 *ALBE: I was talking to Lucas . 689302_692074 *INVE: no another one . 692074_692807 *INVE: a different one . 692807_693258 *INVE: quickly though . 693258_694099 *INVE: quickly . 694099_694675 *INVE: just pick another one . 694675_695156 *ROSE: she said a [>] . 695156_696075 *INVE: [<] . 696075_696481 *INVE: quickly . 696481_697570 *INVE: doesn't matter what it is . 697570_698956 *LUCE: do you have to keep the ones you've had . 698956_702097 *LUCE: I know what I'll pick . 702097_705134 *INVF: ok Roseline qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 705134_706457 *ROSF: un +... 706457_709151 *LUCE: Roseline can I have this ? 709151_710023 *INVE: no you can't have another one . 710023_711717 *INVE: you have to have something different . 711717_713788 *INVF: ok Roseline ? 713788_714800 *ROSE: how do you say a card ? 714800_717928 *INVF: une carte . 717928_719079 *ROSE: une@g carte@g . 719079_720370 *ROSF: un lapin . 720370_724262 *INVF: très bien . 724262_725680 *ROSF: un +/. 725680_727235 *INVF: [<] couleur ? 727235_729195 *ROSF: un +... 729195_729632 *ROSF: gris . 729632_729864 *INVF: gris . 729864_730301 *INVF: très bien . 730301_730970 *ROSF: un jaune [* jambon] . 730970_733320 *INVF: un jambon ? 733320_735749 *ROSE: it (i)s yellow . 735749_737367 *INVF: oh jaune . 737367_738767 *ROSF: jaune@g . 738767_739638 *INVE: you know what jambon@s:fra$n is ? 739638_741475 *INVE: it (i)s ham . 741475_741678 *INVE: that (i)s why I was wondering what you were saying . 741678_743452 *ROSF: un rose . 743452_744884 *INVF: rose . 744884_745462 *ROSF: un violet . 745462_747888 *INVF: violet très bien . 747888_749210 *INVF: et qu'est+ce que [>] ? 749210_750454 *ROSF: [<] . 750454_751513 *INVF: rouge . 751513_752152 *INVF: et qu'est+ce que c 'est ? 752152_752649 *ROSF: un +... 752649_754627 *INVF: f(leur) +... 754627_756449 *ROSF: fille . 756449_757104 *INVF: fleur . 757104_757289 *ROSF: fleur@g . 757289_758362 *INVF: et ça qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 758362_760621 *ROSF: un butterfly@s:eng$n . 760621_762767 *INVF: un pa(pillon) +... 762767_765150 *ROSF: pa(xx) . 765150_765989 *INVE: in the Hungry Caterpillar ? 765989_769166 *ROSF: part de pizza . 769166_770393 *INVF: papillon . 770393_771033 *ROSF: papillon@g . 771033_772184 *ROSF: bonne fête [* fi] [>] . 772184_774892 *INVF: [<] fête maman . 774892_775872 *ALBE: miss I want to go . 775872_777181 *INVF: ok qu'est+ce que c' est Albertine ? 777181_780838 *ALBF: poisson [* poiton] [//] poisson . 780838_781850 *INVF: poisson . 781850_783017 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 783017_783779 *ALBE: is that [>] ? 783779_786721 *ROSF: [<] . 786721_787452 *INVF: non . 787452_788122 *INVF: couleur ? 788122_788463 *INVE: colour ? 788463_789024 *INVF: couleur . 789024_789910 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 789910_790752 *ALBF: rose@g . 790752_791313 *INVF: rose . 791313_791451 *INVF: très bien . 791451_792028 *INVF: très bien . 792028_792964 *INVF: et toi Lucas ? 792964_793662 *INVF: qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 793662_794533 *LUCF: une [* un] carotte . 794533_795825 *INVF: très bien . 795825_796558 *INVF: [>] couleur ? 796558_798034 *LUCF: [<] .798034_798362 *LUCF: vert and@s:eng$conj orange . 798362_801692 *INVF: très bien . 801692_802345 *INVF: très bien . 802345_803172 *INVE: ok now we'll put them back . 803172_806424 *INVE: to finish we (a)re going to play Jacques_a_dit . 806424_807730 *LUCE: oh can I start ? 808260_808913 *ROSE: miss can I ? 808913_810237 *INVE: ok Lucas you start . 810237_812635 *INVE: you (a)re going to do [>] . 812635_813894 *ROSE: [>] next ? 813894_814205 *INVE: +, and [//] you can't all say the same thing . 814205_819325 *INVE: ok are you ready then Lucas ? 819325_823341 *LUCE: right . 823341_824245 *INVE: go on then . 824245_829240 *LUCF: Jacques_a_dit (.) levez+vous . 829240_835295 *INVE: go on then . 835295_840089 *LUCE: Jacques_a_dit put your hands on your head . 840089_843577 *INVF: en français . 843577_845256 *LUCE: how do you say put your hands on your [>] ? 845256_847514 *ALBF: [<] [>] . 847514_848403 *INVF: [<] la +... 848403_848665 *LUCF: l' épaule [* lapin] . 848665_851279 *INVF: la tête . 851279_851855 *LUCF: la@g tête@g . 851855_853039 *INVE: ok your go Albertine . 853039_855591 *ALBE: er what do you say ? 855591_860353 *ROSF: Jacques_a_dit . 860353_861303 *ALBF: Jacques_a_dit@g levez+vous . 861303_863621 *ALBF: Jacques a dit asseyez+vous . 863621_866532 *ALBF: [>] . 866532_869240 *INVE: [<] . 869240_870235 *ALBF: dansez . 870235_870890 *ROSE: no it (i)s my go . 870890_872679 *INVE: but that was very good . 872679_873987 *INVE: but you didn't say Jacques_a_dit so +... 873987_875309 *INVE: ok Roseline . 875309_876383 *ROSF: ehm (.) levez+vous . 876383_884928 *ROSE: oh [=! laughing] . 884928_888834 *INVE: go on . 888834_889488 *ROSF: Jacques_a_dit (.) ehm lapin . 889488_898358 *LUCE: is it my go now ? 898358_902498 *INVE: yes one more each then we'll finish . 902498_903977 *ROSE: one or two ? 903977_906234 *INVE: two then . 906234_907447 *LUCF: [//] non [/] non [/] non +... 907447_911929 *LUCF: levez+vous ! 911929_915386 *CHISF: xxx [=! laughing] . 915386_918404 *LUCF: Jacques_a_dit levez+vous ! 918404_921377 *INVE: but you (a)re not supposed to say the same one twice . 921377_924896 *LUCE: [//] what (i)s the one that you go down ? 924895_927227 *INVF: asseyez+vous . 927227_928241 *LUCE: I meant to say that . 928241_929517 *INVE: Albertine your go . 929517_931042 *ALBF: dansez ! 931042_933780 *ROSE: you didn't say Jacques_a_dit dansez@s:fra$v [=! whispered] . 933780_939228 *ALBF: Jacques_a_dit dansez . 939228_942045 %com: 'Jacques a dit' mispronounced . *ROSF: hee hee hee hee . 942045_946185 *INVE: your go Roseline . 946185_947741 *ROSE: er +... 947741_949142 *LUCE: xx . 949142_955460 *INVE: sh . 955460_956146 *INVE: you can say touchez@s:fra$v or you can say +... 956146_961593 *ROSF: touchez nez ! 961593_964129 *ROSF: touchez nez ! 964129_968128 *ROSE: oh Albertine ! 968128_972113 *INVE: ok last one Roseline . 972113_973996 *ROSF: je m' appelle +... 973996_976252 *INVF: Jacques_a_dit . 976252_977733 *ROSF: Jacques_a_dit (.) deux levez+vous . 977733_985219 *INVF: deux levez+vous ? 985219_988830 *INVE: why did you say deux@s:fra$num there ? 988830_990400 *ROSE: because I wanted two of them to stand up . 990400_992408 *INVE: only two ? 992408_993591 *INVE: and then me to not stand up ? 993591_995676 *INVF: très bien . 995676_999877 *INVF: très bien . 999877_1000640 *INVF: ok merci beaucoup . 1000640_1003941 *LUCF: merci !1003941_1005186 *INVF: au+revoir ! 1005186_1005917 *CHISF: au+revoir . 1005917_1007722 *INVF: au+revoir Lucas . 1007722_1008642 *INVF: au+revoir Albertine . 1008642_1009309 *INVF: au+revoir Roseline . 1009309_1009822 *CHIF: au+revoir ! 1009822_1011503 *INVF: au+revoir Lucie . 1011503_1012001 *LUCF: au+revoir Lucie . 1012001_1013901 *ROSF: au+revoir Lucie . 1013901_1015720 *ALBF: au+revoir xx . 1015720_1018088 *INVF: merci .1018088_1019504 @End