@Font: Win95::-13:0 @UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng, fra @Participants: CHIE Subject, CHIF Subject, QUEE Subject, QUEF Subject, MARE Subject, MARF Subject, INVE Investigator, INVF Investigator @ID: eng|bfp|CHIE|||Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|bfp|CHIF|||Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|bfp|QUEE||male|Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|bfp|QUEF||male|Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|bfp|MARE||female|Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: fra|bfp|MARF||female|Y3|PT|Subject||| @ID: eng|bfp|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|bfp|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @Media: PT_RP_FM_Y3_Martine_Quentin, audio @Transcriber: CW @Situation: roleplay *INVE: this is a role play and this is Martine and Quentin . 0_6071 *INVF: bonjour . 6071_8095 *MARF: [>] . 8095_8903 *QUEF: [<] . 8903_9230 *INVF: ça va ? 9230_10164 *MARF: <ça va bien merci> [>] . 10164_11253 *QUEF: <ça va bien merci> [<] . 11253_12031 *INVF: très bien . 12031_13603 *INVF: et comment tu t' appelles ? 13603_15548 *MARE: is that how old you are ? 15548_18304 %com: whispering . *INVF: comment tu t' appelles ? 18304_19673 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 19673_20481 *QUEF: [>] . 20481_23081 *MARF: [<] . 23081_23704 *QUEF: [>] . 23704_24343 *MARF: [<] . 24343_24700 *INVF: bravo . 24700_26754 *INVF: très bien . 26754_27627 *INVE: but that was the answer to the question quel@s:fra âge@s:fra as@s:fra$v tu@s:fra ? 27627_30959 *CHIE: ah . 30959_31567 *INVF: so@s:eng quel âge as-tu xx très bien . 31567_33371 *INVF: j' ai neuf ans . 33371_34241 *INVF: j' ai huit ans . 34241_35425 *INVF: et comment t' appelles tu ? 35425_38196 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 38196_39768 *INVE: I'm sure you remember that one . 39768_41824 *INVE: think a bit . 41824_42428 *INVE: it (i)s an easy one . 42428_43301 *QUEE: I think it (i)s like +... 43301_44622 *MARE: how are you ? 44622_46319 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 46319_50739 *INVE: you did it a lot at the register with [/] with missus Durand . 50739_55781 *INVF: je m' appelle +... 55781_57915 *MARF: comment tu +... 57915_58972 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 58972_60404 *QUEE: is that xx age . 60404_63455 *INVE: no that (i)s quel@s:fra âge@s:fra as@s:fra tu@s:fra ? 63455_65944 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 65944_67376 *INVF: je m' appelle Florelle . 67376_70271 *QUEF: je m' appelle Quentin . 70271_73089 *INVF: bravo . 73089_74084 *MARF: je m' appelle Martine . 74084_74955 *INVF: très bien . 74955_75593 *INVE: so you remember now ? 75593_77463 *INVF: très bien . 77463_79345 *INVF: ok . 79345_80388 *INVF: tu as ehm +... 80388_83452 *INVF: tu as des frères ou des sœurs ? 83452_85975 *MARE: do we have any brothers or sisters ? 85975_88434 *QUEE: ehm one frère@s:fra$n +... 88434_91003 *INVF: en français . 91003_91251 *INVE: ah . 91251_92511 *MARE: is one frère@s:fra$n one sister ? 92511_93133 *QUEF: un frère . 93133_95344 *INVF: et une soeur . 95344_99576 *INVE: ok . 99576_100292 *INVE: you said one brother and one sister ? 100292_102879 *QUEE: no I've only got one [>] . 102879_103328 *INVE: [<] . 103328_103654 *QUEE: I said one sister . 103654_105275 *INVE: you said ? 105275_106894 *QUEE: one sister . 106894_107781 *INVE: ah ok . 107781_109525 *INVF: une soeur . 109525_110087 *QUEF: une soeur@g . 110087_111019 *INVF: et zero frère . 111019_112232 *QUEF: zero frère@g . 112232_114147 *INVF: et toi Martine ? 114147_116499 *MARF: eh deux frères et ehm (.) quatre soeurs . 116499_123251 *INVF: quatre soeurs ? 123251_123967 *INVF: une grande famille . 123967_126271 *INVE: hmm . 126271_127516 *INVE: I was going to ask you how old they were all of them and their names . 127516_131189 *INVE: but it will take for the whole lesson . 131189_132683 *INVF: et toi comment elle s' appelle +... 132683_137073 *INVF: comment elle s' appelle ta soeur ? 137073_139267 *QUEE: is that how old my sister is ? 139267_141012 *QUEE: xxx . 141012_144233 *INVE: no that was comment@s:fra elle@s:fra s' appelle@s:fra ? 144233_146894 *QUEE: oh ehm +... 146894_149056 *MARE: how is she ? 149056_149711 *MARE: or what (i)s her name ? 149711_150475 *QUEE: what (i)s her name . 150475_152716 *MARE: what (i)s her name . 152716_154145 *QUEE: the girl . 154145_158397 *INVF: elle s' appelle ? 158397_159688 *QUEE: the girl . 159688_160559 *INVF: elle s' appelle The Girl ? 160559_162364 *INVE: is that how you call her ? 162364_164217 *INVE: [>] ? 164217_164994 *QUEE: [<] . 164994_165462 *INVE: you don't know your sister's name ? 165462_166895 *QUEE: ah xxx . 166895_168528 *QUEE: xxx . 168528_172623 *INVE: Lauren ok . 172623_173448 *INVF: et quel âge a t'elle Lauren ? 173448_175020 *MARF: quel âge a t'elle Lauren@g ? 175020_176265 *INVF: xxx . 176265_177525 *INVF: [>] ? 177525_178677 *CHIE: [<] . 178677_179050 *INVE: that was a +... 179050_179719 *INVE: well done Martine . 179719_182801 *INVF: quel âge +... 182801_185508 *INVF: quel âge a Lauren ? 185508_186926 *INVF: Lauren quel âge ? 186926_188263 *MARE: how old she is ? 188263_189913 *MARE: can't say sixteen ! 189913_191888 *INVF: seize ans . 191888_193258 *CHIF: seize ans . 193258_194085 *INVF: seize ans ok . 194085_194877 *MARF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze +... 194877_198661 *INVF: treize . 198661_199937 *MARE: I don't know them all . 199937_201382 *INVE: ah we only did to twelve didn't we . 201382_204357 *QUEE: there is a boy in my family who can count up to a hundred is french . 204357_210254 *QUEE: but now he (i)s gone . 210254_211733 *INVE: yeah ok . 211733_217196 *INVF: et ehm moi j' ai les cheveux noirs . 217196_220744 *INVF: et toi quelle couleur sont tes cheveux ? 220744_223731 *MARE: ah your favourite colour . 223731_225880 *QUEE: no the colour of her hair . 225880_227886 *INVF: bravo . 227886_229336 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 229336_231124 *MARE: eh how do you say black in french ? 231124_236571 *INVE: black ? 236571_237398 *QUEE: ah hers ? 237398_238066 *INVE: no yours . 238066_239512 *INVF: quelle couleur sont tes cheveux ? 239512_241987 *QUEF: bruns . 241987_242735 *INVF: blonds ok . 242735_244042 *QUEF: bruns . 244042_244742 *INVF: bruns . 244742_245256 *QUEF: bruns . 245256_246004 *INVF: bruns . 246004_246563 *CHIE: xxx . 246563_250205 *INVF: très bien . 250205_250827 *INVF: et quelle couleur sont tes yeux ? 250827_252244 *INVF: quelle couleur sont tes yeux ? 252244_254562 *INVF: j' ai les yeux marrons . 254562_256398 *QUEE: xxx colour eyes . 256398_257877 *MARF: bleu et gris . 257877_260945 *INVF: bleu et gris . 260945_261908 *INVF: bleu gris . 261908_262485 *INVF: très bien . 262485_262734 *INVF: et toi Quentin ? 262734_264057 *QUEE: hazel . 264057_264694 *INVF: noisette . 264694_266516 *QUEF: noisette@g . 266516_267339 *INVF: très bien . 267339_268382 *INVF: ok . 268382_269923 *INVE: now your turn to ask her questions . 269923_272428 *INVE: what her name is . 272428_273674 *INVE: how old she is . 273674_274593 *INVE: if she (ha)s got brothers and sisters . 274593_275916 *INVE: all these things . 275916_277098 *QUEF: [>] ? 277098_277736 *MARF: [<] ? 277736_278842 *INVF: je m' appelle chloe . 278842_280694 *QUEF: [>] . 280694_282684 *MARF: [<] . 282684_283137 *INVF: bonjour Martine . 283137_284475 *INVF: bonjour Quentin . 284475_285846 *QUEF: merci . 285846_287744 *INVF: merci . 287744_288771 *MARF: au+revoir . 288771_289860 *INVE: ah . 289860_291121 *INVE: ok another question . 291121_295994 *QUEE: did we just ask comment@s:fra t' appelles@s:fra tu@s:fra ? 295994_299386 *INVE: yeah . 299386_299743 *MARF: j' ai +... 299743_302328 *MARE: xxx . 302328_303652 *CHIE: I don't know anymore questions . 303652_305689 *INVE: yeah how old is she ? 305689_307120 *INVE: how old are you ? 307120_308554 *QUEF: j' ai +... 308554_309597 *INVF: quel +... 309597_311198 *QUEF: quel âge as-tu ? 311198_311899 *INVF: bravo ! 311899_313128 *INVF: quel âge as-tu . 313128_313813 *INVF: j' ai sept ans . 313813_315121 *QUEF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept +... 315121_320801 *MARF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept +... 320801_324490 *INVF: oui . 324490_325378 *MARF: six sept . 325378_326154 *INVF: sept . 326154_326747 *QUEF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept +... 326747_329082 *QUEE: seven . 329082_329720 *MARE: seven . 329720_330390 *INVF: très bien . 330390_331167 *INVE: ok . 331167_331820 *INVE: now we're going to talk about what she likes doing and what you like doing . 331820_336490 *INVE: so . 336490_337905 *INVF: j' aime le bleu . 337905_339960 *INVF: j' aime le blanc . 339960_340801 *INVF: j' aime le rouge . 340801_342186 *INVF: et toi ? 342186_343150 *INVF: quelle couleur tu aimes ? 343150_344503 *QUEF: [>] . 344503_346231 *MARF: [<] . 346231_346979 *QUEF: j' aime le rouge . 346979_348006 *QUEE: that flag . 348006_348892 *MARF: rouge blanc +... 348892_351711 *MARF: rouge and@s:eng blanc for@s:eng England@s:eng . 351711_354838 *MARF: for the U@l K@l . 354838_356286 *MARF: rouge bleu blanc . 356286_360223 *INVF: rouge et blanc ok . 360223_362277 *INVF: oui . 362277_363289 *INVF: tu aimes le +... 363289_364891 *INVF: tu aimes le rouge le bleu et le blanc . 364891_366822 *INVF: très bien . 366822_367585 *INVF: et moi j' aime danser . 367585_370105 *INVF: et toi . 370105_371180 *INVF: tu aimes danser ? 371180_371803 *CHIE: ah do you like to dance . 371803_373033 *QUEF: I love to dance too . 373033_373840 *INVF: en français . 373840_375397 *INVE: in french . 375397_376503 *INVF: j' aime +... 376503_377653 *MARF: comme ci comme ça . 377653_378603 *INVF: comme ci comme ça . 378603_378991 *INVF: et toi tu aimes danser ? 378991_380657 *INVE: you can say oui@s:fra . 380657_383303 *QUEF: oui . 383303_384316 *INVF: oui j' aime danser . 384316_386665 *INVF: et toi Quentin . 386665_389171 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 389171_390960 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que tu aimes ? 390960_392284 *INVF: what do you like ? 392284_393668 *INVF: j' aime +... 393668_396034 *QUEF: marron +... 396034_398479 *QUEE: ah [/] like to do . 398479_400470 *QUEE: ehm I like to talk . 400470_403443 *INVF: pardon ? 403443_404687 *QUEE: I like to talk . 404687_405824 *INVF: j' aime parler . 405824_408159 *QUEF: j' aime parler@g . 408159_409464 *INVF: très bien . 409464_410289 *INVF: et toi Martine qu' est+ce+que tu aimes faire ? 410289_412018 *INVF: tu aimes +... 412018_415597 *MARF: xxx . 415597_418741 *INVF: danser oui . 418741_419504 *INVE: ok . 419504_421356 *MARE: I do loads of things I just can't list them all in french . 421356_423549 *INVE: try to list two then . 423549_426288 *INVF: deux choses . 426288_428235 *MARE: what (i)s the french word for singing ? 428235_432280 *INVF: chan(ter) +... 432280_434974 *MARF: chanter ! 434974_436358 *INVF: exactement . 436358_437307 *INVE: madame Durand used to say it . 437307_439113 *INVF: maintenant on va chanter . 439113_442055 %com: singing . *MARE: I've got a second one but like I remember it but then I forgot it . 442055_446240 *INVE: what was it ? 446240_447626 *MARE: xx doing your hair up in spikes . 447626_451236 *QUEF: le chien . 451236_453446 *INVF: le chien . 453446_454146 *CHIF: le chien . 454146_454956 *INVE: we come to that in a minute . 454956_456452 *INVF: et eh qu' est+ce+que tu aimes manger ? 456452_460947 *INVF: manger ? 460947_462208 *MARE: what do you like to eat ? 462208_463921 *QUEF: chou . 463921_468123 *INVF: tu aimes le chou ? 468123_469650 *INVF: très bien . 469650_470939 *INVF: do you remember what chou@s:fra$n is ? 470939_473414 *MARE: xx is lettuce +... 473414_474799 *MARE: xx [/] it (i)s like a chou@s:fra . 474799_476403 *QUEE: ah ehm . 476403_477743 *INVE: mmm . 477743_478223 *INVF: quoi ? 478223_480714 *QUEF: un hamburger et xxx chocolat . 480714_483673 *INVF: un hambuger et un xxx chocolat . 483673_485724 *INVF: le chocolat ? 485724_487127 *MARF: ehm comme ci comme ça le chocolat . 487127_488247 *INVF: comme ci comme ça le chocolat . 488247_490082 *MARE: some is sickly some is not . 490082_490955 *QUEF: le minéral . 490955_496729 *INVF: l' eau minéral . 496729_498394 *MARF: de l' eau . 498394_500167 *INVF: de l' eau ok . 500167_501770 *INVF: très bien . 501770_503840 *INVF: ok . 503840_504915 *INVF: maintenant on va regarder dans le sac . 504915_509101 *INVE: so you each have a good look . 509101_512137 *INVE: pick what you fancy talking about . 512137_513864 *INVE: and then you're going to tell us about it . 513864_515110 *INVE: [>] . 515110_516852 *QUEE: [<] . 516852_517708 *INVF: pardon ? 517708_518471 *QUEE: xxx . 518471_520527 *INVE: you (woul)d rather Martine goes first ? 520527_522300 *INVE: are you just being very gallant because Martine is a girl ? 522300_527187 *INVE: that (i)s good . 527187_529303 *MARE: oh there (i)s loads of stuff in here . 529303_533988 *MARE: todays assembly (i)s carrots ! 533988_536026 *INVE: well [/] we listen to Martine first and then you can pick yours after . 536026_541069 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est Martine ? 541069_542719 *INVE: what is it ? 542719_544072 *MARF: une carotte . 544072_547404 *INVF: très bien . 547404_548183 *INVF: quelle couleur est la carotte ? 548183_550205 *MARF: orange . 550205_551093 *INVF: orange . 551093_551901 *INVF: et ? 551901_553007 *INVF: et ? 553007_555124 *INVE: and ? 555124_555589 *INVF: orange +... 555589_557099 *MARF: ehm xx . 557099_558890 *CHIF: vert . 558890_560072 *INVF: vert . 560072_560711 *INVF: très bien . 560711_562266 *INVF: ok à toi Quentin tu prends quelque chose . 562266_564539 *INVE: and then you pick another one after Martine and we do one more and then we play a game . 564539_569659 *MARE: I'm surprised he (i)s a boy and he doesn't like footie . 569659_574547 *MARE: xxx . 574547_580802 *MARE: xxx . 580802_582375 *INVF: ok qu' est+ce+que c' est Quentin . 582375_586608 *QUEE: ehm he (i)s black [?] . 586608_590205 *INVF: oui mais qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 590205_591293 *INVE: what is it first ? 591293_592320 *QUEF: le chien . 592320_593642 *INVF: c' est un chien . 593642_595417 *INVF: il est blanc beige . 595417_598295 *INVF: quelle couleur sont ses yeux ? 598295_601330 *QUEF: blanc bleu and@s:eng (.) brun . 601330_609144 *INVF: marron . 609144_611183 *INVF: oui ou brun marron . 611183_612878 *INVF: xx c' est pas . 612878_614076 *QUEF: violet . 614076_615090 *INVF: j(aune) +... 615090_618108 *QUEF: jaune . 618108_618793 *INVF: jaune . 618793_619479 *INVF: ok quelle couleur sont ses yeux ? 619479_623010 *INVF: ses yeux ? 623010_625266 *QUEE: same as mine . 625266_630077 *INVF: marron ou noisette . 630077_632660 *QUEE: hazel . 632660_633312 *INVF: ou noir . 633312_634419 *QUEE: no they're hazel (be)cause xx +... 634419_635772 *QUEE: they're light brown . 635772_636332 *INVF: ok marron marron . 636332_638435 *QUEF: marron@g . 638435_638978 *MARE: all the stuff in here is noir@s:fra$n . 638978_640721 *INVF: très bien . 640721_641717 *INVF: ok ok . 641717_643056 *INVE: pick another one quickly . 643056_644800 *INVE: and then +... 644800_645843 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 645843_648816 *INVF: un +... 648816_650279 *MARF: xx . 650279_651243 *INVF: très bien Martine très bien . 651243_653611 *INVF: c' est un xx . 653611_654373 *INVF: quelle couleur il est ? 654373_656396 *MARF: jaune . 656396_660799 *INVF: oui . 660799_661328 *MARF: brun . 661328_665672 *INVF: brun marron . 665672_667042 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 667042_667912 *INVF: c' est son +... 667912_668863 *MARF: xx . 668863_671071 *INVF: oui son nez . 671071_671882 *INVF: son nez est marron . 671882_673826 *INVF: il a les oreilles blanches . 673826_679258 *INVF: et quelle couleur sont ses yeux ? 679258_683291 *MARF: ehm brun et noir . 683291_686853 *INVF: marron et noir . 686853_688536 *INVF: brun et noir . 688536_689499 *INVF: très bien . 689499_690526 *INVE: ok one more . 690526_691615 *MARE: xxx . 691615_696440 *INVF: ok qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 696440_706774 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est Quentin ? 706774_709700 *QUEF: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit +... 709700_714836 *QUEF: sept ? 714836_716019 *INVF: sept oui . 716019_716858 *INVF: qu' est+ce+que c' est ? 716858_717746 *INVF: c' est un badge . 717746_718680 *QUEE: xxx dog's birthday . 718680_720937 *INVE: try . 720937_723352 *QUEF: le chien xx . 723352_726369 *INVF: anniversaire . 726369_727817 *QUEF: le chien anniversaire@g . 727817_730058 *INVF: anniversaire du chien . 730058_730711 *QUEF: du chien@g . 730711_732330 *INVF: oui . 732330_732829 *INVF: quelle couleur est le badge ? 732829_735722 *QUEE: blue . 735722_740719 *QUEF: blanc . 740719_741870 *INVF: blanc +... 741870_742337 *INVF: bleu . 742337_744672 *INVF: très bien . 744672_745465 *QUEF: vert . 745465_746899 *INVF: vert . 746899_747691 *QUEF: violet . 747691_749062 *INVF: oui . 749062_749544 *QUEE: dark blue . 749544_750805 *INVF: bleu foncé . 750805_753093 *QUEF: bleu foncé . 753093_754837 *QUEE: I know the other [?] colour ah . 754837_759426 *INVF: quelle couleur ? 759426_761511 *MARF: bleu ? 761511_762306 *QUEE: red . 762306_763800 *INVF: rouge . 763800_764471 *QUEF: rouge@g . 764471_765434 *INVF: ok très bien . 765434_770445 *INVF: ok on xx ça . 770445_773543 *INVF: et on va jouer à Jaques_a_dit . 773543_774975 *INVE: do you remember Jaques_a_dit ? 774975_776345 *MARE: yes it (i)s Simon_Says in french . 776345_777854 *INVE: [/] I'll have a little go first . 777854_780796 *INVE: and then you can each have a go . 780796_781899 *INVF: Jaques a dit levez vous . 781899_784437 *INVF: Jaques a dit chantez . 784437_789510 %com: children sing . *INVF: Jaques a dit dansez ! 789510_795006 *INVF: asseyez vous . 795006_799300 *INVE: I didn't say Jaques_a_dit . 799300_803392 *QUEE: ah man ! 803392_805121 *INVF: Jaques a dit touche les genoux . 805121_810645 *INVF: très bien bravo Martine . 810645_816155 *INVF: les genoux . 816155_817041 *INVE: xxx . 817041_820870 *INVF: eh asseyez vous . 820870_823703 *INVE: ok it (i)s your go . 823703_828030 *QUEE: thankyou . 828030_828776 *INVE: so you tell us what to do . 828776_831172 *INVE: think of as many things as you can . 831172_834085 *INVE: you don't need to use the doll if you don't want to . 834085_836234 *QUEE: ok xxx . 836234_838896 *QUEE: ah what (i)s Simon says again ? 838896_841525 *INVF: Jaques a dit . 841525_842290 *QUEE: Jaques a dit la tête . 842290_844031 *INVF: touchez la tête . 844031_845899 *QUEF: Jaques a dit silence . 845899_857744 *QUEF: Jaques a dit xx . 857744_861975 *INVE: Jaques a dit what ? 861975_864838 *QUEF: regardez . 864838_865681 *INVF: regardez . 865681_866162 *QUEF: Jaques a dit xx . 866162_873850 *QUEF: xx . 873850_875438 *MARF: bleu . 875438_876666 *INVF: rose . 876666_878113 *INVE: last one . 878113_882583 *INVE: last one . 882583_882924 *QUEF: Jaques a dit +... 882924_885304 *QUEF: Jaques a dit (.) xx . 885304_896324 *QUEF: xx . 896324_899996 *INVE: ok you're go Martine . 899996_902907 *INVE: so try [/] try to do as many as you can in two minutes . 902907_909833 *MARF: Jaques a dit cheveux [?] . 909833_915450 *INVF: xx . 915450_919265 *MARF: Jaques a dit dansez . 919265_921971 *MARF: Jaques a dit au+revoir . 921971_927372 *MARF: Jaques a dit silence . 927372_934297 *MARE: asseyez vous . 934297_944633 *MARE: ah xxx get him out . 944633_947231 *MARF: regardez . 947231_953052 *INVE: means look but it (i)s difficult to know if we're doing it or not because we're looking at you anyway . 953052_960911 *MARF: eh Jaques a dit eh pied . 960911_969394 *MARF: Jaques a dit eh genoux . 969394_975042 *MARF: Jaques a dit eh les épaules . 975042_979804 *MARF: la tête . 979804_983354 *MARE: I didn't say Jaques_a_dit ! 983354_989065 *INVE: well done guys that was great . 989065_991539 *INVF: merci c' est fini . 991539_995212 @End