@Font: Win95::-13:0 @UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, CHIF Romain Subject, CHIE Romain Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||male|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||male|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIF||male|||Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIE||male|||Subject||| @Media: MT_SR_FM_Y1_Romain, audio @Transcriber: HC @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: that (i)s Romain again . 0_2413 *INVE: the story retelling . 2413_3940 *CHIF: ehm xxx +... 3940_8750 *INVE: you don't need to read it . 8750_11037 *INVE: you just tell me what you can see . 11037_12501 *INVE: and what the story is . 12501_13576 *CHIE: Xavier is trying to find a friend . 13576_18152 *INVF: en fran(çais) +... 18152_18774 *INVE: in french . 18774_19787 %com: whispering *INVE: do you remember what he is ? 19787_23383 %com: whispering *CHIF: c' est une tortue . 23383_27474 *INVF: très bien ! 27474_29093 *INVF: bravo Romain ! 29093_30774 *INVE: très bien ! 30774_31178 *INVF: c'est une tortue . 31178_32378 %com: turning page . *CHIE: ehm il n(e)@n pas d' amis . 32378_42899 *INVF: très bien bravo ! 42899_45203 *INVF: bravo bravo . 45203_47023 *INVF: il n' a pas d' amis . 47023_48192 %com: turning page . *CHIE: I've forgotten that one xx . 48192_54338 *INVE: do you know what that (i)s called in french ? 54338_58121 *INVF: ch(ien) +... 58121_60052 *CHIF: chien . 60051_60674 *INVF: voilà . 60674_62027 *INVF: un chien . 62027_62618 %com: turning . *INVE: and then what does he say ? 62618_66882 %com: whispering . *CHIE: ehm can I be your friend ? 66882_71833 *INVE: yes . 71833_72533 *INVE: can you say that in french ? 72533_73404 %com: whispering *CHIE: I've forgotten it . 73403_75583 *INVF: tu v(eux) +... 75583_77901 *CHIF: tu xx . 77901_79289 %com: sounds like English 'free' *CHIF: tu (.) tu tortue . 79289_84583 *INVF: tortue . 84583_86262 *INVF: tu veux être mon ami ? 86262_88287 %com: turning page . *INVE: ok . 88287_90294 *INVE: and what does the chien@s:fra$n say ? 90294_92611 %com: long pause . *INVE: can you remember how to say that ? 92611_105872 *INVF: tu peux courir ? 105872_109032 *CHIF: tu@g peux@g courir@g . 109032_110960 %com: turning page . *CHIF: non te [?] pas d' amis . 110960_113780 *INVF: très bien ! 113780_115178 %com: turning page . *CHIE: woof woof ! 115178_118260 *INVE: woof woof ! 118260_119412 *INVF: et il s' en va . 119412_121714 *INVE: le chien s' en va . 121714_123333 %com: turning page . *CHIF: il n' a pas de n(e) un ami . 123333_129948 *INVF: très bien ! 129948_133000 *INVF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 133000_133699 %com: turning page . *CHIF: chat . 133699_137512 *INVF: chat . 137512_138509 *INVF: très bien . 138509_139488 *INVE: speak as loud as you can so that we can hear because you (a)re doing really really really well ! 139488_144842 %com: turning page . *CHIF: une [* un] tortue . 144842_148547 *INVE: and what (i)s she saying to the cat ? 148547_153435 *CHIE: can you climb ? 153435_156937 *INVE: not yet . 156937_158244 *INVE: first ? 158244_160113 *CHIE: can you be my friend ? 160113_162198 *INVE: yes . 162198_163007 *INVE: and do you know how to say that in french ? 163007_164656 *INVE: have another go . 164656_165730 *CHIF: un [?] t(e) pas d' ami . 165730_167863 *INVF: très bien . 167863_169715 %com: turning . *CHIE: can you climb ? 169715_173684 *INVE: how do you say that in french ? 173684_175520 *CHIE: ehm (.) I've forgotten . 175520_187536 *INVE: never mind . 187536_189775 %com: turning page . *CHIE: no . 189775_193372 *INVF: non . 193372_195643 *CHIF: non ton te pas de ne (u)n ami . 195643_198008 %com: turning page . *CHIE: miaow miaow . 198008_207549 *INVE: miaow miaow miaow . 207549_208887 %com: turning page . *CHIF: de pas de un ami . 208887_214491 %com: turning . *INVF: elle est triste . 214491_217356 *CHIF: de pas de ne (u)n ami . 217356_219859 *INVF: oh qu'est+ce+que c' est ? 219859_222164 *CHIE: I've forgotten . 222164_224529 *INVF: comment elle s' appelle ? 224529_225882 *CHIF: comment t' appelles tu ? 225882_228188 *INVF: comment t' appelles tu ? 228188_229431 *CHIF: je m' appelle +... 229431_233354 *INVF: Camille . 233354_239252 *CHIF: Camille@g . 239252_239796 *INVE: yes . 239796_241072 *CHIE: why ? 241072_244917 *INVF: comment ça va ? 244917_245757 *CHIF: comment@g ça@g va@g ? 245757_247314 %com: turning page . *CHIE: can you be my friend ? 247314_252808 *INVE: in french . 252808_253991 %com: whispering *INVE: very good . 253991_255485 %com: whispering *CHIF: un te pas d' un ami . 255485_257400 *INVF: très bien . 257400_258442 %com: turning page . *CHIE: yes . 258442_263578 *INVE: in french . 263578_264248 *CHIF: bonjour . 264248_267689 *INVF: bonjour . 267689_268716 *INVE: and yes in french ? 268716_269915 *INVF: oui . 269915_270819 %com: whispering *CHIF: oui@g . 270819_271550 *INVE: what does she say ? 271550_274382 %com: whispering *CHIE: yes . 274382_276918 *INVF: oui . 276918_278118 %com: whispering *CHIF: oui@g . 278118_278881 %com: turning page . *INVE: oh look . 278881_284079 %com: whispering *CHIF: oui [?] ! 284079_285589 *INVE: how can you say that in french ? 285589_291316 *CHIF: bonjour . 291316_294026 *INVF: bonjour . 294026_295178 *INVF: il est content . 295178_297371 %com: turning page . *CHIE: ehm I've forgotten . 297371_305030 *CHIE: hello . 305030_306524 *INVF: au (revoir) +... 306524_307317 *CHIF: bonjour . 307317_308158 *INVE: the other one . 308158_308421 *CHIF: salut [>] . 308421_310897 *INVF: au+revoir [<]. 310897_311737 *CHIF: salut . 311737_312842 *INVF: salut . 312842_313494 *INVF: salut . 313494_314259 *INVE: very good . 314259_314866 *CHIF: au@g revoir@g . 314866_315845 *INVF: au+revoir . 315845_316607 @End