@Font: Win95::-13:0 @UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florence Investigator, INVE Florence Investigator, CHIF Yvette Subject, CHIE Yvette Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||male|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||male|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIF||female|||Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIE||female|||Subject||| @Media: MT_SR_RM_Y1_Yvette, audio @Transcriber: HC @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: story that you know quite well . 0_1900 *INVE: I think you know the story . 1900_3254 *INVE: so we (a)re going to go through the story . 3254_5432 *INVE: and you (a)re going to see how much you can say in french about the story . 5432_11222 *INVE: ok ? 11222_11752 *INVE: so you see if you can tell some of the story in french ? 11752_14116 *INVE: so ok here (i)s the very first picture . 14116_17214 *INVE: so who (i)s this ? 17214_17679 *CHIF: Thomas . 17679_20172 *INVF: oui c' est Thomas . 20172_21542 *INVE: and what is he ? 21542_22942 *INVF: un chat ? 22942_23563 *INVF: un chien ? 23563_24248 *INVE: he (i)s a tortue@s:fra$n isn't he ? 24248_29135 *INVE: right . 29135_29977 *INVE: ok . 29977_30692 %com: turning page . *INVE: so now what (i)s he thinking ? 30692_32450 *INVE: what (i)s he thinking ? 32450_33741 *CHIE: he won't (.) xx . 33741_38473 *INVE: but he (i)s thinking he hasn't got something . 38473_41136 *INVE: what did he say in french ? 41136_44979 *INVF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 44979_48277 *INVE: ok ? 48277_49833 *INVE: no friends . 49833_50239 *INVE: ok . 50239_50785 %com: turning page . *INVE: oh he meets somebody . 50785_52481 *INVE: and what does he say ? 52481_53570 *INVE: he says hello . 53570_54426 *CHIF: bonjour ! 54426_56575 *INVE: mmm . 56575_56806 *INVE: and what (doe)s the dog say ? 56806_57804 *CHIF: (.) ça va ? 57804_62175 *INVE: and Thomas replies ? 62175_64044 *INVF: ça va says@s:eng$v the@s:eng$det dog@s:eng$n . 64044_68045 *INVE: Thomas says ? 68045_68541 *INVF: ça va bien . 68541_71967 *INVE: ok . 71967_72932 %com: turning page . *INVE: but now Thomas asks him a question . 72932_74909 *CHIE: don't know . 74909_81866 *INVE: don't know right . 81866_83129 *INVE: well he (i)s asking him if he (wi)ll be is friend isn't he ? 83129_84714 %com: turning page . *INVE: and what [//] the dog asks him something . 84714_87562 *CHIE: do you run ? 87562_89771 *INVE: and what (i)s run in french ? 89771_91826 *CHIE: no . 91826_93477 *INVE: we (a)re not there yet . 93477_96076 *INVE: so he asks him tu@s:fra$pro peux@s:fra$v courir@s:fra$v ? 96076_98598 *INVE: ok and Thomas says ? 98598_99874 *CHIF: no@s:eng$conj (.) je [* de] ne@n pas d 'amis . 99874_104403 %com: d' amis pronounced more like 'dormi'. Turning page . *INVE: so the dog says ? 104403_107113 *CHIE: xx [>] . 107113_111502 *INVE: not going to be your friend [<] . 111502_112592 *INVE: yes ok . 112592_113399 *INVE: so he (i)s all sad . 113399_115827 *INVE: and he (i)s thinking ? 115827_116746 *INVE: what was that sentence you just said ? 116746_118894 *INVF: je n' ai +... 118894_119982 *CHIF: +, pas d' amis . 119982_121368 %com: d' amis pronounced more like 'dormi'. Turning page . *INVE: oh he meets somebody . 121368_124979 *INVE: so he says ? 124979_126100 *CHIF: bonjour . 126100_128061 *INVE: mmm . 128061_128716 *CHIF: ça va ? 128716_128995 *INVE: and the cat says ? 128995_130021 *CHIE: do you climb ? 130021_134536 *INVE: well let (u)s see that now . 134536_136076 *INVE: first of all Thomas asks the cat the question . 136076_138535 *CHIE: forgot . 138535_141990 *INVE: ok . 141990_143080 %com: turning page . *INVE: so the cat says ? 143080_144727 *INVE: you (a)re [>] . 144727_149304 *CHIF: grimper [<] . 149304_150161 *INVE: grimper yes [//] that (i)s right . 150161_152073 *INVE: the cat asks him tu@s:fra$pro peux@s:fra$v grimper@s:fra$v ? 152073_154316 %com: turning page . *INVE: and Thomas says ? 154316_155811 *CHIF: non je [* de] ne@n pas d' amis . 155811_158642 %com: turning page . *INVE: and the cat says ? 158642_161476 *INVE: xxx . 161476_163124 *INVE: he doesn't want to be friends does it ? 163124_166704 *INVE: so he (i)s all sad again . 166704_168073 *INVE: and he says it again . 168073_170657 *INVF: je n' ai pas +... 170657_172477 *CHIF: d' amis . 172477_173630 *INVE: mmm . 173630_174704 %com: turning page . *INVE: and he meets somebody . 174704_176681 *INVE: so he says ? 176681_178097 *CHIF: bonjour . 178097_178657 *CHIF: ça va ? 178657_179187 *INVF: ça va ? 179187_179791 *INVE: and she says her name . 179791_181333 *INVE: she says je@s:fra$pro m(e)@s:fra$pro +... 181333_183528 *CHIF: appelle . 183528_184493 *INVE: and what (i)s she called ? 184493_185864 *CHIE: don't know . 185864_188167 *INVE: she (i)s Camille I think . 188167_189365 *INVE: so he asks her the question .189365_190986 *CHIE: forgot again ! 190986_196260 *INVE: ok . 196260_196915 %com: turning page . *INVE: and she says . 196915_198238 *CHIF: ça va bien merci . 198238_201490 *INVE: excellent . 201490_204243 %com: turning . *CHIE: xx be friends . 204243_206066 *INVE: mmm so now . 206066_207871 *CHIE: he (i)s happy . 207871_209318 *INVE: and so how does he says he (i)s happy ? 209318_210734 *CHIF: ça va bien merci . 210734_214251 *INVE: excellent right right . 214251_216898 %com: turning page . *INVE: and then he says bye bye . 216898_218048 *CHIE: bye bye . 218048_219560 *INVE: so how does he say it in french ? 219560_221224 *INVE: he says ? *INVF: au (revoir) +... 221224_223528 *CHIF: au+revoir .223528_225069 *INVE: excellent excellent . 225069_226579 *INVE: that was smashing ! 226579_227528 *INVE: you know quite a lot of that story don't you Yvette ? 227528_230766 *INVE: that was excellent . 230766_231995 *INVE: that was really good . 231995_233365 *CHIE: my name (i)s Yvette Xx Xx Xx . 233365_237084 *CHIE: my daddy +/. 237084_238563 *INVE: you have a lot of names . 238563_240556 *CHIE: +, my daddy called me that . 240556_241007 *INVE: you have lovely names . 241007_242532 *INVE: aren't you a lucky girl to have those beautiful names ? 242532_245846 *INVE: that (i)s lovely . 245846_247496 *INVE: that (i)s lovely . 247496_248602 *INVE: so it (i)s Yvette Xx . 248602_252211 *CHIE: Xx Xx Xx . 252211_253923 *INVE: Xx Xx Xx oh that (i)s lovely . 253923_256647 *INVE: I (wi)ll remember that . 256647_258267 *INVE: right Yvette that was super . 258267_260444 *INVE: ok now I think +... 260444_263869 *INVE: I don't know if we have enough time to do something else +... 263869_268258 *INVE: sorry I'll just bring my sheet in case we do . 268258_272149 @End