@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florelle Investigator, INVE Florelle Investigator, CHIF Marius Subject, CHIE Marius Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF||male|||Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE||male|||Subject||| @Media: MT_SR_FM_Y3_Marius, audio @Transcriber: LCT @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: Marius story retelling . 0_2694 *INVE: ok . 2694_3823 *INVE: over to you . 3823_4157 *CHIE: li +... 4157_5120 *INVE: you don't need to read that . 5120_7481 *INVE: just tell me what . 7481_8646 *CHIE: I've got no friends . 8646_10241 *INVE: no but in french . 10241_11954 *INVE: I need it in french . 11954_12951 *CHIF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 12951_20250 *INVE: excellent . 20250_21879 *INVE: brilliant . 21879_22842 *INVE: very good . 22842_23990 *INVE: ok so that's what he said there . 23990_25286 *INVE: and then . 25286_28212 *INVE: can you remember what that is in french ? 28212_35194 *INVF: je . 35194_37805 *CHIF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 37805_40397 *INVE: yeah but +... 40397_42841 *INVE: yeah very good . 42841_43888 *INVF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 43888_44521 *INVE: excellent . 44521_45103 *INVE: and the [//] what's the dog in french ? 45103_45601 *CHIF: un chien . 45601_49990 *INVE: excellent . 49990_50822 *INVE: excellent . 50822_52518 *INVE: so he says ? 52518_53481 *INVF: bonjour ! 53481_54861 *INVF: and then ? 54861_58951 *CHIF: xxx ami . 58951_59832 *INVE: excellent . 59832_61694 *INVE: brilliant . 61694_62508 *INVE: you see ? 62508_62990 *INVE: you can remember ! 62990_63423 *INVE: you're doing really really well ! 63423_64054 *INVE: now what does the dog say ? 64054_66980 *INVE: can you remember what run is in french ? 66980_68277 *INVF: courir . 68277_74545 *CHIF: courir@g . 74545_75592 *INVE: ok . 75592_77638 *CHIF: je n' ai pas d' amis . 77638_80712 *INVF: ah je n' ai pas d' amis . 80712_83490 *INVE: excellent . 83490_87961 *CHIF: xxx . 87961_91036 *INVE: very good . 91036_91436 *INVF: non . 91436_91934 *CHIF: xxx . 91934_94129 *INVF: pardon ? 94129_95525 *CHIE: xxx . 95525_97786 *INVE: yes in french . 97786_98268 *CHIF: sont[?] n' a pas d' amis . 98268_100878 *INVE: very good . 100878_102989 *INVE: what's that in french ? 102989_105267 *CHIF: cama[?] . 105267_107628 *INVE: and le@s:eng$det ? 107628_111850 *CHIF: chat . 111850_113794 *INVE: excellent . 113794_114860 *INVE: very good . 114860_115507 *CHIF: il[?] n' a pas d' amis . 115507_118267 *INVE: very good . 118267_120063 *CHIE: climb . 120063_122191 *INVE: can you remember what it is ? 122191_126230 *CHIF: gri(mper) . 126230_128508 *CHIF: gri(mper) . 128508_130452 *INVF: grimper . 130452_131267 *CHIF: grimper@g . 131267_132248 *INVE: yep . 132248_133080 *CHIF: il n' a pas d' amis . 133080_134924 *INVF: non +... 134924_136887 *CHIF: non pas d' amis . 136887_140128 *CHIF: au+revoir . 140128_141026 *CHIF: non pas d' amis . 141026_143303 *CHIF: elle n' a pas d' amis . 143303_148424 *CHIF: c' est ne pas d' amis . 148424_151517 *CHIF: ah oui . 151517_155655 *INVF: oui . 155655_159396 *CHIF: oui@g . 159396_160609 *CHIF: on pas d' amis . 160609_167758 *INVF: il a un ami . 167758_169470 *CHIF: il@g a@g un@g ami@g . 169470_171099 *CHIF: woohoo ! 171099_172396 *INVF: au+revoir ! 172396_173461 *CHIF: au@g re(voir)@g ! 173461_174674 *INVE: well done ! 174674_175887 *INVE: you did really well . 175887_177201 @End