@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florelle Investigator, INVE Florelle Investigator, CHIE Clara Subject, CHIF Clara Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE||female|Y7|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF||female|Y7|MT|Subject||| @Media: MT_SR_FM_Y7_Clara, audio @Transcriber: AC @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: and don't worry just [>] +/. 0_1716 *CHIF: [<] . 1716_2304 *INVE: +, [<] . 2304_3535 *INVE: that (i)s story retelling . 3535_4389 *CHIF: elle n'a [/] (.) [//] pas ses [?] d'un [= l] ami . 4389_7505 *CHIF: elle@n cherche@n un@n mon@n [= l] ami . 7505_12810 *INVF: très bien . 12810_14910 *INVE: perfect . 14910_15533 *CHIE: Thomas hasn't got a friend . 15533_17886 *CHIE: and he (i)s looking for a friend . 17886_19782 *INVE: in French . 19782_20841 *CHIE: oh ! 20841_22944 *CHIE: I don't know . 22944_23517 *INVE: and anything you can say about that picture . 23517_27252 *CHIE: lonely ! 27252_30709 *INVE: in French ! 30709_32576 *CHIE: I don't know how to say it in French ! 32576_33648 *INVE: ok . 33648_34629 *CHIE: we haven't learnt [>] . 34629_36436 *INVE: [<] how to say Fren(ch) [//] um friend in French ? 36436_38693 *CHIE: no . 38693_41197 *INVE: [>] +/. 41197_42194 *CHIE: <(be)cause> [<] we haven't learnt that either . 42194_42784 *INVE: +, but you've read it a minute ago . 42784_44091 *INVE: when you read the front . 44091_46536 *INVE: ok ! 46536_47843 *INVE: carry on then ! 47843_48468 *INVE: just do what(ever) [//] whatever you can . 48468_49990 *CHIF: um (.) voici Thomas . 49990_53476 *CHIF: um +... 53476_54923 *INVE: excellent . 54923_56217 *CHIE: I don't know how to say [?] French . 56217_60419 *CHIE: how do you say French ? 60419_61866 %com: whispering, perhaps to herself or investigator? *INVE: French français@s:fra$n . 61866_63266 *CHIF: français@g . 63266_63998 *CHIF: um non [/] non . 63998_69056 *INVE: ok . 69056_69791 *CHIE: they're hard these ones ! 69791_70643 *INVE: it (i)s hard yeah I know . 70643_72432 *CHIF: um . 72432_74657 *CHIE: eh how do you say [//] friend again ? 74657_78955 *INVF: ami . 78955_79778 *CHIF: ami@g . 79778_80978 *CHIF: Thomas loo(king)@s:eng$v +/. 80978_83497 *CHIE: +, [//] looking is the same ? 83497_85614 *INVF: en français . 85614_87032 *CHIF: en f(rançais)@n . 87032_88586 *CHIF: Thomas en@g français@g@n un [= l] ami . 88586_91653 *INVE: excellent . 91653_93182 *CHIF: oh (.) um (.) Thomas [/] (.) +/. 93182_104228 *CHIE: I don't know how to say run either . 104228_111200 *INVF: courir ! 111200_112384 *CHIF: courir@g ! 112383_112850 *CHIF: +, Thomas (.) +/. 112850_117505 *CHIE: oh ! 117505_119808 %com: sounding exasperated at not remembering the word just learnt. *CHIE: what does that oh +... 119808_120990 *CHIF: tu xx être [?] pour [?] xx mon [= l] ami . 120990_126299 *CHIE: or something like that . 126299_127682 *CHIF: au+revoir . 127682_128321 *INVE: excellent . 128321_130440 *CHIE: Thomas [//] Thomas can't be his friend . 130440_135435 *CHIE: the dog said [?] . 135435_136942 *INVF: en français ! 136942_137861 %com: laughing with child at the reminder. *CHIF: en@g français@g . 137861_139465 *CHIF: Thomas en@g français@g . 139465_141689 *CHIF: Thomas en@g français@g doggie@s:eng$n . 141689_151634 *CHIE: I don't know how to say that ! 151634_154388 *CHIF: Thomas ca(t)@s:eng$n . 154388_158545 *CHIF: Thomas en@g français@g no@s:eng$adv . 158545_161018 *CHIE: I don't know ! 161018_164069 %com: whispered and laughing. *CHIE: where (i)s the grumpy one ? 164069_167104 *CHIE: is it next ? 167104_168349 *CHIF: Thomas grimper ? 168349_173406 *INVE: excellent ! 173406_175601 *INVE: you remember grimper@s:fra$v ! 175601_177392 *CHIE: eh that (i)s the easiest one ! 177392_178779 *INVE: ok . 178779_180071 *INVE: why ? 180071_180396 *INVE: why is the easiest ? 180396_181236 *CHIE: I don't know just +... 181236_182153 *INVE: (be)cause [?] you remember it . 182153_183788 *CHIF: Thomas [?] [/] ne@n grimper@g@n um +... 183788_196906 *CHIE: how do you say that word ? 196906_197578 *CHIE: [/] when they can't climb and they're going tatata ? 197578_199692 %com: babbling to fill in the characters' dialogue *INVF: [//] je ne peux pas grimper . 199692_204303 *CHIF: je@g ne@g@n peux@g pas@g grimper@g . 204303_206310 *INVF: très bien . 206310_207241 *CHIF: Thomas un [= l] ami le cat@s:eng$n . 207241_214480 %com: laughing at the last word being in English. *CHIE: no ! 214480_215943 %com: suddenly remembering the word in French. *CHIF: un chat@n ! 215943_216563 %com: laughing. *INVE: excellent ! 216563_217685 *INVE: you see it (i)s coming back to you when you +... 217685_219551 *CHIF: Thomas (.) un [= l] ami (.) grimper . 219551_226025 *CHIE: how do you say the snail again ? 226025_232068 *CHIE: (be)cause we didn't do the snail . 232068_233218 *INVE: no it (i)s escargot@s:fra$n . 233218_234865 *INVE: but [>] +... 234865_235957 *CHIE: [<] (be)cause that (i)s what you get in French . 235957_237701 *CHIE: what you can eat can't you? 237701_238323 *INVE: exactly ! 238323_238897 *CHIF: Tho(mas) +/. 238897_240142 *INVE: and then but she (i)s called Camille . 240142_240905 *INVE: can you remember in the story ? 240905_241589 *CHIF: yeah ! 241589_243177 *INVE: yeah . 243177_243724 *CHIF: +, Thomas escargot@g +/. 243724_246275 *CHIE: +, no I can't remember . 246275_251209 *INVE: ok . 251209_252359 *CHIF: Thomas +/. 252359_256125 *CHIE: how do you say friends again ? 256125_259302 *INVF: ami . 259302_260517 *CHIF: ami@g . 260517_261386 *CHIF: +, Thomas ami escargot . 261386_264484 *INVE: excellent . 264484_265525 *CHIF: Thomas (.) oh +/. 265525_272440 *CHIE: how do you say friends again ? 272440_275471 *INVF: ami . 275471_276688 *CHIF: a(mi)@g . 276688_277744 *CHIF: +, Thomas am(i)@g [//] ami@g (.) escargot . 277744_282226 *INVF: très bien ! 282226_283190 *CHIE: [/] we didn't learn to say happy ! 283190_289339 *INVF: content [/] content [//] heureux . 289339_292746 *CHIF: Thomas (c)ontent@g escargot . 292746_295718 *INVF: très bien . 295718_297494 *CHIF: au+revoir . 297494_299220 *INVF: au+revoir ! 299220_300279 *INVF: très bien ! 300279_301152 *INVF: parfait ! 301152_301730 *INVE: that was very good ! @End