@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fra, eng @Participants: INVF Florelle Investigator, INVE Florelle Investigator, CHIE Elicia Subject, CHIF Elicia Subject @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE||female|Y7|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF||female|Y7|MT|Subject||| @Media: MT_SR_FM_Y7_Elicia, audio @Transcriber: AC @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: so this is the story retelling . 0_2494 *INVE: and it (i)s Elicia . 2494_3844 *INVE: ok ! 3844_4673 *INVE: your go . 4673_5495 *CHIE: I can't read it ! 5495_6693 *INVE: it (i)s not about reading . 6693_7878 *INVE: it (i)s about telling me the story . 7878_9602 *INVE: so you say what you can . 9602_11113 *CHIE: Thomas wants a friend . 11113_11923 *INVE: in French . 11923_13714 *CHIE: I can't though [?] . 13714_15067 *CHIE: I don't know it in French ! 15067_16934 *INVE: well just say what you can . 16934_18396 *CHIE: Thomas ! 18396_19893 *INVE: ok ! 19893_20653 *INVE: and turn the pages when you're ready . 20653_22910 *INVE: and just say what you can on each picture . 22910_25417 *CHIE: he (i)s looking for a friend . 25417_28652 *INVE: in French . 28652_29665 *CHIE: I can't ! 29665_31378 *INVE: what (i)s [>] ? 31378_32994 *CHIE: [<] . 32994_33758 *INVE: I don't know . 33758_34660 *INVE: well you've done it many times . 34660_35905 *CHIE: I wasn't in . 35905_37199 *INVE: mmm ok . 37199_39127 *INVE: so you don't know . 39127_40172 *CHIE: I've been off (.) two weeks . 40172_41975 *INVE: that was before we did it . 41975_44216 *INVE: xx see you know how to say that . 44216_47127 %com: pointing at character on picture *CHIF: chat . 47127_49043 *INVE: ok . 49043_49787 *INVE: and do you know how to say that ? 49787_52247 *CHIF: tortue . 52247_53680 *INVE: see ? 53680_54660 *INVE: you can say more . 54660_55749 *INVE: you could even tell me it (i)s a green (.) tortoise . 55749_59593 *INVE: and a brown dog . 59593_60790 *INVE: [/] you can say more that you think you can . 60790_64200 *INVE: you need to have a go ! 64200_65989 *CHIE: only (be)cause I heard you say it ! 65989_67546 *CHIE: chat tortue . 67546_72012 *INVE: mmm . 72012_73522 *CHIE: wannabe friends . 73522_74066 *INVE: yeah . 74066_75373 *INVE: ami@s:fra$n is friends . 75373_76310 *INVE: ok . 76310_77149 *CHIE: chat@s:fra$n ask him if he can run . 77149_83810 *INVE: ok . 83810_85320 *CHIE: tortue@s:fra$n say [= r] . 85320_89258 *INVE: ok . 89258_91375 *CHIE: and chat@s:fra$n says [= r] . 91375_95360 *INVF: très bien ! 95360_96946 *CHIE: so chien@s:fra$n [//] um tortue@s:fra$n sad . 96946_102160 *INVE: mmm . 102160_103406 *CHIF: um (.) un@n chat@n ! 103406_107949 *INVF: très [>] . 107949_109321 *CHIF: [<]. 109321_109862 *INVF: très bien . 109862_111203 *CHIE: and tortue@s:fra$n ask un@n chat@n [= r] ? 111203_115889 *CHIE: and un@n@s:fra$det chat@n@s:fra$n says [= r] . 115889_119703 *CHIE: and tortue@s:fra$n says [= r] . 119703_120794 *CHIE: yes ! 120794_123951 *INVE: ok . 123951_126098 *CHIE: and tortue@s:fra$n says [= r] . 126098_128417 *INVE: ok . 128417_129881 *CHIE: tortue@s:fra$n say [= r] . 129881_135920 *CHIE: tortue@s:fra$n got no friends . 135920_142208 *INVE: you just sit down . 142208_144028 %com: to next subject *INVE: and you wait yeah ? 144028_144681 %com: to next subject . *INVE: won't be long . 144681_145691 %com: to next subject . *CHIE: say [= r] . 145691_146564 *INVE: ok . 146564_147374 *CHIE: tortue@s:fra$n meet turtle [//] snail . 147374_150080 *CHIE: and [/] and they're friends . 150080_151887 *CHIE: and they're friends . 151887_153893 *CHIE: and tortue@s:fra$n happy ! 153893_157802 *CHIE: and then he says <(au)+revoir@n> [= r] ! 157802_163419 *INVF: au+revoir ! 163419_164385 *INVE: ok . 164385_165429 *CHIE: can I go ? 165429_166752 @End