@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng,fra @Participants: CHIE Subject, CHIF Subject, INVE Investigator, INVF Investigator @ID: eng|BFP|CHIE||male|Y7|MT|Subject||| @ID: fra|BFP|CHIF||male|Y7|MT|Subject||| @ID: eng|BFP|INVE||female|||Investigator||| @ID: fra|BFP|INVF||female|||Investigator||| @Media: MT_SR_VR_Y7_Vincent, audio @Transcriber: CW @Situation: story retelling. *INVE: okay Vincent story retelling . 0_4489 *INVF: ok voici Thomas . 4489_6673 *INVF: il n' a pas d' amis . 6673_8066 *INVF: il cherche un ami . 8066_9609 *INVE: so who (i)s this ? 9609_19479 *CHIE: Thomas . 19479_20951 *INVE: okay and can you tell me anything about this picture ? 20951_25300 *CHIE: he (i)s lonely . 25300_27174 *INVE: yeah do you know how to say that in french ? 27174_29749 *CHIE: no . 29749_30802 *INVE: okay well let (u)s see let (u)s try the next picture . 30802_33698 *CHIF: le chien . 33698_36182 *INVE: yeah okay . 36182_38808 *INVE: so what does Thomas say to the +... 38808_40531 *CHIF: bonjour le chien . 40531_42626 *INVE: okay and what does +... 42626_45851 *CHIF: bonjour Thomas . 45851_46984 *INVE: excellent . 46984_47906 *INVE: okay . 47906_49239 *CHIE: do you want to be my friend ? 49239_52325 *INVE: okay do you know how to say that in french ? 52325_54359 *CHIE: no . 54359_55942 *INVE: are you sure . 55942_57166 *CHIE: sure . 57166_57927 *INVE: okay [//] do you know the word for friend ? 57927_61263 *INVE: it (i)s ami@s:fra$n . 61263_63678 *CHIF: ami@g . 63678_64289 *INVE: okay so est@s:fra$v ce@s:fra$pro que@s:fra$conj tu@s:fra$pro veux@s:fra$v être@s:fra$v mon@s:fra$pro ami@s:fra$n ? 64289_67486 *INVE: does that sound familiar ? 67486_68318 *INVE: no ? 68318_69660 *INVE: oh dear my goodness . 69660_71294 *INVE: alright ehm okay well let (u)s have a look . 71294_76233 *CHIE: too slow . 76233_80052 *INVE: okay do you remember how to say that ? 80052_82496 *INVE: can you say anything about that in french ? 82496_84810 *INVE: no ? 84810_86395 *INVE: okay . 86395_87887 *INVE: what about this one ? 87887_91624 *CHIE: sorry Thomas . 91624_93639 *INVE: okay can you say that in french ? 93639_96595 *INVE: no ? 96595_98639 *INVE: alright so what have we got here ? 98639_101975 *CHIE: Thomas is lonely again . 101975_105632 *INVE: okay well [/] what (i)s the dog saying ? 105632_108359 *CHIF: le chien au+revoir . 108359_110953 *INVF: ok très bien . 110953_113769 *INVE: well done . 113769_114180 *CHIE: Thomas is lonely . 114180_117586 *INVE: do you know how to say lonely in french ? 117586_119921 *INVE: okay . 119921_121915 *INVE: what about here ? 121915_126555 *CHIF: bonjour le chat . 126555_129380 *INVE: okay and what does the +... 129380_131715 *CHIF: bonjour Thomas . 131715_133168 *INVF: ok très bien . 133168_135072 *CHIE: do you want to be my friend ? 135072_138700 *INVE: and can you remember how to say that in french ? 138700_140854 *INVF: est+ce+que tu veux être mon ami ? 140854_143880 *INVE: okay oh got an extra page . 143880_148880 *CHIE: he can't climb . 148880_153700 *INVE: okay do you remember to climb or do you remember any of that in french ? 153700_158199 *INVE: no okay . 158199_160273 *CHIE: okay xxx . 160273_164953 *INVE: well [/] what (i)s he saying here ? 164953_168699 *CHIE: can't climb . 168699_170022 *INVE: okay . 170022_170913 *CHIF: au+revoir Thomas . 170913_173979 *INVE: okay . 173979_175443 *CHIF: pas d' amis . 175443_183119 *INVE: excellent . 183119_184491 *INVE: what have we got here ? 184491_186996 *CHIE: a snail . 186996_188109 *INVE: do you remember the french word for snail ? 188109_189963 *INVF: escargot . 189963_191806 *INVF: un escargot . 191806_192699 *CHIF: bonjour escargot . 192699_196236 *CHIF: bonjour Thomas . 196236_197317 *INVE: very good . 197317_198820 *CHIF: xxx pas d' amis . 198820_202898 *CHIF: oui . 202898_207749 *INVE: excellent . 207749_209433 *CHIF: merci . 209433_215985 *INVE: very good . 215985_218079 *INVE: anything else you can tell me about this picture ? 218079_221406 *INVE: no okay . 221406_224162 *CHIF: au+revoir . 224162_224812 *INVE: excellent . 224812_225595 *INVE: that (i)s the last one . 225595_226235 *INVE: thank you very much . 226235_227699 @End