@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: G39 Subject, G37 Partner, JVH Investigator, JOR Teacher @ID: fr|flloc|G39||male|School-2-8b1||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|G37|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|JVH|||||Investigator|| @ID: fr|flloc|JOR|||||Teacher|| @Date: 30-MAR-1995 @Coder: LON converter RFM *G39: bonjour . *G37: bonjour je m' appelle Daniel . *G39: bonjour je m' appelle Matthew (.) xx [^ eng: now what do we do (.) testing testing one two three] . *G37: bonjour . *G39: bonjour . *G37: bonjour je m' appelle Daniel . *G39: bonjour je m' appelle Matthew . *G37: alors . *G39: alors . *G37: euh (.) . *G39: activités (.) ? *G37: euh euh [^ eng: well] oui euh . *G39: [^ eng: tell me] oui [^ eng: what what what] ? *G37: euh le pa(tin) de glace . *G39: pa(tin) de glace . *G37: [^ eng: euh the archery the] piscine (.) . *G39: [^ eng: yeah] oui oui . *G37: euh euh (.) euh oui . *G39: [^ eng: xxx oh go on (.) look at your sheet and then tell me what' s on there] . *G37: euh the@s:det je tennis le fantastique tennis . *G39: [^ eng: shall we start again yeah right just say] je m' appelle Matthew je m' appelle Daniel [^ eng: start again] . *G37: [^ eng: the second] ? *G39: allô allô [^ eng: xxx] . %com: whispering and laughing *G37: [^ eng: shut up] . *G39: [^ eng: can we madame can we start again] ? *G37: [^ eng: start again] . *G39: je m' appelle Matthew Noble . *G37: la [^ eng: second go] je m' appelle Daniel . *G39: [^ eng: second go] (.) euh le bonjour euh comment t' appelles tu? *G37: euh je m' appelle Daniel euh oui? *G39: activités euh le Belleville? *G37: euh oui je tennis [/] tennis . *G39: oui [^ eng: so so] . *G37: euh le le golf . *G39: le golf patin de glace patin de glace . *G37: golf (.) euh the@s:det patin de glace is@s:v fantastique euh the@s:det +/. *G39: MacDonald' s . *G37: +, piscine the@s:det piscine the@s:det c' est pas mal euh the@s:det +... *G39: [^ eng: hello my name is xxx here' s my buddy] . *G37: the@s:det rest(aurant) et le restaurant +... *G39: de MacDonald' s . *G37: restaurant le pizza euh . *G39: MacDonald' s xx . *G37: euh le cinéma euh Sylvester Stallone (.) euh the@s:det ah la table+tennis [^ eng: the leisure park] c' est fantastique . *G39: euh la table_tennis@s:d fantastique euh histoire histoire euh fantastique et le le cinéma n(ul) nul le [^ eng: what' s the beach what' s the beach you' ve got to say it on the back what you like tell each other what you like and dislike] euh la bicyclette c' est nul le euh patin à glace c' est pas mal MacDonald' s eh nul le pizza um oui euh c' est pas mal [^ eng: now you say what you like on the back] . *G37: le xx . *G39: [^ eng: say the ticks and all that] c' est fantastique [^ eng: and that] . *G37: euh [^ eng: the euh the the xxx] . *G39: [^ eng: xxx you haven' t finished you' ve got to say it oh you haven' t got xxx but we are a bit stuck] . *G37: euh [^ eng: the euh I can' t understand I don' t know what the words are] . *JVH: [^ eng: ok have you talked about what activities there are and what you like and don' t like] ? *G39: [^ eng: yeah] . *JVH: [^ eng: ok now you want to decide on a day so here' s pupil a@l or either of you can suggest a day you can suggest a day that you' re free do you know the days in French] ? *G39: euh le lundi . *JVH: ok lundi Daniel? *G37: euh non . *JVH: non [^ eng: ok] . *G39: euh le [^ eng: oh sugar] . %com: rehearsing days as private speech *JVH: ok Daniel tu peux? *G37: the@s:d samedi? *JVH: samedi? *G39: samedi (.) euh non non samedi . *JVH: non ok . %com: laughs *G39: ven(dredi) vendredi? *JVH: vendredi c' est bien . *G37: oui . *JVH: oui ok [^ eng: you can put a tick in there then that' s fine and then write down decide the activities you both want to do and write those down and then decide about eating] MacDonald' s pizza oui non? *G39: MacDonald' s . *G37: euh [^ eng: where (.) the table_tennis] ? *G39: oui oui table_tennis (.) um le [^ eng: where to eat] le MacDonald' s? *G37: euh oui . *G39: euh (.) euh [^ eng: what what what un@n euh do first] ? *G37: [^ eng: pardon] ? *G39: [^ eng: what do we do first] ? *G37: euh [^ eng: how about the table_tennis? then then] . *G39: MacDonald' s . *G37: MacDonald' s . *G39: [^ eng: the ten ten] . *G37: [^ eng: how about the] +... *G39: histoire histoire . *G37: pa(tin) de glace? *G39: histoire? *G37: pa(tin) de glace . *G39: patin à glace ok patin à glace patin à glace euh le [^ eng: where the euh place to meet place to meet] ? *G37: euh [^ eng: how about le meet] +... *G39: [^ eng: table_tennis courts] ? *G37: [^ eng: how about the meet] +... *G39: [^ eng: outside MacDonald' s] ? *G37: oui MacDonald' s . *G39: MacDonald' s Mac(donalds) [^ eng: meet at what time] ? *G37: euh (.) . *G39: [^ eng: one o' clock] une he(ure) une une heure (.) ? *G37: dix heures . *G39: dix heures . *G37: dix heures . *G39: dix heures [^ eng: ten o' clock] (.) oui euh (.) xxx et le Daniel . *G37: oui? *G39: [^ eng: the] euh euh . *G37: [^ eng: shopping] . *G39: [^ eng: what' s shopping] ? *G37: [^ eng: euh the] . *G39: [^ eng: ask her] . *G37: le market@s:d xxx . *G39: [^ eng: or shall I just say it] euh oui [^ eng: xx go shopping do you want to go shopping] ? *G37: oui . *G39: euh euh [^ eng: do you like shopping] ? *G37: oui . *G39: oui euh [^ eng: what] euh c' est pas mal or@s:con eh fantastique [^ eng: do one tick for fantas(tique) oh two ticks for fantastique euh one for super euh the] cinéma (.) c' est pas mal (.) ? *G37: [^ eng: it' s meant to be about a friend your friend not you] . %com: whispering *G39: [^ eng: sorry about that] euh le le Fred les Fred euh treize y euh treize [^ eng: years old] euh les c' est pas mal le shopping euh les cinéma nul le table_tennis@s:d fantastique euh history@s:d fantastique euh la pizza fantastique (.) euh MacDonald' s (.) euh les c' est nul (.) et les beach@s:d beach@s:d euh c' est pas mal et bicyclette nul (.) et patin à glace euh patin à glace c' est pas mal (.) euh xxx euh je de je m' app(elle) je m' appelle Fred euh [^ eng: come along with us] ? *G37: euh le table_tennis fantastique oui euh le +... *G39: le MacDonald' s nul . *G37: le MacDonald' s nul euh (.) oui . *G39: oui . *G37: oui . *G39: oui (.) xxx . %com: off task talk in English while waiting for Investigator *JOR: vous avez fini? *G37: oui . *G39: oui oui oui oui . *JOR: très bien vous avez fini? *G37: oui . *G39: oui . *JOR: vous allez refaire ou non [^ eng: are you going to do it again] ? *G37: [^ eng: well we started again half way through because it was wrong] . *JOR: ok (.) . *G37: fini . *G39: oui fini . *JOR: oui c' est bien c' est bien . @End