@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: en @Participants: SSG Subject, SEP Subject, SAH Subject, STS Subject, SLH Subject, SSL Subject, SX7 Subject, SAN ShowHost @ID: en|guillot|SSG|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SEP|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SAH|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|STS|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SLH|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SSL|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SX7|||4NE||Subject|3FH Final Year French Honours student post-year abroad| @ID: en|guillot|SAN|||||ShowHost|| @Coder: Marie-Noëlle Guillot converter MMT *SAN: (we're) here today just to talk about er anti_smoking campaigns and erm: basically on 'this side we've got a s(sx) a team of people who ar(are) who are 'against (.) and on this side we have a team of people who are 'for er so er: so I'd just like to hear your opinion er: (.) SEP what's your opinion with regards er: 'publicity and er: and and smoking do you think as (.) adverts for cigarettes should be allowed [>1] think they're a bad influence. *SEP: [<1]. *SEP: no as far as I know they're not allowed in (.) England on 'television (.) but (.) I do think they have a bad influence you know you can't have (.) an 'advert adverts basically say th(that) (.) that things are ok you know in our society I don't think we should have any publicity because (.) I don't think that smoking is ok (.) you know if young people see these adverts they're just (.) (.) [>1] their something in their brain is going to (.) 'accept smoking as s(something) [>2] something which is [^ com: suspended briefly]. *SAN: <[^ gui: startFalse] xxx xxx [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SSG: [<2]. *SSG: [^ gui: INTR] they're susceptible [>] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SEP: [^ gui: TCDR] < you know acceptable> [<] . *SAN: [<] [^ com: overlaps with SSG's 'so'] . *SSG: having adverts isn't going to help . *SAN: ok . *STS: erm they do have adverts on 'billboards erm say round (.) [>1] and but they d(do) they do erm state on there that it's harmful for the for the health (.) erm so (.) everyone should be conscient(conscientx) (.) erm conscious that (.) erm [>]. *SSG: [<1]. *SSG: [^ gui: INTP] [<] means nothing though really does it [^ gui: INTPclose] . *STS: well . *SSG: surely . *STS: [^ gui: TCD] yes I think it does I ha(have) I thi(think) . *SLH: [^ gui: INTP] yeah because when they actually [>1] in 'big letters like almost [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SSG: [<1]. *STS: [<]. *SAN: right does anyone know if there's been a change in the figure of people who smoke since the introduction of these leaflets of these erm the new [^ com: clicks tongue + suspended] . *SLH: it [>] yeah . *SSG: [<]. @Comment: all: hm *SAN: yeah yeah . *SLH: I don't know figures [>]. *SAN: [^ gui: INTP] [<] I mean I know many smokers who say that well they've a (.) they've always known this and so: [>1] these new signs mean nothing to them [>2] I was just wondering about [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SSG: [<1]. *SLH: [<2]. *SSL: [<] might have an impact on the people who 'start smoking . *SSG: indeed I think [>1] really to [>2] who're already smokers I mean [>3] (.) (.) they look at it you know [>4] you get the foreign ones you think are funny because it says something else [^ com: laughter from STS] and it's you know funny to get the lo(lox) the most original one or whatever but I mean peop(people) (.) erm: (.) people who already smoke I mean it's it doesn't seem to make mu (.) that much difference but obviously to (.) [>]. *SAH: [<1]. *SSL: [<2]. *SSL: [<3]. *SSL: <[^ gui: startFalse] I reckon [^ gui: endFalse]> [<4]. *SSL: [^ gui: INTP] [<] and you read a message saying there's(there's) smoking can cause a slow and painful death (.) I reckon it might be a bit scary for if you're just being twelve years old so (.) it [>1] just I don't know if it would make an effect in on 'long term but then (.) in the moment that you read that I guess you just feel a bit scared [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SSG: [<1]. *SEP: <[^ gui: SIM] hm> [<]. *STS: <[^ gui: SIM] hm> [<]. *SLH: <[^ gui: SIM] yeah> [<] the adverts on TV as well the ones wher(where) with the 'fat coming out of them [^ com: noises of agreement/recognition from several] [>1] I mean that would put (.) a child off smoking [>]. *SAN: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah the cigarette that [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SSG: [<]. *SAN: [^ gui: startFalse] ok (.) so er [^ gui: endFalse]. *SSG: there's(there's) so before I was s(surpirsed) you know surprised that it hadn't (.) that campaign hadn't you know taken effect earlier I mean (.) years ago that it's only recently started to be more of an issue (.) especially on TV (.) . @Comment: SAN thinks SSG has abandoned message *SAN: [^ gui: startFalse] and also [^ gui: endFalse]. *SSG: [^ gui: TCDFS] and the anti_smoking things like Nicorette and chewing gum and stuff [>1] become like almost huge business now it's become a lot more (.) r prevalent. *SAN: [<1]. *SLH: France is quite behind as well with (.) erm [^ com: SAN coughs] advertising cigarettes as well and I don't know whether you found when you were in France every time you had a break all the French students would vacate the lecture theatre to go and have a fag (.) like every [^ com: indrawn breath] half an hour they'd need a fag and before (.) l(lectures) lectures in the b(bx) about eight o'clock in the morning they need to smoke and [^ com: indrawn breath] our uni just (.) stank of smoke all the time and we always stank of smoke [^ com: indrawn breath] but it's just behind in France and they're only just starting now to take any action . *SSG: hm . *SAN: hm I found it quite strange in France actually because I was working in a in a lycée and it's quite strange to walk into a playground and and see: (.) chi(children) well not children but youn(young) young adults smoking and it was allowed [>1] I was told. *SSG: [<1]. *SSG: [^ gui: INTN] < it was actually allowed> [<] on the playgrounds [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SAN: yeah it was allowed but I [>]. *SSG: [^ gui: INTN] [<] going up to the tennis courts [>] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SAN: [<] round the corner or anything but I was told that that was (.) a(ax) er brought in recently actually because of the (.) the security threats and so: they're trying to avoid kids being out on the street so it's(it's) it's better for them to be (.) in the playgrounds where they can be supervised . *SSG: though I think that's they should just surely ban it and say you can't smoke because you can't come into the school what what ages w(wx) was it was it like . *SAN: sixteen to eighteen they were . *SAH: isn't that slightly (.) 'unrealistic though because then as soon as they get out of school [>]. *SSG: [<] (.) < you know xxx> [>]. @Comment: SSG, STS and SSL speech overlaps *STS: [<] [>1] sixteen can't [>]. *SSL: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah but in France [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAN: [<] . *SSL: [^ gui: TCDFS] you have to remember though like you've got really really long school days in France s(sx) whereas they're longer than here in England (.) I went to a French school sym(symx) school system myself and (.) you just spend all your life in school really and you don't actually go out and smoke after school if you're not already smoking 'in school and I know that we had this system of if you: wanted to smoke in school you needed a signature from your parents which is also (.) letting: putting a lot of people off the smoking because they're not going to get this from their parents (.) [>1] and so: if they get caught then they're just going to get [>]. *SSG: <[^ gui: startFalse] xxx xxx [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SSG: [^ gui: INTN] [<] isn't it you're talking about sixteen to eighteen [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SAN: yeah [>]. *SSL: [<] yeah . *SAN: [^ com: faintly] yeah . *SAH: but I I don't really think 'advertising contributes much towards this sort of (.) teenage smoking a l(lx) a lot of the French as well smoked weed and you don't get advertisements for that erm anywhere do you although y(you) [>1] possibly it could be considered as quite a cool image [>2] [>3] but you certainly don't (.) aren't confronted with it on TV or (.). *SAN: [<1]. *SAN: [<2]. *SSG: [<3]. *SSG: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx xxx> [<]. *SSL: <[^ gui: SIM] that's because> [<] it's illegal though . *SAH: well y(yes) it is but what a(ax) what I'm saying is that erm: (.) there there's no (.) 'advertising which (.) makes that popular in the same way that [^ com: indrawn breath] you know which I don't think [>1] the popularity of smoking really stems from (.) from advertising. *SSL: [<1]. *SAN: right ok and erm what about just continuing with like public places erm in Ireland recently they've w(wx) I think about a year ago now they they they've made smoking in public places such as restaurants and pubs (.) 'illegal what would you think of England taking that stance (.) because it has been discussed in the press recently do you think that's a: a xxx step forward or do you think it's (.) it's going too far . *STS: well yes I do I think it's going too far I think that we shouldn't control people too much everyone should have a you know [>1] erm we shouldn't [>2] we shouldn't be forced to do this or that (.) there should be places set aside where people 'can smoke [>3] and then peo(people) if people don't want to smoke o(or) or don't want to ha(have) to erm(erm) erm breathe in the smoke from other people then (.) maybe there should be places set aside for them where it's non_smoking [>]. *SSG: <[^ com: quietly to SSL] do you still smoke> [<1]. *SSL: <[^ com: negative] hm> [<2]. *SAN: [<3]. *SAN: [<] ok . *STS: [^ gui: TCD] you've got to balance the n(needs) needs of both (.) people not not just ban it completely (.) [>]. *SAN: yeah [>] that's a xxx consideration but what would you say with regard to people who 'work in pubs or (.) [>] [^ com: suspended] . *STS: [<] it's their choice to work in pubs I mean there's lots of other jobs available (.) and y(you) [>1] know when when if you go to a pub that (.) there's probably going to be s(sx) erm people smoking and [^ com: suspended] . *SAN: [<1]. *SAH: and think of all the other smells as well that the tobacco actually covers up like the smell of stale beer [^ com: laughter over the rest of SAH's speech] or the toilets or whatever else I th(thx) I s(sx) . *SSL: [^ gui: INTR] it's not only smell that's a health thing it's passive smoking [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SAH: well yeah but there has to be a trade_off somewhere doesn't there I mean everything in life [>1] [^ com: laughter] every(everything) [^ com: louder] everything in life can kill you it's just depends on the dosage surely. *SSL: [<1]. *SAN: hm ok and what about erm: (.) just going back on advertising actually erm: the freedom of the 'press so for example I mean do you think we(we) we are f(x) we are b(beginning) we are beginning to go too far with erm: the role (.) with interference with with laws and things when whereby we try and [^ com: indrawn breath] 'mould a society do you think it's going too far by(by) what do you think about the role of the press in society (.) and cigarettes . *SEP: with regards to cigarettes . *SAN: yeah with regards to cigarettes . *SEP: erm: I think you know with the enlargement of the: the warning (.) bits that're on on each box of cigarettes that's sold I think with 'that and with regards to the adverts that're on TV at the moment with the 'fat coming out of the cigarettes [>1] which is really disgusting (.) erm lots of people I've (.) well talked to are disgusted by all these things and [>]. *SAN: [<1]. *SAN: [<] . *SSG: [^ gui: INTR] but they carry on anyway [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SEP: [^ gui: TCDR] you know they carry on they don't care they're desensitised to (.) just the fact that smoking's an awful habit and you know . *SSG: [^ gui: INTR] yeah (.) it's acceptance [>1] doing it anyway but I think that sort of thing is definitely aimed at (.) people who're er non_smokers to det(deter) it's more of a deterrent rather than [^ com: suspended] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SEP: [<1]. *SEP: I think it works for them . *SSG: yeah . *SAN: yeah . *SEP: but not for people who're already smoking although it will start people thinking (.) which is (.) definitely a good aim . *SAN: hm: [>1] but I I do agree with a point that was mentioned before that erm: the the nature of our (.) of our 'thinking has changed and we are moving towards a healthier society and so erm the idea of sm(smx) you know lots of programmes as you watch the evening TV it's about you know a whole street (.) ung(ungx) g(gx) er stands on scales [>2] to lose weight together and stopping smoking and and so that xxx [>]. *SEP: [<1]. *SSG: [<2]. *SAH: [^ gui: INT] [<] isn't the fact that we 'have programmes like this a sign that we're moving 'away from a healthier society because (.) you know we the fact that we 'need these programmes the fact that (.) obesity is becoming more and more of a problem [>1] erm: surely that that shows the opposite that we're becoming a more 'unhealthy society [^ gui: INTclose]. *SAN: [<1]. *SAN: yeah but I think by the fact the fact that they're shown on TV now it's it's addressing the problem so we're trying to move away from it I think [>1] but [^ com: suspended] . *SAH: [<1]. *SSG: but surely about obesity that's it hasn't got that much to do with cigarettes obviously it's bad for your health but not in the way that (.) [>]. *SAH: [<] I think that in France certainly a lot of the girls smoked an: in order 'not to eat really I think [>1] [>2] there was some French girls that I lived with had very very small meals and then would smoke about five cigarettes afterwards and that way they didn't feel hungry and I'm [>3] (.) not sure how scientific that is but certainly that seemed to be <(.) (.)> [>4] what I experienced. *SEP: [<1]. *SAN: [<2]. *SEP: [<3]. *SSG: [<4]. *STS: erm anyway erm people who smoke they find it harder to do exercise and keep fit anyway (.) <(.) so that's> [>]. *SAN: [<] . *SEP: [^ gui: INTR] [<] a vicious circle [^ gui: INTRclose] . @Comment: gentle laughter from SEP, SAN and STS *STS: yeah er well (.) erm: (.) (.) erm I I just think that [^ com: clears throat] well it should just be their choice really [^ com: slight laugh from STS] . *SAN: right on the film they they gave cited an extreme example of erm stopping the the 'sale of cigarettes what do you [^ com: slight laugh in voice] what are both your opinions with regard that (.) just [^ com: suspended] . *SSG: [<] [>1] xx just go on [>]. *SLH: [<1]. *SLH: [<] like in the economy of (.) most most countries 'depend on it and the amount of people that are employed in it it just there's no way if if f(fx) smoking was introduced now it would be banned no doubt [>1] the same with alcohol as well because [>2] [>3] in our culture that it'd be impossible to: (.) completely ban cig(cigarette) cigarette manufacturing. *SAN: [<1]. *SSG: [<2]. *SEP: [<3]. *SAN: right . *STS: and er it's also very useful because th(the) the government take a lot of taxes and make a lot of money out of th(the) the sale of cigarettes [>1] anyway and [^ com: suspended] . *SAN: [<1]. *SEP: and the NHS have to spend a lot of money (.) on smoking_related diseases . *STS: <[^ gui: SIM] yeah> [<]. *SAN: <[^ gui: SIM] that's true> [<] sixty eight thousand people a year . *STS: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] at least by [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SEP: <[^ gui: SIM] who die> [<]. *SAN: yeah . *STS: but at 'least by selling it officially erm you actually (.) will get the taxes whereas if it was sold (.) unofficially [>1] <(.) (.) (.)> [^ com: laughter and agreement] people wouldn't bother [>2] paying taxes like that (.) erm [^ com: suspended] . *SSG: [<1]. *SEP: [<2]. *SSG: I think for a from any side (.) for or against (.) eradicating cigarettes would be a [>1] (.) (.) 'utopian kind of idea idealist but [^ com: suspended] . *SX7: [<1]. @Comment: SSG tails off. Small pause, sound of sniffs *SAN: ok erm: (.) (.) anything to add . *SSG: dried up . *SAN: erm . *SAN: <[^ gui: SIM] anyone else got anything else to add> [<] . *SEP: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] I think what Simon was [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SSG: [<]. *SEP: [<] what Simon was saying about being a(a) a utopian idea it w(would) it would be so difficult to eradicate cigarettes we have to find ways 'around smoking but we can't just stop it [>1] because it is(is) will carry on and it's just part of society today it's just what people do (.) [>]. *SAH: <[^ gui: startFalse] no but it's [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAH: < maybe the way> [<] to eradicate is to look at the reasons why it's [>1] (.) why why [>]. *SEP: <[^ gui: startFalse] I know [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAN: <(so) popular> [<] . *SEP: because of other social [>]. *SAN: [<] . *SAH: yeah . *SAN: hm . *STS: a lot of people 'feel they need to smoke and that would make that could (.) drive them n(nx) over the edge if they suddenly (.) had the freedom to smoke erm taken away from them (.) erm . *SSL: but I think it's not as if you 'need to smoke it's just a kind of (.) eating sweet thing or having (.) a [>1] yeah it's like it is an [>]. *SAN: [<1]. *STS: [^ gui: INTP] [<] as well I mean we might as well [>1] because half the things are bad for you [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SAN: [<1]. *SAN: right that's true but I think with smoking that's: particular in that it does have an effect on the people around you I mean (.) some people just don't [>1] don't like it [>]. *SEP: [<1]. *SSG: [^ gui: INT] [<] figures it's one of the biggest killers in the UK [^ gui: INTclose] . *SAN: yeah . *SSG: [^ gui: TCD] you can't really ignore that . *SAN: yeah . *SAH: but there's ways of ways of dealing with that without actually stopping the individual from smoking [>1] (.) erm: you know you can (.) I y(you) you could have restaurants where you are 'allowed to smoke in [>2] (.) others that that won't I mean surely if there is this great market out there of people who (.) who really want to go somewhere where there won't be any smoke [>3] (.) then surely the market would cater for that and create restaurants and bars where where it was no smoking you shouldn't really need the government to [>]. *SAN: [<1]. *SAN: [<2]. *SAN: [<3]. *SSL: [<] the point though I think the point the restaurants why there aren't bars and restaurants etcetera like this is because there's simply no 'business for it (.) because you'd get the ma (.) the majority of people (.) would end up going to the bars because if you go four people one out of four people'd smoke and they'd all want to (.) have to go to that (.) smoking restaurant then (.) I think it's just there's no business for it in the long run . *SAN: [<] . *SSG: [^ gui: INT] [<] what you expect as well I mean as a n(non) (.) non_smoker I've got lots of friends who smoke if we go out (.) or anyone really if you go to a restaurant with someone you expect there to be (.) smoking non_smoking section [>1] (.) so [^ gui: INTclose]. *SAN: [<1]. *STS: that's a step forward from (.) the past s(sx) that's what I mean that must have been introduced at some stage . *SAN: yeah that's true I think that erm like like Stine said that I don't think (.) I think the the demand for these things is a bit [^ com: STS coughs] dubious because for example of the Union bar here [>2] (.) I mean it's got a non_smoking section and it's (.) 'often empty (.) and and n(now) now in fact because of th(the) it the lack of use of it they're actually going to make a smoking section and it was the same with the previous bar there was an [>1] 'individual bar which was non_ smoking and it was (.) 'always empty [>]. *SSG: [<1]. *SSG: [<2]. *SSL: [^ gui: INTR] [<] a football match (.) [>] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SAN: [<] (.) so that that that's quite a str(strnage) quite strange really well it's not strange I th(the) I can see the social f(fx) draw to it because I mean 'I'm a non_smoker but I oft(often) always went to I always go to the smoking section because that's where the people I know are and it always seems more fun in a in a lot of [^ com: laughing] ways [>]. *SSG: [<] seems a lot of the time where those statistics say that (.) obviously there's (.) the majority are non_smokers and (.) there are a lot of si(six) social situations non_smokers are the minority . *SLH: <[^ gui: SIM] hm> [<]. *SAN: <[^ gui: SIM] hm> [<] yeah [>]. *SAH: [<] about how (.) how empty the bars and pubs would be if we banned smoking everyone would just stay at home really you know you'd get a few [^ com: indrawn breath] miserable old (.) [^ com: laughter which continues over the rest of SAH's and S1AN's speeches] people who'd sit in there <'not smoking> [>]. *SAN: [<] . *SAH: yeah [^ com: laughter] (.) you know think of the loss of trade and the (.) unemployment issues in bars and pubs I think in Ireland (.) something like trade has gone down by about [>1] per cent in (.) in pubs (.) due to this well that they attribute to (.) the smoking ban. *SX7: [<1]. *SSL: it's sad . *SSL: [^ com: in an undertone] can we stop now . *SAN: ok I think we'll leave it there thank you very much for your time . @Comment: general laughter @End